O my God, incline thine ear, and hear open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplication before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. Daniel is greatly beloved, and confessed his sin, and the sin of the people. and Jehovah God heard him, and answered his prayer. O that we could be a Daniel today, and cry out to God to forgive our sins, and the sin of he nation. So that healing and forgiveness can come upon thy people.
Motdaugrnds-It is in reference to Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31 and Daniel 12:11- First here is Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Here is Daniel 11:31 32--31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. 32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. The short answer to your question is the desolator is the Antichrist himself...standing in the Holy Place claiming to be the true Christ.
Verse 39 is a reference to Daniel 9:7 O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day to the men of Judah, MATCHES ACTS 2:14 YE MEN OF JUDAEA, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, MATCHES ACTS 2:14 AND ALL YE TAHT DWELL AT JERUSALEM, and unto all Israel, MATCHES ACTS 2:22 YE MEN OF ISRAEL, that are near, and that are FAR OFF, THIS MATCHES ACTS 2:39 AND TO ALL THAT AFAR OFF, Ephesians 2:13-17 wasn 't available to anyone until after Acts 28. Paul wasn 't even saved yet and the MYSTERY of the church wasn 't revealed yet See Eph 3:1-9. Those afar off and their children are the Jews of the dispersion who are represented at Pentecost by the list given in verses 6-11. I hope this helps. Much prayer is needed.
Ar vs 27 and he Antichrist for 7 years shorten for the elect sake to 5 months, and in the middle of the 5 months Satan will cause communion to stop because they will be worshipping the wrong Christ and the spreading of his will make it desolate of truth with lies and deception and the fact that he is sitting in the temple saying he is God up until the end and then it will be poured upon the desolator. The first desolate is a condition and the second one is an entity desolator.
Verse25, God is higher than a king, a king is higher than a prince. When Jesus returns would it be to hold a lesser position than the kings of the earth, returning as a prince and not a king? Kings rule kingdoms, not princes. This is a scripture that makes me think that the Messiah the prince spoken of here is not Jesus but another anticipated Messiah. Because when Jesus returns it is to set up a kingdom to rule. If Messiah the prince is Jesus then there will be an earthly king that rules him. I have found no scripture that supports that.
Chuck is right, ...AD1948 Israel becomes a nation again again AD688 Caliph Omar constructs the dome of the rock on the temple mount 1260 years, not days. The bible tells us all the time that a day is a year with God. 1260 years 30 days per month 42 months. There is not a seven year tribulation. Sorry, people, Daniel has already been fulfilled so there is no place for your pretrib rapture. Yeshua is coming but we will see great tribulation before he comes back. He told us in John 16 that there would come a time when people who killed us would think they are doing God a service and the Muslims say we are polytheists because we worship Yeshua as God. They say that God raised him to heaven because he knew that the Jews were going to kill him. They say he was only a prophet to begin with and that he was not the Son of God, let alone God. So they, according to their eschatology, say that the end will not come until all the Jews are dead and they convert or kill all Christians.
TO Art Regan 's Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 remark I really couldn 't follow your thoughts. It 's a confusing remark. Do you mean to say that with Jesus Resurrection everything finished? In What period are we living now? Are we now waiting for judgement day? Can you be more specific about it?Thank you.
Hi, names Art.liked what Rodney had to say.Can l offer some views? Conside the church age as within a set of brackets, ie 3.5 years of Christs ministry ....... 3.5 years of tribulation for a seven year period.Our K J says "the "and not "a " at Dan 9 27.When Christ made the statement at Mark 1 15 could He have been saying the the time has began ? If we remove our gaze from the set of brackets the church age then we seem to have the 7 years.lt would mean that the resurection they must have also gone into Heaven as its appointed once to die then the judgement of they who awoke will actualy occur at the same time as the future event that most of us are waiting for. Regards to all, Art.
"He will confirm a covenant with many " is this not the Holy Spirit on the day of pentecost? Is not all of Daniel 9 the first coming of Christ, an end of the sacrifice, the anointing of the Holy one, the giving of the Holy Spirit, the desolation of Israel, and possibly the rebuke on Rome? Seventy 7s 490 years after Daniel received the message from Gabriel, Christ was crucified. cut off . Seven 7s and sixty two 7s 483 years after the decree to rebuild the temple Ezra Christ went to the cross. The issue to rebuild the temple was 7 years after Gabriel gave Daniel the message, for Daniel would not know when the decree was to be given for it was 7 years later to confirm to us it was true prophecy. The following "one 7 " one week has nothing to do with the other 2 previous groups of 7s years. Is not the "one 7 " the week of pentecost, confirming the New Covenant? Pre tribers have jumped to wrong conclusions. The rapture is just before the 7th trump of revelation right after the 6 trump. Revelation 10 7 and 1 Corinthians 15 51 52. There are no other trumps in the new testament. Pre trib rapture is immature wishful interpretation. I could write a book about it but others have. Only the enemy would fool us to believe we should not be ready for the testing and only be ready for the rapture which pre tribers believe born again 's will miss if they 're "not ready ". In a way rejecting eternal security. eternal security is mostly calvinistic though others pick the best of both views. Pre tibers also believe the most exalted saints the tribulation saints miss the wedding of the lamb. RIDICULOUS!! "for I saw the souls of those... " Revelation 20 4 5 The tribulation saints coming to life is the first resurrection AND the dead in Christ rising, and is BEFORE the RATURE!!! 1Thessalonians 4 13 17. Be ready for at least the first 6 trumps come before the rapture. I hope I 'm wrong, if I am no loss, If I 'm right pre tribers will be taken off guard and terrified. The dome of the rock islam 's temple is where it should not be, it is the modern day abomination standing where it does not belong. Only Zionist Christians believe the temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices start again. They are trying to make this come to pass. this would insult God after Christ was the final sacrifice!! Think hard study hard have faith in Jesus.
He was a great man of faith.He had believed in God at all costs.He had laid a foundation of faith that the world today is revived of. I admire his stand inGod.
Daniel 9 has some salient messages in it one of which is found in verse 23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth and I am come to show thee for thou art greatly beloved It shows to me the confirmation of God s promise in ISAIAH 65 24 where God says He would answer before we call and that He would hear us while we are yet speaking We must see God as our Father who greatly loves us and is just waiting for us to talk to Him in prayer in all sincerity of heart
READ �.)�
When so called ison passed the Sun, it was a sign in Heaven that 1 year has passed to the day since the u.n. vote to +setup+ the dividing of the land of Jerusalem 11-29-2012.
READ: Daniel chapter 7, 11 & 12�
Revelations chapter 12 vers 12.
�Luke chapter 21-vers20.�
Then READ: u.n. general assembly GA/11317. A.S.A.P.
They stand against God in the vote. Read Daniel chp 11.
"Come out of her people of God"!
They are as the serpent in the Garden that says God shall not surely destroy them but He will destroy their lands! And they will weep and not be heard! And He sends His Angels to cast them into the pit that was made for the evil angels!�
You have read this far and no longer have a cloak in this matter.�
If you do not research it is your own heart you have to blame.
You have been told!
There are 2 person here in 9:24-27. The anointed one and the one who causes desolation. Jesus is not the one who destroy the Temple and the City and by causing desolation.
This passage has many facets that do leave much to be pondered
One posting on a Christian forum I read where the writer says Daniel 9:26 (KJV) and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;
This has an interesting statement that this prince is not Jesus but a prince of the temple to come ? For Jesus was no prince of the romans as i read that often this section of scripture is related they say to Christs first coming... to me at a quick glance this could be the coming evil man of perdition
without God's guidance we drift off in unsure directions. In Prayer we receive satisfaction to know that we have asked the Savior and in asking HIM we are sure that HIS will, will be done. If in doubt God can do then don't pray. Some prayers do take (in our estimation) a long time, but it is on time. Patience (waiting) can be hard.
I believe that Daniel 9:26-27 is talking about the time of our Lord's crucifixion, (26) The Messiah was cut off, the Romans did destroy and killed many. (27)Messiah was crucified in the midst of the week and not on the false teaching of the Friday crucifixion, and the sacrifice and the oblation to cease from then on to this day.
When worked out from the Wednesday crucifixion it gives us the true Tree days and Three nights which the Messiah spoke about (72hr), and not the 2 days and one night that the Church teaches.
There are many things written in the Book of Revelation that has to be revealed...very soon. The sealed visions...will be unsealed...and, our blood moons coming in the year 2014 and 2015 according to NASA and Pastor John Hagee...Our Messiah is only a short time away from returning!!
Verses 26-37 are describing how things will be likened before the second advent (return) of Christ and using the days of Noah ( Genesis 6-9), and the days of Lot ( Genesis 18 and 19) as ensamples.
a. Verses 34-37 are describing a post tribulation rapture ( Revelation 11:11, 12) to take place after the abomination of desolation (anti-Christ) breaks the peace treaty with Israel at mid-tribulation ( Daniel 9:27).
"Consider the vision" is telling Daniel that this is a future end of time event. Verse 25, ..."to build the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times." When Jesus returns and rebuilds Jerusalem that will not be in "Troublous" times. The war will be over and Jesus will already have flooded Jerusalem as the result of an earthquake at his arrival. Jesus will not be cut off at this time, the war is over! So, to build Jerusalem unto the "Messiah the Prince" cannot be building it for Jesus the Messiah. This must be for a false Messiah-Prince. Jerusalem will be bombed during the first part of World War 3. A new religious building dedicated to the false Messiah will be built in Jerusalem during the 2nd part of WW3. 26 "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself"; I believe this means that Christianity will be cut off but not the belief in Jesus. The false Messiah-Prince will accept Jesus but not as the Messiah. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. The covenant is the WW3 peace treaty that takes a week to draw up. During the midst of the week of negotiations, Christianity will become a forbidden religion. The sacrifice (Christian prayer) and the oblation (a solemn offering or presentation to God; the belief in the doctrine of Jesus as the Son of God, the Body and Blood of Christ as Savior) will cease (by worldwide governmental law). Christianity will be considered an abomination that is the cause of war. It will become desolate (not allowed to be practiced), even until the consummation (up until the true Messiah, Jesus returns), and that determined (punishment for people that refuse to deny their Christian faith) shall be poured upon the desolate.
When reading the gospels, one must remember to rightly divide the bible into periods of time, and knowing the group of people the book, chapter and verse(s) are directed to. This chapter as is Matthew 24, and Luke 21 are mostly prophetic for the Jews in the future, after rapture of church age Christians only. Jesus is talking about what the spiritual and earthly conditions will be like just before the 2nd advent. Some of these prophecies have already began and will increase as we get closer to the 2nd advent. The key verse to understand is verse 14, which directly speaking of the anti-Christ that will break the peace covenant ( Daniel 9:27) with the nation of Israel that was signed about 31/2 years earlier. Then the anti-Christ which came in bringing peace ( Daniel 11:24) will begin to slay the Jews by the millions (about 14 millions) more than twice as many as Hitler did. And they are given here a warning to start fleeing Israel to Selah Petra (present day Jordan) south of the dead sea to escape the slaughter that is going on and where God will divinely provide for them until Christ�s return. The great tribulation time will begin in verse 14, which is what you can read about in Revelation 4:1 (rapture of the Christians) to Revelation 19:11-16 (the 2nd advent).
When so called ison passed the Sun, it was a sign in Heaven that 1 year has passed to the day since the u.n. vote to +setup+ the dividing of the land of Jerusalem 11-29-2012.
READ: Daniel chapter 7, 11 & 12�
Revelations chapter 12 vers 12.
�Luke chapter 21-vers20.�
Then READ: u.n. general assembly GA/11317. A.S.A.P.
They stand against God in the vote. Read Daniel chp 11.
"Come out of her people of God"!
They are as the serpent in the Garden that says God shall not surely destroy them but He will destroy their lands! And they will weep and not be heard! And He sends His Angels to cast them into the pit that was made for the evil angels!�
You have read this far and no longer have a cloak in this matter.�
If you do not research it is your own heart you have to blame.
You have been told!
One posting on a Christian forum I read where the writer says
Daniel 9:26 (KJV) and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;
This has an interesting statement that this prince is not Jesus but a prince of the temple to come ? For Jesus was no prince of the romans as i read that often this section of scripture is related they say to Christs first coming... to me at a quick glance this could be the coming evil man of perdition
When worked out from the Wednesday crucifixion it gives us the true Tree days and Three nights which the Messiah spoke about (72hr), and not the 2 days and one night that the Church teaches.
a. Verses 34-37 are describing a post tribulation rapture ( Revelation 11:11, 12) to take place after the abomination of desolation (anti-Christ) breaks the peace treaty with Israel at mid-tribulation ( Daniel 9:27).
When reading the gospels, one must remember to rightly divide the bible into periods of time, and knowing the group of people the book, chapter and verse(s) are directed to. This chapter as is Matthew 24, and Luke 21 are mostly prophetic for the Jews in the future, after rapture of church age Christians only. Jesus is talking about what the spiritual and earthly conditions will be like just before the 2nd advent. Some of these prophecies have already began and will increase as we get closer to the 2nd advent. The key verse to understand is verse 14, which directly speaking of the anti-Christ that will break the peace covenant ( Daniel 9:27) with the nation of Israel that was signed about 31/2 years earlier. Then the anti-Christ which came in bringing peace ( Daniel 11:24) will begin to slay the Jews by the millions (about 14 millions) more than twice as many as Hitler did. And they are given here a warning to start fleeing Israel to Selah Petra (present day Jordan) south of the dead sea to escape the slaughter that is going on and where God will divinely provide for them until Christ�s return. The great tribulation time will begin in verse 14, which is what you can read about in Revelation 4:1 (rapture of the Christians) to Revelation 19:11-16 (the 2nd advent).