Discuss Daniel 8

  • David0921 - 1 month ago

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    The man of sin spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is a reference to Satan, who comes into the congregations as the master deceiver, and because God is empowering him, he will succeed.

    Daniel 8:23-25 23And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25And through his policy also he shall cause craft [deceit] to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

    This prophecy is taking place, has taken place, in the churches worldwide today. There are no exceptions, and those who think there are exceptions should read again Matthew 24.

    Cont in Part 6
  • Richard H Priday - 3 months ago
    Daniel 8:23 states: And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

    We certainly are seeing leaders and sin in general becoming ripe for judgment; and with it we should expect the Antichrist understanding occult language to rise up soon.

    In Israel we see rapid destruction of those in surrounding nations who foster different factions attempting to destroy Israel.

    It is accelerating the eventual prophecy of Psalm 83 to completion which allows the initial expansion of the land with further expansion after the Ezekiel 38 war that leads to Armageddon. Isaiah 26:15 says You have increased the nation, O LORD, You have increased the nation; You are glorified; You have expanded all the borders of the land. (New KJ version; regular says to ends of the earth at the end of the verse). This could signify two events where the land eventually is gained from the EUPHRATES river to the sea (Mediterranean); this of course is beyond what the Muslims claim they will take over from the Jordan river to the sea. Joshua 1:4 states: From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

    Meanwhile; we have the nearness of World War 3 looming; and today Donald Trump also talked with Zelinsky and he of course is pressing him to settlement; as opposed to all the military expenditures and long range weapons now promised by this administration after they stated 2 years ago that would be precisely something leading to World War 3 and they wouldn't do it.

    Remember there has to be some peace established at the first seal and it is likely it will be well in the works before that so that the conditions will be conducive to lead to the fulfillment of the CONFIRMING of the covenant (preexisting most likely already) of the Dan. 9:27 pact.
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    Revelation Seal One:

    Daniel 8:23-25 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

    24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

    25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

    To understand the first seal of Revelation which is parallel to the " Daniel 9:27" covenant; we have to gain wisdom and understanding on what exactly the white horse of Revelation 6:1-2 represents. We can see a similar concept here to the Mahdi of Islam; who is said to come this exact way on a white horse and makes a seven year pact (from what I can tell is in a Hadith rather than specifically mentioned in the Koran but I don't want to focus on that here). My point is the idea of peace through force or SUBMISSION. The point in verse 24 of Daniel 8 is also translated as causing "astonishing devestation". This would likely be the scenario where he takes over the 3 nations of the 10 mentioned in Daniel 7:8. That would possibly be related to a limited nuclear conflict but could of course be a type of "blitzkrieg" that is a sudden assault rendering enemies helpless. SInce this is a power struggle that could be the emphasis here.

    These passages also show judgment by God; even in false peace. Jeremiah 6:14 and 8:11 bolster what is seen in Thessalonians about false peace ( 1 Thess. 5:3). The world shall believe in "THE LIE" in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and the Jews will believe in another who comes in his own name as John 5:43 shows with Jesus warning His own people with what they indeed WILL do in the future. God will use men and Satan to do His will.
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    Satan's machinations: The spirit realm continued

    The enemy of our souls has a problem (actually as sick as he is a lot of issues) but I am focusing on one in particular. He can't stand humans; in reality even those who do his bidding but is out of necessity offering many temporary pleasures to turn men away from God and in reality; of course put people into bondage. Since he can't stand God; Christ or His holiness as well as human beings the last thing he wants is to see someone be drawn to Christ's mercy and salvation through God's love. No doubt that sickens him. Some say his primary motive is to have us in hell with him. Since he hates us already having our company there isn't going to make him feel better; and of course he will be too busy suffering himself to care anyway. It may give him pleasure for now; since he misses out on such suffering until the confinement period of the Millennium is over and the final conflagration occurs; to think of men in constant agony. What he really wants as from the beginning is worship. His motive is simply overthrow of God and heaven which his demented mind still thinks can be attained; but at the same time he probably knows better since his time is short. Daniel 8:10 even seems to suggest he tramples on some of his own demonic horde when cast out of heaven in the Tribulation; likely enraged that they couldn't fight hard enough to keep his position up there any longer.

    The whole Satanic mantra (Such as Aleister Crowley's "do as thou wilt") in a nutshell explains all of the enemy's tactics.

    The devil only wants to serve himself. He will use his best tool music (read Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel 28) to delude the masses.

    He doesn't rule over hell; at least after the cross as souls now go straight to heaven and not remain in the paradise under the earth. His contracts with people can't hold water with the shed blood on the cross of His atonement. 1 Corinthians 15:56; Romans 6:23). Christ conquered sin at Calvary.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wikipedia article for Michael, and at the Protestant section it states:

    Citing Hengstenberg, John A. Lees, in International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, states: "The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the pre-incarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the 'child' and the archangel in Rev 12:1-17, but also in the attributes ascribed to him in Daniel." Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a Trinitarian, stated that Jesus is Michael "the only Archangel", and that he is God the Son, and co-equal to the Father. In Spurgeon's view, "archangel" means "head of the angels" rather than "head angel," and is a title similar to "Prince or Leader of the host." ( Daniel 8:11)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Tribulation: Purposes of the Seal Judgments as related to Israel's history.

    The sword; famine and pestilence seen in judgments 2-4 in Revelation 6 fit in with a pattern set by God to judge Israel since most of their history was in a rebellious state despite being called to be an example to the nations ( Isaiah 49:6) and set apart ( Jeremiah 2:2-3). The pattern of sword; famine and pestilence can therefore be seen in Jeremiah 14:11-12 as well as other passages in the same book; and it found in Ezekiel 14:21; Deuteronomy 32:24; and other passages. Interestingly enough; Deuteronomy 4:30 mentions tribulation AND the last days; opening the door for repentance on man's part for God to turn back on some of these judgments (perhaps for individuals sealed by God or physically protected at that time and/or during the Trumpet judgments).

    Therefore; this time before the Book is opened there appears to be room for repentance; although nothing said for the unregenerate where one quarter die at that time ( Rev. 6:8). It would appear since Hades is in Revelation 6:8 that everyone killed in this manner were unregenerate. The only question is if these are concentrated in a quarter of the earth or it involves one fouth of the world in general. We should also be soberly reminded here that many will not even physically survive to the point when the Beast is empowered and implements the mark ( Rev. 11:7) apparently after the martyrdom of the 2 Prophets and subsequent Resurrection at the 6th Trumpet ( Rev. 11:14).

    The Antichrist at this time will rise to power ( Revelation 6:1-2) and begin to subdue and conquer nations. Daniel 8:9 shows how this "little horn" gains power; no doubt through superior intellect and intrigue ( Daniel 11:21). Nations no doubt are pitted so that they will through internal strife be conformed to the 10 nations ruled under the Beast after their sovereignty is destroyed.

    I will delve into the fifth and sixth seal in my next sequel.

    Agape. RICH P
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The Tribulation: General overview of 3 sets of Judgments

    There is a clear designation of 3 sets of judgments of 7 individual items in the Tribulation (Seal; Trumpet and Bowl).

    Christ Himself opens the 7 SEALS of the book (unnamed). It would austensively contain the trumpet and bowl judgments; with a mysterious scroll eaten by John in Rev. 10:10 similar to the one in Ezekiel 3:3. I will try to study that at some point but it does say it is a mystery in general. We would probably be correct in stating the "birth pangs" of the Tribulation are going on with these seal judgments ( Matt. 24:8 also interestingly shown in Psalm 48:6:7.)

    The next group of judgments are generally setting the stage for Antichrist to rise by judging one third parts of the earth; and sea and sun as well as killing one third of men ( Rev. 8:7-9; 12: Rev. 9:15). This is likely highly symbolic of the one third of the heavenly host falling with Satan and probably cast to earth at the time of Revelation 12:4; cross reference Daniel 8:10). This would show the destruction of those in heavenly places; the invisible spritual realm that has affected the course of men since the dawn of man (see Isaiah 24:21-22).

    The last section completes the destruction of earth below as seen in Isaiah 24:22). This shows the gleaning of the grape harvest as it were; drawing men in for the final battle by supernatural means as seen in Revelation 19 and also Psalm 2.

    As I have mentioned before there is no prayers of the saints appearing as incense in heaven; therefore no tarrying in the inner court with intercession as seen in Revelation 15:8. These verses and the responses of the wicked as compared to the sixth seal show the descent from fear to rebellion which the mark of the Beast seals their fate. There is nothing but contempt toward God; therefore it serves as a warning as to how men will react once IN hell (no desire to serve or worship their Creator).

    Compare this to the VICTORY of the saints.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    A final warning on appearance of Antichrist

    No doubt a repeated theme; it seems prescient to once again drive home the point that "peace and security" will be the mantra bringing in the Antichrist to launching his campaign to take over the world. ( 1 Thess. 5:3). The "bloodless coup" which Revelation 6:1 seems to indicate will be accompanied by a man of intrigue understanding "dark sentences" ( Daniel 8:23). That verse is also packed with the description of all world rulers at the peak of corruption at the time this event occurs. These verses indicate occult origins; which the reader will note was prevalent particularly with Adolf Hitler in World War two.

    No doubt like a chameleon this man will be able to give an appearance that will appeal to men of all audiences. As to the amount of success he will have with his military resume before this time is somewhat speculative; it would seem from Daniel 7:8 that his description as the "little horn" means that he comes from relative obsurity; then suddenly starts controlling the world scene. The Abraham accords which encompass dividing the land for gain ( Dan. 11:39) through massive economic payments and redistribution certainly seem like they will be the catalyst or at least one major component of the Daniel 9:27 confirming of this covenant.

    Just how he will pull off explaining the Resurrection of the dead and the Rapture is subject to speculation. It is also uncertain exactly when the first seal event occurs; it seems that it could be immediately after the Rapture; but perhaps there will be a time of transition beforehand just to alleviate the inevitable chaos; if indeed my eschatological view is correct on the Pre-Trib rapture.

    Resistance on a human level based on the previous scriptural references clearly is going to be futile (see also Rev. 13:4). No doubt the full power will come after the assassination and possession (I contend with the angel from the abyss Rev. 9:11.)

    see Zech 11:17.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jimbob.

    Oops I stated; "I believe Daniel 8:23-25 describes the rise and first half of the 70th week"

    I left out Antichrist. I meant to say I believe Daniel 8:23-25 describes the rise od the Antichrist and first half of the 70th week.

    Therefore he comes at the beginning of the 70th week but the Great tribulation starts mid week.

    God bless
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jimbob.

    I also agree and hold to the outline Brother Chris gave on the 70 weeks but I term "the great tribulation" as the 2nd half of the 70th week as you do. "3 and a half years."

    I believe in Mathew 24:15-16 and Mark 13:14 Jesus describes the abomination of desolation as the beginning of the Great tribulation. "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

    Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains.

    I believe Daniel 8:23-25 describes the rise and first half of the 70th week.

    "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

    And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

    And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, AND BY PEACE SHALL DESTROY MANY: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."

    Also we see this false world peace mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

    We see today an urge to leave the narrow gate and merge other religious practices and religions into the Church.

    The Nation of Islam uses the Bible and false so called Christian preachers to bridge the gap of their version of Islam and Christianity today.

    The Antichrist is coming to set himself up above ALL THAT IS CALLED GOD.

    2 Thessalonians 2:4.

    "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Seal judgments and trumpet judgments continued

    I feel like a broken record here--or I could say CD but even that is retro nowadays. Anyway the sixth seal shows that everyone is aware of judgments being bought against the world by God and Christ ( Rev. 6:15-17). That hasn't happened yet clearly; and that is a result of course of the martyrs of the 5th Seal and reaping what they sowed in that regard. All the seals are personally opened by Christ and are therefore preceding the book itself being opened. The first seal in fact is judgment read these verses

    2 Thessalonians 2:11

    Daniel 8:23

    Psalm 55:21

    Daniel 8:25

    Luke 21:35

    2 Thessalonians 2:3

    Daniel 9:27

    So there will then be a time unlike today when there are no atheists; there will be only God and Satan worshippers; although men will worship demons through the trumpet judgments despite knowing the obvious that they are choosing that over the true God and what are increasing intensities of judgments.

    More to come.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Our present reality

    It is sobering to look at the history of great kingdoms such as Rome and the eventual downfall by corruption within. I have read about many similar events as to today in America that caused Rome to fall; such as many government type handouts; and of course licensiousness sexually. There is even a theory about the verse Luke 17:27 that there may have been same sex unions in the past that is being referred to.

    Certainly Sodom and the surrounding cities shows a similar pattern to today. We should take note of Lot there; who decided to settle originally in the fertile plain; allowing appearances with his eyes to be what drove his decision to move there in the first place; while Abraham sought a better country as it were; and had promises not fulfilled in his lifetime through his progeny. The same concept of course brought Moses out of Egypt to wander in the wilderness for 40 years in what should have been a journey of a few months.

    The pride that came before the fall of course is a sin associated with sodomy amongst other things. As I alluded to previously; the first seal of Revelation comes before war; famine and pestilence; a false peace confirmed with many according to Daniel 9:27. There has not been a mesmerizing orator since the time of Hitler and perhaps Mousallini in World War two that was able to conquer so quickly; gone are the Napoleans of the past. As Daniel states in chapter 8; verse 23 rulers will become completely wicked in that time when Antichrist; a man of intrigue arises. The one world religion will also promote the one world government. Through peace he shall destroy many ( Daniel 8:25). With world economies dissolving; and the removal of the ancient landmarks ( Prov. 22:28); no doubt he will realign the nations when he "divides the land for gain" ( Dan. 11:39) and that with the help of a "strange god."

    Some think we can tough it out in the Tribulation. Let's not be there if we can avoid it!!

  • Elijer777 - 1 year ago
    Isiah 9:15 the ancient and honorable he is the head and the prophet that speaketh lies he is the TAIL. Rev 12:4 and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth. The tail IS the antichrist. Daniel 8:10 and it (antichrist) waxed great even to the host of heaven and it cast down some of the host and of the stars(1/3) to the ground and stamped(held prisoner) on them. DAN8:11 yea he magnified himself even to the prince (probably arch angel)of the host. Rev 12: 1-5 is giving the bonafides of God's son (Jesus) and Satan's son the antichrist. Rev 12:3 Satan enters and Rev12: 4 says, and his tail drew the 1/3 part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth. Isaiah 9:15 tells you this is the antichrist ( prophet that speaks lies). Daniel 8:10 is talking about the same thing as Rev 12:4. Verse 4b and verse 5 go back in time and tells how Satan tried to kill Jesus but fails and Jesus ascends. Rev12: 6 goes forward in time to the tribulation and Israel fleeing.Heres is what's important Satan sees what his son accomplished by himself and decides to invade heaven with his few fallen angels and is summarily kicked out. Rev 12:10 Satan is kicked out and can't come back to accuse the brethren. Rev 12: 12 this is the 3rd WOE Satan can't get back into heaven and he knows it and he knows he doesn't have much time left. I must stop I am out of time but next time I will tell you why the antichrist was more powerful in heaven than Satan. I am a born again fundamental BAPTIST! I am a researcher and not afraid of the truth. Preachers are myopic and afraid of being ostracized if they were to teach any of this. There are a handful of preachers who know things like this . PRAY ABOUT THIS AND ASK THE LORD IS THIS TRUE!!!!!
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Psalms 83 - 1 year ago

    All of Daniel; as will as all other books, is a Prophecy of CHRIST, none of Daniel or other books is a prophecy of a single anti-christ.

    Daniel 8:25 is speaking of Christ.

    Daniel 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom (man's kingdom), when the transgressors are come to full, a king (Christ) of fierce countenance, and UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES, shall stand up.

    Psalms 778:2 I (Christ) will open my mouth in a parable: I (Christ) will utter DARK SAYINGS of old:

    Psalms 49:4 I (Christ) will incline my ear to a parable: I (Christ) will open my DARK SAYINGS upon the harp (a symbol of man).

    Proverbs 1:6 To UNDERSTAND a proverb, and the INTERPRETATION; the words of the wise (God's words); and their DARK SAYINGS.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 83 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 83

    Psalm 83 is referred to by some as a prophetic war among 10 nations that may occur at the very start of the Tribulation. Careful analysis doesn't indicate any of the outer nations which are in the Ezekiel 38 war from Israel as a center. Technically; there is no mention of an offensive battle strategy either. We certainly can see the attitude of many of the nations who have attempted to wipe out Israel since its inception in 1948; specifically as verse 4 indicates removing them as a nation. This would also differentiate the economic incentives in Ezekiel 38 for the move which signifies a plunder; and also we note at that time Israel is said to have unwalled villages ( Ezekiel 38:11). Verse 12 is perhaps the clearest indication for these nations who have the Dome of the Rock as a focal point of contention to get ownership.

    The names that are listed are surrounding areas; of which I will not elaborate on here. It does seem that the end of the Psalm shows that the Lord will be known after the event as is the same concept with the Ezekiel 38 destruction. Overall; the whole thing may be different campaigns in the whole scope of world war that leads to Armageddon. We need to keep in mind that there will be certain things which Antichrist uses to galvanize nations; and initially he will form alliances that will start to fight each other; and in the end of course will turn to fight against Christ himself; as well as turning on themselves. This is all of course in God's hands and he will accomplish His purposes.

    The crafty counsel in verse 3 reminds us of Daniel 8:25 as to the policy of "craft" that the Antichrist uses; and indeed it is likely that these confederate of nations (v. 5) will be involved in that with both "dividing the land for gain" with economic incentives ( Daniel 11:39) as well as the involvement in the occult whith Antichrist practices ( Dan. 8:23) which could perhaps be one of the mystical forms of Islam or New Age religion.
  • Ron Fidge on Daniel 7 - 2 years ago
    I am persuaded that Daniel seventh chapter is unfolding in front of us in this Year of 2022. Because, Daniel 8:17,when interpreted correctly States, "Oh Son of man for at the 'edge of time' the vision shall be. That is where we are today, very close to the end of time!(10yrs.?) Daniel's 7th chapter follows suit. "Four great beast rise up out of the sea, (of humanity). Dan.7:4, first is like a lion(USA), Eagles wings plucked,(our liberties are going). 2nd. A Bear, 'Russia' - "arise, devour (Destroy) much flesh", 'Today's war is the beginning of what Russia is to do, Vs.5.' Then Dan. 6&7, Leopard (China), also the only beast in Rev.13:1-5, A Leopard with Bear feet (USSR) & Lions mouth, USA= (Bill Gates?).
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Usually I believe the Believe states when it's wrong & when it's worship.

    Exodus 34:14, Matthew 4:10, John 4:23,24,

    Daniel 8:17,18, Daniel 10:9, Daniel 10:15-19,

    Wrongly : 1Kings 12:30, Acts 18:13, Revelation 19:10, Revelation 22:8,9,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    I have had this discussion with a pastor a few years back. He mentions Agabus; who predicted a famine and seemed to think he was off on the prediction. I would hesitate to say that. In any case; clearly a prophet like the one who told Paul that he would go to Jerusalem to die wouldn't win any popularity contests today. Before we attempt to figure out if such an office can exist today; we need to understand that it is not any predictions that are pleasing to a particular political position; national pride; or financial gain of organizations as a prime motive. When we look at Ananias and Sapphira we see another death prediction which with the greed in many circles today it is hard to imagine the fear of God in a place is present at all and when much unbelief exists often the Lord does few things of note. The same could be said of persecution; perhaps if we are not worthy of it God bypasses that as an opportunity for growth.

    Surely; during the Tribulation there will be the two prophets on earth. For now; we can certainly say that the canon of scripture is complete (as warnings exist about adding or taking anything away to that book which goes to the eternity future). There are certain things; of course which are conditional when it comes to personal messages as opposed to that of the fate of nations; where God waits until their transgressions are to the full before judgment. ( Daniel 8:23; also see the judgment of Egypt after 400 years; and the Ninevites). A personal prophetic word perhaps would be better defined as a "word of knowledge". Certainly; we can see specific scriptures as applicable to individuals emphasizing a certain message. Only Christ knows the day and hour; when the "restrainer" is removed; thus ushering in the Tribulation when the prophetic manifestations will be in full force. Other than this; of course the many false prophecies; particulary of peace and prosperity are to be expected as Thessalonians bringing in Antichrist.
  • Lynn ashe on Daniel 8 - 2 years ago
    thank you for the lessons
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There are some things indicated in Revelation which are past; present and future ( Rev. 1:8). In God's perspective; things have been predetermined; but often there are repeated cycles of progression until the final end determined. Such is the fate of Satan and his minions. Originally; he would have been Lucifer ( Isaiah 14); and would have praised God after the creation with all the angels ( Job 38:7). His fall was due to pride over his beauty. Also; as Ezekiel 28 elaborates; he was involved with trade and violence (verse 16); which could have shown how for an indeterminate amount of time he was establishing some sort of kingdom on the earth while still holding a heavenly role as worship leader.

    Thus; Revelation shows a point where Lucifer had found the massive group of coconspirators; and then God's judgment finally took effect. He was not able to rule and reign anymore designated as the music worship leader and whatever else the original position God created him for entailed. The book of Job indicates in the first couple chapters that Satan still would stand before God during the heavenly council meetings; and spent most of his time walking "to and fro through the earth" ( Job 1:7). As the accuser of the brethren now; He has no more hold on death since Christ's redeeming death on the saints. This allowed the rightous souls of the O.T. saints to be released (captivity taken captive) in Eph. 4:8 as prophesied in Psalm 68. He is still the prince of the power of the air ( Ephesians 2:2) which is the atmosphere above the earth. When we get to Revelation 12; we see how Satan and his angels are thrown down to earth and even stomped on likely by Satan himself ( Daniel 8:10). Satan only desires glory for himself; therefore any other false religion and the one true one is destroyed. Hence; he and his minions prepare for the Psalm 2 suicidal massacre attempting to fight Christ Himself at His return. He is put under the earth until final judgment in Rev 22.
  • Elijah - 2 years ago
    Daniel 8:10 and Revelation 12:4a are an account of the same event. The tail that is mentioned in Revelation 12:4a is the same one mentioned in Isaiah 9:15.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Starting with: Numbers 14:34,35,36,37,38 then, Ezekiel 4:6,

    Daniel 9:2, searching the prophetic timelines,

    Other years mysteries: Isaiah 61:2, Isaiah 63:4, Jeremiah 11:23, Jeremiah 17:8, Jeremiah 23:12, Jeremiah 48:44, Jeremiah 51:46, Ezekiel 46:17, Luke 4:19, Luke 13:8, Revelation 9:15, Daniel 11:6,

    Sometimes in prophetic dreams things symbolized days & years,

    additional amounts of time described at "times" Daniel 4:23,25,32, Daniel 7:25, Daniel 8:14,17,19,26

    Weeks; Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12:1,9,

    Days: Daniel 12:11,12,13, 2Peter 3:7-13,

    Also a Day is like a thousand years unto The LORD: 2Peter 3:8, Psalms 90:4,

    * Daniel 2:20-22, James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful to your study
  • Chris - In Reply on Daniel 8 - 2 years ago
    Hi Nelcene. Media is the old name of the Median Empire that ruled between 625-550 BC, of which Persia lay to the East of the Empire & Media to the West. The whole empire stretched from present day Eastern Turkey to the Indus River (from which India gets its name), so it was a very large Empire. Nowadays, as you wrote, most of that area is occupied by Iran (& Afghanistan & Pakistan); with Iraq, Armenia, Syria & Lebanon occupying the Western part. Cyrus the Great of Persia later conquered the Medes & all the land became part of the Persian Empire. Of note, Media was a son of Japheth, Noah's son (spelled Madai in Genesis 10:2).

    Grecia is present day Greece but in those early days, its territorial boundaries are dissimilar to today's Greece. Notably, another son of Japheth, Javan, (Hebrew word for Greece is, Yavan) & Javan is generally understood as being the father of the Grecians.
  • Nelcene Newman on Daniel 8 - 2 years ago
    Persia is Iran. Who is Media, Grecia, {goat}?
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Barnes Commentary

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible

    Then I heard one saint speaking - One holy one. The vision was now ended, and the prophet represents himself now as hearing earnest inquiries as to the length of time during which this desolation was to continue. This conversation, or these inquiries, he represents himself as hearing among those whom he calls "saints" - or holy ones - qadosh. This word might refer to a saint on earth, or to an angel - to any holy being. As one of these, however, was able to explain the vision, and to tell how long the desolation was to continue, it is more natural to refer it to angels. So Lengerke understands it. The representation is, that one holy one, or angel, was heard by Daniel speaking on this subject, but nothing is recorded of what he said. It is implied only that he was conversing about the desolations that were to come upon the holy city and the people of God. To him thus speaking, and who is introduced as having power to explain it, another holy one approaches, and asks how long this state of things was to continue. The answer to this question Daniel 8:14 is made, not to the one who made the inquiry, but to Daniel, evidently that it might be recorded. Daniel does not say where this vision occurred - whether in heaven or on earth. It was so near to him, however, that he could hear what was said.

    My comment: considering the importance of the Book of Daniel, I would agree with this commentary.

    In Malachi 3, we see angels recording what people are conversing together about God; into a Book.
  • David Luther - 2 years ago
    What was the saints names that talked to Daniel in Daniel 8:13
  • Roman - 2 years ago
    Does anyone else feel that Russia will be pivotal in the last days?

    Ezekiel 38:3-4 And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:

    Daniel 8:7 pops up, and God says "I will bring thee forth, and all thine army...." No more holding them back. This is happening right now, before us.

    Putin at Yearly address March 1, 2018: "They have not succeeded in holding Russia back," said Putin, referring to the West, which he said had ignored Moscow in the past, but would now have to sit up and listen. "Now they need to take account of a new reality and understand that everything I have said today is not a bluff." [Hypersonic Arsenal]

    'Is this the man that made the world a wilderness, destroyed cities'? Isaiah 14:16-17
  • Manuel Teixeira - 3 years ago
    It's written,God is Good. Sin originated in satan's free wil mind. It's written, God has determined a time, to put an end to the enemy of God! Jesus said that nobody knows when it will be, only The Father. We can read mathews on 24th chapter, where Jesus describes the main traits of human behavior and earth destruction, that precipitate the abreviation of those days. We are on those days, since the time predicted by ptophecy ( Daniel 8:14) ended in 1844, afer the 2300 days / years. Then, started the time for the proclamation of the impending second coming of Christ (Apocalypse 14:6). Another final event happened, when Noah, during 120 years, announced to the world, that deluge or flood, would come, as it came. When someone enters a house destroyin and killing, the victym is legaly authorized to use force to defend his family. Noah was God's family, Jesus said that His family are those who submit to God's will and moral Law, being Sabath, the authority's sign! God's Justice and Mercy coexist, in order to stablish Love and freedom. There is an evil agressor, who invaded the earth, and intends to destroy and kill, starting on Heaven, and after being expelled, came here, tryind to continue the fight to stablish his throne above God's Throne. God in His wisdom had already decided to create free will beings, and take upon Himself full responsability of the consequences of the rebellion, by assuming the creature's defence in case of an agreesion. How much time took the rebellion to ferment? We don't know.

    His answer to devil's intent, was revealed on Jesus's sacrifice and victory, on the cross, at calvary's hill, as God's Lamb, who takes away world's sin.

    Since then, darkness's powers are doomed, by that Heavenly Councill, that accepted Jesus's sacrifice and Justice!

    Jesus interceeds on Heaven's Sanctuary, for whosoever repents, believing on Jesus's blood mrits, and deciding for a new life, in Christ, by Holy Spirit's Power, To Trine God Almighty's Glory! men!Aleluia
  • Eljer777 - 3 years ago
    I have been in church for over 63 years. Attended very well known Bible College so I am not a novice. I have questions which Pastors RUN from or honestly answer I don't know. Here is one such question. Show me one instance in the Bible where an angel possessed anyone. Prove to me by scripture an angel and demon are the same. Just because an angel falls it is still a 3 dimensional solid being, they are shape shifters but the only thing they lose when they fall is access to heaven. There is only one fallen angel that can enter heaven freely Satan. My point is demons are not fallen angels, Daniel 8:10 the fallen angels you think are demons are really captured and cast to earth and stamped on(held prisoner) by the antichrist. Demons are the disembodied souls of dead giants from before and after the flood. They are part human and part angel,hybrids that were never meant to exist. If they were angels they would've been chained in hell like the angels before the flood who fell, if they were human they would've been cast into the part of hell for humans. They are neither so they are disembodied and they crave a body now. They are not Nephilim they are Raphaim and the Bible says they will live again during the tribulation.
  • PAUL BRANDOLINO on Daniel 8 - 3 years ago
    Verse Daniel 8:9. Out of one of them came forth a little horn - Some think that Antiochus Epiphanes is meant; it is the Roman government that is intended; and although very great at its zenith, yet very little in its rising.

    Waxed-great toward the south - The Romans made Egypt a province of their empire, and it continued such for some centuries.

    Toward the east - They conquered Syria, and made it a province.

    Toward the pleasant land.] Judea, so called Psalms 106:24; Jeremiah 3:19; Daniel 11:16; Daniel 11:41. It is well known that they took Judea, and made it a province; and afterwards burnt the city and the temple, and scattered the Jews over the face of the earth.


    Dan: 9:24: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (Jews) and upon thy holy city, (Jerusalem) to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins (SIN is the transgression of god's law), and to make reconciliation for iniquity(Christ did that when he died see Isaiah 53, and to bring in everlasting righteousness(see 1john 3:5 in him there is no sin), and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. (place

    0. Da:9:25: Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince(Jesus) shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Dan: 9:26: """And after threescore and two weeks"""(in the last week) shall Messiah (Jesus) be cut off, (die) but not for himself,( for the sins of the world) and the people (solders') of the prince (Titus PRINCE OF ROME his father was Vespasian Cesar Pontifex Maximus pagan high priest).that shall come( in AD 70) shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary;(temple) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    What does ""cut off"" mean Isa: 53:8: He was taken from prison and from judgment:

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