e. for one week (7 years) this 'prince' will construct a pact with Israel & in the midst of that 7 years, renege on it. So how should we account for this missing seven years from the original word given to Daniel of 490 years (70 weeks from Jerusalem's rebuilding to bringing in everlasting righteousness)?
There have been many suggestions, but in my present understanding, these seven years are still missing of the 490 years, i.e. the prince is yet to come & is yet to make this covenant (pact), & yet to renege on it, with the overspreading of abominations, UNTIL THE CONSUMMATION (Completion).." (God's Judgement, or as you understand it, God's Wrath). In line with Daniel 7:8, Daniel 9:26,27, Matthew 24:15, & 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4, I understand that this seven year period (outstanding from the 483 accomplished years), is the time of Great Tribulation; primarily against Israel but no doubt affecting the whole world when the 'prince to come' (the Anti-Christ) demands his mark & worship from all.
If you have another interpretation of these passages or even how you discern this time from other verses, then I would be keen to study them, & even change my thoughts on this. Blessings.
Notice Mark 3:28-29, Jesus answered "...ALL sins will be FORGIVEN the sons of men and WHATEVER blasphemies they may utter.
That is including ALL sons of men and ALL blasphemies they may utter, provided of course they repent from their sins.
But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit NEVER has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation. Daniel 7: verse 8 and 11 show us who is the one without forgiveness: the beast speaking pompous words and he was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
Also in Rev 13:5 "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for
42 months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
It seems necessary once again to emphasize the gravity of what is coming to pass in the death of one fourth of the earth during the sword famine and pestilence of the 2nd through 4th seal judgments. A brief examination of the most recent world war shows a population of about 2.3 billion in 1940 which was somewhat flattened during the death of 50 million individuals at that time.
That would be between 2 and 3 percent of the entire world population dying in that interval. Therefore we would have to multiply that percentage about ten times for the proportions dying in the seal judgments alone; numerically of course we are talking about almost 2 billion dying which would be at least 40 times the number in World War two (and that in probably about half the amount of time or less). This doesn't even take into account the myriads of martryrs beginning in the 5th Seal and continuing on throughout the rest of the Tribulation (or into the Great Tribulation).
We also have the warning about the saints being overcome in Daniel ( Daniel 7:25 as well as Revelation 11). That will only get worse when the mark is established; but clearly the affects of the fourth seal with death and hell following show that the period of time when the gates of hell won't prevail against the church will have passed ( Matthew 16:18). Therefore the believers will be a group which are Christians but not part of the church age with the function of the Holy Spirit as it is now (i.e the restrainer is removed ( 2 Thess. 2:8).
We therefore will see a conflagration of war; famine and plague unparalleled in modern times and unstoppable. Demons will be allowed to affect men during the trumpet judgments which still appears to be immediately before the Antichrist has the deadly wound and is possessed after the 5 months of torment in the 5th trumpet by the demon from the pit (Apollyon). That will cause worship and adoration; the image and the mark to begin.
I may be different, but in my understanding of the Bible, I approach scripture simply and do not try to complicate things with preconceived ideas and let the Bible and the Holy Spirit do the interpretation. To me, a symbol will have a non-symbolic meaning.
A symbol represents something real, a real person, a real thing, or a historical event. When I read, I understand words in a literal sense first, then in a figurative or spiritual sense if the literal doesn't make sense.
Are the Christians now the Israel of God? Have the promises to Israel and the church merged into one common heritage? If so that brings up.
Will the promise of the land given to Abraham's seed, Isaac then Jacob be fulfilled? Isaiah 11:11-12Ezekiel 37:21-25Jeremiah 24:5-6Ezekiel 34:11-12Ezekiel 36:24-26Hosea 3:4-5Micah 4:6-7Zechariah 13:8-9
Will Jesus the Messiah return and reign on the earth, with a rod of iron? Isaiah 2:1-4Isaiah 11:1-4Daniel 2:44Daniel 7:14Zechariah 14:1-4Jeremiah 3:17Revelation 2:26-27Revelation 11:15Revelation 12:5Revelation 19:11-21.
Will there be a literal millennium during which Satan will not deceive the nations and Christ will reign on earth? Revelation 20:1-62 Timothy 2:11-12Isaiah 2:2-4Isaiah 11:5-16Isaiah 65:19-25Isaiah 51:4-5Zechariah 14:16-21Micah 4:1-4Psalms 46:7-11Matthew 19:28.
To me there are too many scriptures that are showing God has not replaced Israel with the Church. We see in Romans 11:24-27 a day when God will again turn to Israel, the day Jesus returns. Forgive me if some of the scriptures do not fit.
Zechariah 13:8 shows how two thirds perish and the other one third of national Israel go through the fire and are thus saved. Again; I will refer to those countless multitudes who go through this time of testing; as either new believers or those left behind (or both).
I referred before to many who are not producing fruit at present. Many I believe are hiding their light or have been rendered out of service by Satan because of legal access due to sin. This would include even Laodicians I would say. Fear of death ( Hebrews 2:15) has been a snare for many; it is something that the blood of Christ through the Spirit can make us overcome. It is surely true that some will when push comes to shove proclaim Christ; it is the cares of this world that for now have ensnared them. Many; of course will fall away and we are not to use such rationale as an excuse to continue in sin trusting that God will show mercy in such a way. The verses I've quoted show how God will reach all His sheep. This is why I am such a proponent of the Pre Trib rapture. True; some who aren't bold now and producing fruit may have it forced on them through the Tribulation (apparently meaing Tribulum or a way to rapidly bring wheat threshed to harvest). It has been proposed that the barley represents the early harvest or firstfruits; and the wheat or main harvest is later. I will get into that if there is an interest at another time and try to give references to others who have worked on that theory. There certainly is no room to be some sort of macho man thinking we will "brave it out" in the "not so bad" first half of the Trib. These are events including a plague that cannot be stopped to wipe out 1/4 of man. Whoever God chooses to purge this way I don't wish it on anyone nor want to endure it myself. Again; it is the demonic attacks on man directly and unrestrained evil where death and hell do prevail ( Rev. 6:8) which contradict ( Matt. 16:18; compare with Daniel 7:9.
The last day has been going on for 2000 years, Paul understood he was living in the last day.
The word of God is written to each person; as you study and read, it's YOU, his church, the SPIRIT of Christ is speaking to, not a collective BODY, your the body of Christ.
Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ TO YOU; his church, his bride.
That (Christ) WHICH IS, and WAS, and WILL BE.
The words of Revelation mean the same TO YOU as it did to the person reading them 1900 years ago.
The words in Revelation are; ALSO, prophecies found in Mosses and the Prophets, Revelation is just a second witness.
In Matthew Jesus said, to be AWARE of the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel
The prophecy says the messiah will be CUT OFF in the middle of the week, and the abomination that maketh desolate SET UP, his happened at his death and resurrection.
Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be TAKEN AWAY (Christ become the once for all sacrifice) and the abomination that maketh desolate SET UP, shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days,
This 1290 days is the same 3 1/2 years spoken of in Revelation, the second witness.
The BEAST with seven heads and ten horns is also spoken of in Daniel.
Daniel 7:23 ...the FORTH BEAST shall be the forth (and last) kingdom on earth ....
The kingdom of Babylon (1st), the Medes and Persians (2nd), the kingdom of Grecia (3rd) and the KINGDOM OF GOD the 4th BEAST.
Luke 16:16 the law and prophets were until John, since that time the kingdom of God is preached ....
The forth BEAST: the kingdom of God has been on earth since John and will never cease to be, WHICH IS, and WAS and WILL BE: the last day, the sixth day in Genesis when man was CREATED by his resurrection with CHRIST.
This is not a bad topic, I'm just sorry I'm so behind on reading most of it. It makes us dig and learn as I believe Brother Chris said.
We don't have a lock on this topic,
I was just emphasizing to Gigi that whether right or wrong when we openly refuse ones view offer yours.
Maybe that person is wrong but you don't help them by keeping what you learned to yourself and refute their beliefs by other means.
Now concerning Revelation 3:10
You put the emphasis on "keep" or to "guard against." (Also Strongs).
I'm putting emphasis on "FROM" THE "HOUR" (season" or time.)
It doesn't say during the hour. It says from the hour or "season" or time.
But here is how it doesn't fit a post-trib viewpoint.
Some say we are to be brought through the tribulation for a time of testing. or persecution. If we're protected against it and kept in it.
How are we tested?
This temptation shall come upon "ALL THE WORLD", to try them that (DWELL) upon the earth.
Throughout scripture Gods people is not identified as earth dwellers.
You see this often in the OT those who dwell in the land as the opposition.
In Daniel 7:25 it says the Antichrist shall wear out the saints during this period. That's not the Church if we consider Revelation 3:10 as you see it.
Here's a unique picture of what might be a picture of the Rapture in the OT.
Isaiah 26:19-21 "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain".
Thanks Jimbob. The narrative on the anti-Christ in The Revelation has received different interpretations - of which I'm not quite certain which one is best.
Using the Scriptures you've shared, I tend to understand it in this way:
a. Revelation chapter 12 is clearly referring to Satan & his dealings with Israel. I realize that some understand that the 'woman clothed with the sun' is the 'Church', but I don't share this view in light of the passage.
b. Revelation chapter 13. Unlike Satan (the dragon), a beast now arises from the sea. Because of the complex attributes of this beast, it can't represent a single person/entity. Rather, I interpret verse 1 as that of the satanic power that resided within the world's great powers (verse 1: seven heads, ten horns, ten crowns are explained in Revelation 17:8-14), and these exhibit the evil emanating from Satan, culminating in the anti-Christ.
c. Revelation 13:3: one of the beast's heads which was wounded to death & then healed, seems to be the last empire, of Rome, that is for now dead, but will one day revive in the person of the Anti-Christ. So my understanding that it isn't anti-Christ that is wounded & revived, but the Roman Empire, from which he arises. What form this empire takes one can only guess, with other nations in league with her.
d. Revelation 12:9: Satan is indeed "cast out into the earth with his angels", but Revelation 13:1 are the satanic empires of which anti-Christ will emerge ( Daniel 7:7,8 gives us view of this - particularly v8: "the little hornlike the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things").
e. Revelation 13:11: I attribute to the rising of the false prophet, exercising the power of the first beast, doing miracles, making & giving life to anti-Christ's image, killing the disobedient, & requiring the mark of anti-Christ upon all. Here is the unholy Trinity: Satan, the anti-Christ (the healed & restored head of the devilish empires that arose in history), & the false prophet.
Daniel's vision talked about christians suffer much.Tjid confirms my belief that there is no such thing as the pre rapture.Since always Those Rai ing alive,will be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds
Brother S. Spencer. You may have already checked out bro. Giannis' breakdown of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9:24-27, but thought to mention it here, as those weeks of years are an important timeline to place history from Artaxerxes' authorization for Nehemiah to leave for the purpose of re-building Jerusalem, right up to the crucifixion of Christ. Though, I had a problem in correctly apportioning the years (maybe the year 445 BC that is commonly used as Artaxerxes' command for Nehemiah to depart, is not precise), it seems clear that only 69 of the 70 weeks have been so far fulfilled. I have not been able to find the final week (of seven years) in the Daniel texts. As Giannis stated, Titus did no more than destroy the temple & Jerusalem and this week must point to another time & person still to come (of which Daniel 7:8,24,25,26 refers to).
I probably do sound authoritative, Paul said several times it was HIS gospel; isn't the gospel, Christ's gospel, was Paul being arrogant, or had he been taught by the spirit what the kingdom is ----Christ in you ---
Matthew 12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the KINGDOM of GOD has COME unto you.
Daniel 7:22 Until the Ancient of days COMES, and judgement (like the judgement of Solomon) was given to the saints of the most high; and the time came that the saints POSSESSED the KINGDOM.
Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall HATE the whore, and shall make her desolate, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Revelation 17:17 For God has put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to AGREE, and give their (the saints) kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God be fulfilled,
Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
I will humble myself, and hopefully not appear so arrogant and authoritative.
As you asked, here is what I can share on Matthew 24:29-31. I will need more than one post to give you, my understanding.
(Part 1)
These verses speak of the promise of Jesus' second coming. Understanding the 7-steps of a Jewish wedding helps give a better understanding of Christ's second coming, and also some of the Jewish views about when Christ is coming back. If you would like for me to send you what the 7-steps are, I will do so. It is very interesting, I promise! They are literal steps of a Jewish wedding, and they parallel the things spoken of in Matthew's gospel.
So, reading through Matthew 24:29-30, it says that immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give any light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.
Now the word "tribes" is very important. That tells us that we are talking about Jewish people. It is a Jewish term. All the tribes of the earth shall mourn. And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All the tribes! Again, that would be Jews.
In Revelation 1:7, it tells us that every eye will see Him, even those who have pierced Him. Zechariah 12:10 is a prophecy that the Jews hold to, only they don't understand its application. It says that when Messiah comes, they will look upon Him whom they have pierced.
So, at this time when Christ comes (at His second coming), the Jews who are left on the earth, they are going to mourn, and they are going to look and go "Oh no, we crucified our Messiah, and here He is!" They are going to recognize Him. And we see in Verse 31 that the Lord's going to round them all up. It says in this verse that He's going to come upon the clouds of heaven. That's given to us in Daniel 7:13.
John 9:41 ....if you were blind, you would have no sin: but now you say, WE SEE, therefore your sin remainth.
When we read God's word and we come to words such a mountain, we automatically picture in our carnal minds a physical mountain, instead of what it represents in Christ mind.
As we study and the spirit of Christ teaches, we begin to develop the mind of Christ, we see the meaning, not the physical, this is a process that happens with time and study.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Daniel 7:13 ...one like of the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven ----has that image popped into your carnal mind ------ that not the meaning in Christ mind ----
God Bless you as he creates the mind of Christ IN YOU.
The word of God is like a great treasure hunt, one scripture is the key to another scripture, and so on. The scriptures put together are the KEYS TO THE KINGDOM.
Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, HERE A LITTLE, and THERE A LITTLE:
BUT NOTICE; since the spirit of Christ wrote the words, the spirit of Christ must teach your what the words mean.
Isaiah 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to his people.
Most of God's words are HIDDEN in parables and dark sayings.
Psalms 78:2 I (the spirit of Christ) will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:
Revelation 19:10 ...for the testimony (words) of Jesus IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
For your questions, has words been twisted by man's carnal mind, YES.
Psalms 56:5 Every day they wrest (twist) my words ........
Are God's words being fulfilled? YES
Psalms 90:9 ...we spend our years as a tale that is told.
Hebrews 4:3 ... the works (WORDS) WERE FINISHED from the foundation of the world.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my words be that goeth forth out of my mouth, they shall not return unto me void, but it MY WORD shall accomplish that which I PLEASE, and IT (the WORD) shall prosper in the thing where unto I sent IT (the WORD)
The four winds of prophecy; a symbol, of the spirit of Christ.
John 3:8 the wind bloweth where it listeth (where God CAUSES it to blow), and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whether it goeth (it's the WORK of God): so is every one that is BORN OF THE SPIRIT.
Daniel 7:2 ....the four winds of heaven strove upon the great SEA (water)( Revelation 17:15) ....
Do I believe in miracles and wonders? YES, what greater miracle than creation:
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, THEY ARE CREATED, ( 2 Corinthians 5:17) thou renewest the face of the earth.
The mark of the beast requires a post of its own, I will send a second post.
Discernment is listed in regard to knowledge of the spirit world as a spiritual gift ( 1 Cor. 12:10) and apparently is listed in Hebrews in understanding between good and evil. Many of us for several reasons are sorely deficient in that area today.
Red flag #1: "Dumbing down scripture". The lack of TRUST in God's revealed and living Word is the basis for all sorts of evils.
It seems rather evident that many aren't even concerned about studying history and also having a fair and impartial study of scripture itself to see how it fits into a whole picture. We have all sorts of ways that we like to "cherry pick" certain verses that fit whatever doctrine is politically correct at the time. If the foundations be destroyed; what can the righteous do? ( Psalm 11:3). Once the "anchor of the soul" ( Heb. 6:19) is taken out as a basic element of our faith then of course we aren't able or willing to see a lie when it is presented.
Red flag #2: Eschatological error. Often referred to as a "secondary issue" once again when scripture isn't literally taken (unless the context and explanation within the text clearly indicates otherwise; we can be in dangerous waters. If; for instance we deliberately ignore verses such as 2 Timothy 3 on many falling away in the last days then we have some idea that a great revival will occur or must occur before He calls His church upward. This is confusing what is written in Revelation and Joel to name two places where a great number come to faith. Revelation makes it clear starting in the 5th Seal that mass martyrdom will be the result of this faith. Persecution is already abounding but for now the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. ( Matthew 16:18). According to Daniel the saints WILL by and large be overcome in the Tribulation ( Daniel 7:21).
Is this the expectation of those who preach of revival today? By and large; no.
The "Gates of Hell" will NOT prevail against the Church!
It's the Church on offence in this battle with Christ as our Victor.
That reminds me of Daniel 7:25. And he/Antichrist. shall speak great words against the most High, AND SHALL WEAR OUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
You see ,This couldn't be the SAINTS/Church! Israel is also called saints.
Psalms 148:14.
Psalms 50:5-7.
The Church is not on the scene. In fact the antichrist can't come on the scene until the Church is removed.
2 Thessalonians 2:6-9. And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: ONLY HE/HOLYSPIRIT WHO NOW LETTETH WILL LET, UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY.
And then shall that Wicked/Antichrist be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
The time period of the Tribulation fits in to Daniel 9:24-27 where there is a period of 70 "weeks" of years. In these verses we see how a covenant made is broken; and the last half of the Tribulation lasting 1260 days is mentioned at the end of Daniel 12. The 1335 days mentioned would likely be the period when Christ arrives and the whole campaign of Armageddon is fought likely also encompassing the time of the Ezekiel 38 war. This would show the sequence from Zechariah 12 when the remaining Jews finally recognize Christ as Messiah; through Zechariah 14 where half of the city is taken; and Christ goes out to fight against the enemies. The end of that last chapter in Zechariah gets into the Millennium. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 gets into the belief in "The Lie"; also see 1 Thessalonians 5:3 about everyone talking about "peace and safety or security." The covenant with "death and hell" is also seen in Isaiah 28:18 where the nation of Israel deliberately makes an agreement with Antichrist.
The seven year period apparently is also stated in the Koran someplace about their version of the 12th Imam or world ruler which is the length of time that leader is supposed to rule. Of course; we don't know if the Tribulation begins immediately after the Rapture. It is at that time that the Restrainer; or function of the Holy Spirit in the church is removed ( 2 Thess. 2:6-7). For now; the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. ( Matthew 16:18). According to Daniel in the time of trial for His people the saints WILL be overcome by the Beast or Antichrist ( Daniel 7:25). We see how the boastful words there are a parallel to what is going on in Revelation 13.
It is a theory of mine that if you make each seal; trumpet and bowl a period of months and add it up you get 7 years. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) X 3. That is; 28 X 3 months or 84 months is equal to 7 years. Daniel uses 360 day years. Revelation 11:1-2 describes the 2 witnesses likely the first half of the Trib.
Who is Satan that is cast into the bottomless (the grave)?
The princes of this world, that die still in deception of the gospel of the kingdom of God
Who is the beast?
The beast is the forth kingdom on earth, the kingdom of God. ( Daniel 7:23)
What is the 1000 years?
It's the day of the Lord, one day is as a thousand years, so far it has been 2000 years, and those that have departed during that time have been reigning with Christ, study the parable of the workers in the vineyard ( Matthew 20:1-16).
Revelation 11:7 And when they (the two witnesses, the law and prophets, foretelling of Christ) shall have finished their testimony) the beast (the forth kingdom on earth, the kingdom of God, Luke 16:16) that asscened out of the bottomless pit shall make war with them and shall overcome them and, kill them (they prophesied of Christ's death on the cross).
Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ, there is not a seven year tribulation, God's children are caught up to him one at a time.
Revelation is all symbolic of the fulfillment of the kingdom of God.
All the answers are in Mosses and the prophets.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
I was raised in a Baptist church, they are as deceived as are all the other churches.
You learn God's word by going into the wilderness ( Mark 1:12)
The first verse in Revelation tells us that Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ, so the beast is not technology.
The prophecies have the answers to Revelation and all the symbols.
Daniel 7:17 These great beast, which are four, are four kings .....
Daniel 7:19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast ......
Daniel 7:23 ....the forth beast shall be the forth kingdom on the earth .....
Daniel 7:22 Until the ancient of days (Christ) come ......
Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John, since that time the KINGDOM of God (the forth kingdom on earth) is preached, and every man PRESSES INTO IT.
The beast in Revelation is the Kingdom of God .....CHRIST IN YOU .....
Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his (the beast, the kingdom of God) heads as it were wounded to death (Christ died on the cross); and his deadly wound was healed (Christ was resurrected), and all the world wondered after the beast (the kingdom of God).
I am persuaded that Daniel seventh chapter is unfolding in front of us in this Year of 2022. Because, Daniel 8:17,when interpreted correctly States, "Oh Son of man for at the 'edge of time' the vision shall be. That is where we are today, very close to the end of time!(10yrs.?) Daniel's 7th chapter follows suit. "Four great beast rise up out of the sea, (of humanity). Dan.7:4, first is like a lion(USA), Eagles wings plucked,(our liberties are going). 2nd. A Bear, 'Russia' - "arise, devour (Destroy) much flesh", 'Today's war is the beginning of what Russia is to do, Vs.5.' Then Dan. 6&7, Leopard (China), also the only beast in Rev.13:1-5, A Leopard with Bear feet (USSR) & Lions mouth, USA= (Bill Gates?).
New York City and every other city that has, and will exist, is the whore that rides the Beast, that includes you and I and everyone who has lived and is yet to live. All mankind is the whore, we're unfaithful to the word of God, until we are born of TRUTH.
The Beast is as real as it gets:
Daniel 7:7 ...and behold a forth beast........
The forth beast is the Kingdom of God. This Beast arrived when John the Baptist came preaching the kingdom of God.
Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time, the kingdom of God is preached, and every man PRESSED INTO IT.
Revelation 14:19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great WINEPRESS of the wrath of God.
Please look into Psalm 48 on the fear of the earth's rulers seeing the literal heavenly city; as well as Psalm 68 to see that indeed mortal man capable of sin still will exist on earth. Even the 10 kings are said to live for a while after the Tribulation in Daniel 7:12.
The only idea that works in this chapter is mortal men existing along with the church (kings and priests); and those who survived the Tribulation (those beheaded for not taking the mark). We shall rule and reign with Christ in a unique way; but certainly there will be many who survived the Tribulation who will rejoice as well and perhaps in eternity will rule and reign in similar fashion.
The concept of not being anything but a final Resurrection is pretty well eliminated in this chapter as well. The first resurrection it bears repeating consists of all saints; but in 1 Cor. 15:23 clearly there is an order and a procession of the firstfruits from Christ until the 144,000 in the Tribulation and then of course the Resurrection of those saints who were beheaded in the Tribulation. The concept of descendants born in that time; some of which rebel as seen in Rev. 21 and some of which will no doubt live out the whole time and hence WILL be translated need to be considered. It is possible some who die could be written in the Book of Life and not be cast into hell who rebel at this time; but since Christ will be clearly known they will be held to a higher standard so we can't say that for sure.
The second death involves the resurrecction of the damned cast into the lake of fire. Isaiah 66 talks of those dwelling on the earth looking in disgust to those in an opening of hell (this could be those killed in Armageddon who took the mark of the beast who would be the goats possibly thrown in beforehand; or this could refer to something viewed in the new eternal earth. I would think the former as these things likely would be hidden from us in eternity.
The Earth is The LORD's & the fulness thereof! Psalms 24:1, Daniel 7:13-14, Romans 6:9,
Dominion GOD gave to mankind. Genesis 1:26,27,28,
War in Heaven: cast out, Revelation 12:7-17, persecution but not dominion, John 8:42-44, Revelation 20:7-15, Please read all of Chapter for context. Revelation 13, Revelation 20, deceiver like Genesis 3, James 4,
Psalms 145:1-13, Daniel 4:2,3,34, Daniel 6:26, Ephesians 1:17-23, Ephesians 6:11-18,
We are promised to receive a blessing for reading this Book; but that is for hearing it; and heeding it ( Rev. 1:3). There are things specifically for the churches and calling out in some cases just a few individuals who are "worthy" ( Rev. 3:4). The same principle applies to the Laodicean church for anyone who hears Him knocking at the door ( Rev. 3:20).
This book goes to the fate of the whole world; beyond what could be called this current "dispensation". It seems apparent to most scholars that after Revelation 4; there isn't any more mention of the church on earth until Revelation 20 with those in glorified bodies. To me; since we ALL are saved by grace I wouldn't dogmatically state that the age of grace ( Matt. 16:18) will be totally ended; only the function of the Holy Spirit once the restrainer is removed (the believing remnant church) at the rapture ( 2 Thess. 2:6). What we see change is the preservation of the church as an institution ( Matt. 16:18) and the normal experience in the Tribulation of martyrdom ( Daniel 7:21). What remains as a common thread is being WORTHY and having garments of white as our spiritual clothing ( Ephesians 5:27; Rev. 19:18). In order to achieve this status now; we need to be living unspotted from the world and to a large extent patiently waiting until the coming of the Lord; after the Rapture martyrdom will be the norm. Instead of arguing whether those who are left behind are lukewarm believers or all new converts; it is better to understand the concept that all those He has chosen will eventually come to the faith. The main harvest of countless souls attests to the fact that SOME repent when judgments come; while others of course harden their hearts beyond hope. As Jesus stated it is blessed for those who have NOT seen the Son of Man ( John 20:29). It is clear by the sixth seal who God and Christ are; but by then there is only a clear choice to worship God or Satan.
Basically; the final destruction of Babylon didn't occur. Revelation 17 seems to talk of the spiritual Babylon; something the Beast has to destroy to gain complete worship for Himself (i.e. Satan). Revelation 18 discusses the economic Babylon and a "great city" being destroyed. Some have guessed this is New York City; others suggest that it is in the same geographical locale as ancient Babylon. The ecumenical center of the 3 monotheistic faiths in Dubai along with a city 30 times larger than New York City which is planned to be ultramodern; with a drone based transportation system makes this seem more feasible.
At any event; this will make way for the Mark of the Beast; and either worship of Satan or of God. There will be no more false religious system; or any comfort in materialism. We must remember that it is worshipping the image of the Beast with food being a sidenote that drives people to taking the mark. Death will be for all those not taking it; although a few will survive until the end and into the Millennium period in hiding.
Thankfully; 2 Thess. 2 seems to indicate that the church will be out of here before that. Also we have the verse about the gates of hell not prevailing against the church today ( Matt. 16:18). However; the saints will be overcome according to Daniel in the time of Jacob's trouble ( Rev. 13:7; Daniel 7:21; Jeremiah 30:7).
These prophecies must surely occur; although it is held back to some extent now. Once the lawless one is revealed; things will be exponentially worse than ever before and than it ever will be ( 2 Thess. 2:8; Matt.24:21).
May you be richly blessed as you study His word; particularly Revelation as we are promised that reading that book ( Rev. 1:3).
You are not going to understand Revelation without understanding Daniel and Ezekiel.
Daniel's prophecy is FOUR kingdoms on the earth, Babylon, Medes and Persians, Grecia and the FORTH and last kingdom: the KINGDOM OF GOD.
Daniel 7:23 And the FORTH BEAST ......the KINGDOM of GOD ....
The BEAST in Revelation has to agree with Daniel's prophecy.
John the Baptist came preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD.
The FORTH and LAST kingdom (OF GOD) arrived on the day of Pentecost.
Hebrews 2:8 .... but now we see NOT YET ALL THINGS put under him.
In THIS AGE: God's in; ONLY, calling out the PRIEST to serve with him in the KINGDOM OF GOD. Study the Law and Prophecies. Moses and the children were a SHADOW of the TRUE KINGDOM.
Ephesian 2:7 That in the AGES TO COME .....
Eternity is a long time: it is broken down into ages for the PURPOSE and FULFILMENT of his good pleasure.
I believe what Sister Suze was saying, Peter and most others, even today, don't UNDERSTAND: the SWORD was the WORD, not a metal blade.
But he was going to show them a miracle by healing the man's ear, and when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would remember and UNDERSTAND.
Luke 22:36 And he said unto them, But now (TODAY is the day), he that hath a purse, let him now take it, and like wise his script: and he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garments, AN BUY ONE.
Revelation 13:16 And he (the SWORD, the WORD, the Holy Ghost) CAUSED ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (the SPIRIT of TRUTH) in their fight hand, or in their forehead.
Revelation 3:18 I counsel of thee, TO BUY OF ME .....
Revelation 13:1 And that NO MAN might BUY or SELL (the Kingdom of God), save he had the MARK (CHRIST IN YOU), or the NAME (Christ in You) of the BEAST (the forth kingdom, the kingdom of God: Daniel 7:23), or the number or HIS NAME (Christ in you).
This is a mystery at least while Christ was here in the flesh before the Resurrection ( Matt. 24:36). According to 2 Thess. 2:6 the restrainer is removed; then the man of sin can be revealed; hence all the events of the Tribulation commences at that point. This would signify as I can see the Holy Spirit in the way it manifests during the Church Age; also showing how the Holy Ghost is in some ways dependent in its actions to the Father. The Spirit is said to indicate; as John 16:8-11 sin; righteousness and judgment to come; and seals every believer until the Day of Redemption ( Eph. 4:30).
The offices of the Godhead somehow operate in this manner; despite each member being God. The best way I can see this is that God the Father is not able ever to be in the presence of sin without judgment coming from Him directly. There had to be some separation therefore or when Christ died at the cross the whole universe would have ceased to exist the moment He was estranged for that instant from the Father. It would seem the Holy Spirit; since it came from Christ directly at Pentecost has always been the way the Omnipresent Godhead can be within His chosen vessels. Truly; there was always that presence in Old Testament times; as it will be in some ways in the future Tribulation and beyond but the ministry changes. The results of that can be seen contrasting the promises of Matthew 16:18 and the statements of the saints being overcome in Daniel 7:15 etal.
I am stating all this so that verse about the Son of Man not knowing the Day and hour of His return can be better understood.
Christ learning obedience in a self depreciating manner ( Heb. 5:8) while He took on the form of man with all the limitations so He could be our substitute in life and death in every way; being tempted as we are but without sin ( Heb. 4:15) is also unfathomable in our minds. Nonetheless; Christ alerted to us that He comes a day we don't expect. We should be aware of signs; not overcome by fear
The eighth king will through his mortal head wound will appear to die and appear to be Resurrected. This can be seen in Rev. 13:3 and Zech 11:17. The power of this appears to be from the entity Apollyon shown in the 5th Trumpet ( Rev. 9:11). Thus; he will have the power of the Devil which ultimately is because of God's authority allowing that short space of rulership; but Antichrist is indwelled with the King of the Abyss.
Remember that there are 10 Kings that rule; and 3 are subdued. ( Daniel 7:24). Thus; we see the "little horn" coming out from what was part of the Grecian empire; broken up into 4 parts earlier. Somehow; he is associated with the other kings; likely from the same region. That appears to be a conlomorate beast; with the lion (Babylon); bear (Media/Persian); leopard (Greece) and the 4th one (Rome). Some would argue the more modern designation of England and the USA (as the "young lions of Tarshish) in Ezekiel 38:13; then Russia being the bear. Nonetheless; the last kingdom has characteristics and likely geographical intersections of the approximate boundaries of these ancient kingdoms; and many say it is likely a Mediterranean mainly Muslim confederacy that would help to fulful such prophecies as Psalm 83; Ezekiel 38 and others.
Any theory that the Son of Perdition is Judas Iscariot is fairly well knocked out by Hebrews 9:27. He will undoubtably be worshipped and the mark brought about in its finality after this event ( Rev. 13:4). Since the little horn is associated with Greece; and Apollo is named in the Greek language it is possible this entity that energized Alexander the Great will be the force indwelling Antichrist. No doubt it is being held back today until he who holds it back is taken out of the way.
e. for one week (7 years) this 'prince' will construct a pact with Israel & in the midst of that 7 years, renege on it. So how should we account for this missing seven years from the original word given to Daniel of 490 years (70 weeks from Jerusalem's rebuilding to bringing in everlasting righteousness)?
There have been many suggestions, but in my present understanding, these seven years are still missing of the 490 years, i.e. the prince is yet to come & is yet to make this covenant (pact), & yet to renege on it, with the overspreading of abominations, UNTIL THE CONSUMMATION (Completion).." (God's Judgement, or as you understand it, God's Wrath). In line with Daniel 7:8, Daniel 9:26,27, Matthew 24:15, & 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4, I understand that this seven year period (outstanding from the 483 accomplished years), is the time of Great Tribulation; primarily against Israel but no doubt affecting the whole world when the 'prince to come' (the Anti-Christ) demands his mark & worship from all.
If you have another interpretation of these passages or even how you discern this time from other verses, then I would be keen to study them, & even change my thoughts on this. Blessings.
That is including ALL sons of men and ALL blasphemies they may utter, provided of course they repent from their sins.
But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit NEVER has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation. Daniel 7: verse 8 and 11 show us who is the one without forgiveness: the beast speaking pompous words and he was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
Also in Rev 13:5 "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for
42 months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
It seems necessary once again to emphasize the gravity of what is coming to pass in the death of one fourth of the earth during the sword famine and pestilence of the 2nd through 4th seal judgments. A brief examination of the most recent world war shows a population of about 2.3 billion in 1940 which was somewhat flattened during the death of 50 million individuals at that time.
That would be between 2 and 3 percent of the entire world population dying in that interval. Therefore we would have to multiply that percentage about ten times for the proportions dying in the seal judgments alone; numerically of course we are talking about almost 2 billion dying which would be at least 40 times the number in World War two (and that in probably about half the amount of time or less). This doesn't even take into account the myriads of martryrs beginning in the 5th Seal and continuing on throughout the rest of the Tribulation (or into the Great Tribulation).
We also have the warning about the saints being overcome in Daniel ( Daniel 7:25 as well as Revelation 11). That will only get worse when the mark is established; but clearly the affects of the fourth seal with death and hell following show that the period of time when the gates of hell won't prevail against the church will have passed ( Matthew 16:18). Therefore the believers will be a group which are Christians but not part of the church age with the function of the Holy Spirit as it is now (i.e the restrainer is removed ( 2 Thess. 2:8).
We therefore will see a conflagration of war; famine and plague unparalleled in modern times and unstoppable. Demons will be allowed to affect men during the trumpet judgments which still appears to be immediately before the Antichrist has the deadly wound and is possessed after the 5 months of torment in the 5th trumpet by the demon from the pit (Apollyon). That will cause worship and adoration; the image and the mark to begin.
I may be different, but in my understanding of the Bible, I approach scripture simply and do not try to complicate things with preconceived ideas and let the Bible and the Holy Spirit do the interpretation. To me, a symbol will have a non-symbolic meaning.
A symbol represents something real, a real person, a real thing, or a historical event. When I read, I understand words in a literal sense first, then in a figurative or spiritual sense if the literal doesn't make sense.
Are the Christians now the Israel of God? Have the promises to Israel and the church merged into one common heritage? If so that brings up.
Will the promise of the land given to Abraham's seed, Isaac then Jacob be fulfilled? Isaiah 11:11-12 Ezekiel 37:21-25 Jeremiah 24:5-6 Ezekiel 34:11-12 Ezekiel 36:24-26 Hosea 3:4-5 Micah 4:6-7 Zechariah 13:8-9
Will Jesus the Messiah return and reign on the earth, with a rod of iron? Isaiah 2:1-4 Isaiah 11:1-4 Daniel 2:44 Daniel 7:14 Zechariah 14:1-4 Jeremiah 3:17 Revelation 2:26-27 Revelation 11:15 Revelation 12:5 Revelation 19:11-21.
Will there be a literal millennium during which Satan will not deceive the nations and Christ will reign on earth? Revelation 20:1-6 2 Timothy 2:11-12 Isaiah 2:2-4 Isaiah 11:5-16 Isaiah 65:19-25 Isaiah 51:4-5 Zechariah 14:16-21 Micah 4:1-4 Psalms 46:7-11 Matthew 19:28.
To me there are too many scriptures that are showing God has not replaced Israel with the Church. We see in Romans 11:24-27 a day when God will again turn to Israel, the day Jesus returns. Forgive me if some of the scriptures do not fit.
God bless,
I referred before to many who are not producing fruit at present. Many I believe are hiding their light or have been rendered out of service by Satan because of legal access due to sin. This would include even Laodicians I would say. Fear of death ( Hebrews 2:15) has been a snare for many; it is something that the blood of Christ through the Spirit can make us overcome. It is surely true that some will when push comes to shove proclaim Christ; it is the cares of this world that for now have ensnared them. Many; of course will fall away and we are not to use such rationale as an excuse to continue in sin trusting that God will show mercy in such a way. The verses I've quoted show how God will reach all His sheep. This is why I am such a proponent of the Pre Trib rapture. True; some who aren't bold now and producing fruit may have it forced on them through the Tribulation (apparently meaing Tribulum or a way to rapidly bring wheat threshed to harvest). It has been proposed that the barley represents the early harvest or firstfruits; and the wheat or main harvest is later. I will get into that if there is an interest at another time and try to give references to others who have worked on that theory. There certainly is no room to be some sort of macho man thinking we will "brave it out" in the "not so bad" first half of the Trib. These are events including a plague that cannot be stopped to wipe out 1/4 of man. Whoever God chooses to purge this way I don't wish it on anyone nor want to endure it myself. Again; it is the demonic attacks on man directly and unrestrained evil where death and hell do prevail ( Rev. 6:8) which contradict ( Matt. 16:18; compare with Daniel 7:9.
The last day has been going on for 2000 years, Paul understood he was living in the last day.
The word of God is written to each person; as you study and read, it's YOU, his church, the SPIRIT of Christ is speaking to, not a collective BODY, your the body of Christ.
Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ TO YOU; his church, his bride.
That (Christ) WHICH IS, and WAS, and WILL BE.
The words of Revelation mean the same TO YOU as it did to the person reading them 1900 years ago.
The words in Revelation are; ALSO, prophecies found in Mosses and the Prophets, Revelation is just a second witness.
In Matthew Jesus said, to be AWARE of the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel
The prophecy says the messiah will be CUT OFF in the middle of the week, and the abomination that maketh desolate SET UP, his happened at his death and resurrection.
Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be TAKEN AWAY (Christ become the once for all sacrifice) and the abomination that maketh desolate SET UP, shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days,
This 1290 days is the same 3 1/2 years spoken of in Revelation, the second witness.
The BEAST with seven heads and ten horns is also spoken of in Daniel.
Daniel 7:23 ...the FORTH BEAST shall be the forth (and last) kingdom on earth ....
The kingdom of Babylon (1st), the Medes and Persians (2nd), the kingdom of Grecia (3rd) and the KINGDOM OF GOD the 4th BEAST.
Luke 16:16 the law and prophets were until John, since that time the kingdom of God is preached ....
The forth BEAST: the kingdom of God has been on earth since John and will never cease to be, WHICH IS, and WAS and WILL BE: the last day, the sixth day in Genesis when man was CREATED by his resurrection with CHRIST.
God bless you.
You're not intruding at all.
This is not a bad topic, I'm just sorry I'm so behind on reading most of it. It makes us dig and learn as I believe Brother Chris said.
We don't have a lock on this topic,
I was just emphasizing to Gigi that whether right or wrong when we openly refuse ones view offer yours.
Maybe that person is wrong but you don't help them by keeping what you learned to yourself and refute their beliefs by other means.
Now concerning Revelation 3:10
You put the emphasis on "keep" or to "guard against." (Also Strongs).
I'm putting emphasis on "FROM" THE "HOUR" (season" or time.)
It doesn't say during the hour. It says from the hour or "season" or time.
But here is how it doesn't fit a post-trib viewpoint.
Some say we are to be brought through the tribulation for a time of testing. or persecution. If we're protected against it and kept in it.
How are we tested?
This temptation shall come upon "ALL THE WORLD", to try them that (DWELL) upon the earth.
Throughout scripture Gods people is not identified as earth dwellers.
You see this often in the OT those who dwell in the land as the opposition.
In Daniel 7:25 it says the Antichrist shall wear out the saints during this period. That's not the Church if we consider Revelation 3:10 as you see it.
Here's a unique picture of what might be a picture of the Rapture in the OT.
Isaiah 26:19-21 "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain".
Isaiah 27:1.
God bless.
Using the Scriptures you've shared, I tend to understand it in this way:
a. Revelation chapter 12 is clearly referring to Satan & his dealings with Israel. I realize that some understand that the 'woman clothed with the sun' is the 'Church', but I don't share this view in light of the passage.
b. Revelation chapter 13. Unlike Satan (the dragon), a beast now arises from the sea. Because of the complex attributes of this beast, it can't represent a single person/entity. Rather, I interpret verse 1 as that of the satanic power that resided within the world's great powers (verse 1: seven heads, ten horns, ten crowns are explained in Revelation 17:8-14), and these exhibit the evil emanating from Satan, culminating in the anti-Christ.
c. Revelation 13:3: one of the beast's heads which was wounded to death & then healed, seems to be the last empire, of Rome, that is for now dead, but will one day revive in the person of the Anti-Christ. So my understanding that it isn't anti-Christ that is wounded & revived, but the Roman Empire, from which he arises. What form this empire takes one can only guess, with other nations in league with her.
d. Revelation 12:9: Satan is indeed "cast out into the earth with his angels", but Revelation 13:1 are the satanic empires of which anti-Christ will emerge ( Daniel 7:7,8 gives us view of this - particularly v8: "the little hornlike the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things").
e. Revelation 13:11: I attribute to the rising of the false prophet, exercising the power of the first beast, doing miracles, making & giving life to anti-Christ's image, killing the disobedient, & requiring the mark of anti-Christ upon all. Here is the unholy Trinity: Satan, the anti-Christ (the healed & restored head of the devilish empires that arose in history), & the false prophet.
I probably do sound authoritative, Paul said several times it was HIS gospel; isn't the gospel, Christ's gospel, was Paul being arrogant, or had he been taught by the spirit what the kingdom is ----Christ in you ---
Matthew 12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the KINGDOM of GOD has COME unto you.
Daniel 7:22 Until the Ancient of days COMES, and judgement (like the judgement of Solomon) was given to the saints of the most high; and the time came that the saints POSSESSED the KINGDOM.
Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall HATE the whore, and shall make her desolate, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Revelation 17:17 For God has put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to AGREE, and give their (the saints) kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God be fulfilled,
Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
I will humble myself, and hopefully not appear so arrogant and authoritative.
God Bless you!
As you asked, here is what I can share on Matthew 24:29-31. I will need more than one post to give you, my understanding.
(Part 1)
These verses speak of the promise of Jesus' second coming. Understanding the 7-steps of a Jewish wedding helps give a better understanding of Christ's second coming, and also some of the Jewish views about when Christ is coming back. If you would like for me to send you what the 7-steps are, I will do so. It is very interesting, I promise! They are literal steps of a Jewish wedding, and they parallel the things spoken of in Matthew's gospel.
So, reading through Matthew 24:29-30, it says that immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give any light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.
Now the word "tribes" is very important. That tells us that we are talking about Jewish people. It is a Jewish term. All the tribes of the earth shall mourn. And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All the tribes! Again, that would be Jews.
In Revelation 1:7, it tells us that every eye will see Him, even those who have pierced Him. Zechariah 12:10 is a prophecy that the Jews hold to, only they don't understand its application. It says that when Messiah comes, they will look upon Him whom they have pierced.
So, at this time when Christ comes (at His second coming), the Jews who are left on the earth, they are going to mourn, and they are going to look and go "Oh no, we crucified our Messiah, and here He is!" They are going to recognize Him. And we see in Verse 31 that the Lord's going to round them all up. It says in this verse that He's going to come upon the clouds of heaven. That's given to us in Daniel 7:13.
To be continued...
John 9:41 ....if you were blind, you would have no sin: but now you say, WE SEE, therefore your sin remainth.
When we read God's word and we come to words such a mountain, we automatically picture in our carnal minds a physical mountain, instead of what it represents in Christ mind.
As we study and the spirit of Christ teaches, we begin to develop the mind of Christ, we see the meaning, not the physical, this is a process that happens with time and study.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Daniel 7:13 ...one like of the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven ----has that image popped into your carnal mind ------ that not the meaning in Christ mind ----
God Bless you as he creates the mind of Christ IN YOU.
The word of God is like a great treasure hunt, one scripture is the key to another scripture, and so on. The scriptures put together are the KEYS TO THE KINGDOM.
Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, HERE A LITTLE, and THERE A LITTLE:
BUT NOTICE; since the spirit of Christ wrote the words, the spirit of Christ must teach your what the words mean.
Isaiah 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to his people.
Most of God's words are HIDDEN in parables and dark sayings.
Psalms 78:2 I (the spirit of Christ) will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:
Revelation 19:10 ...for the testimony (words) of Jesus IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
For your questions, has words been twisted by man's carnal mind, YES.
Psalms 56:5 Every day they wrest (twist) my words ........
Are God's words being fulfilled? YES
Psalms 90:9 ...we spend our years as a tale that is told.
Hebrews 4:3 ... the works (WORDS) WERE FINISHED from the foundation of the world.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my words be that goeth forth out of my mouth, they shall not return unto me void, but it MY WORD shall accomplish that which I PLEASE, and IT (the WORD) shall prosper in the thing where unto I sent IT (the WORD)
The four winds of prophecy; a symbol, of the spirit of Christ.
John 3:8 the wind bloweth where it listeth (where God CAUSES it to blow), and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whether it goeth (it's the WORK of God): so is every one that is BORN OF THE SPIRIT.
Daniel 7:2 ....the four winds of heaven strove upon the great SEA (water)( Revelation 17:15) ....
Do I believe in miracles and wonders? YES, what greater miracle than creation:
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, THEY ARE CREATED, ( 2 Corinthians 5:17) thou renewest the face of the earth.
The mark of the beast requires a post of its own, I will send a second post.
God Bless YOU!
Discernment is listed in regard to knowledge of the spirit world as a spiritual gift ( 1 Cor. 12:10) and apparently is listed in Hebrews in understanding between good and evil. Many of us for several reasons are sorely deficient in that area today.
Red flag #1: "Dumbing down scripture". The lack of TRUST in God's revealed and living Word is the basis for all sorts of evils.
It seems rather evident that many aren't even concerned about studying history and also having a fair and impartial study of scripture itself to see how it fits into a whole picture. We have all sorts of ways that we like to "cherry pick" certain verses that fit whatever doctrine is politically correct at the time. If the foundations be destroyed; what can the righteous do? ( Psalm 11:3). Once the "anchor of the soul" ( Heb. 6:19) is taken out as a basic element of our faith then of course we aren't able or willing to see a lie when it is presented.
Red flag #2: Eschatological error. Often referred to as a "secondary issue" once again when scripture isn't literally taken (unless the context and explanation within the text clearly indicates otherwise; we can be in dangerous waters. If; for instance we deliberately ignore verses such as 2 Timothy 3 on many falling away in the last days then we have some idea that a great revival will occur or must occur before He calls His church upward. This is confusing what is written in Revelation and Joel to name two places where a great number come to faith. Revelation makes it clear starting in the 5th Seal that mass martyrdom will be the result of this faith. Persecution is already abounding but for now the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. ( Matthew 16:18). According to Daniel the saints WILL by and large be overcome in the Tribulation ( Daniel 7:21).
Is this the expectation of those who preach of revival today? By and large; no.
to be continued...
Gates in scripture is used as defense for a city.
The "Gates of Hell" will NOT prevail against the Church!
It's the Church on offence in this battle with Christ as our Victor.
That reminds me of Daniel 7:25. And he/Antichrist. shall speak great words against the most High, AND SHALL WEAR OUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
You see ,This couldn't be the SAINTS/Church! Israel is also called saints.
Psalms 148:14.
Psalms 50:5-7.
The Church is not on the scene. In fact the antichrist can't come on the scene until the Church is removed.
2 Thessalonians 2:6-9. And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: ONLY HE/HOLYSPIRIT WHO NOW LETTETH WILL LET, UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY.
And then shall that Wicked/Antichrist be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
The seven year period apparently is also stated in the Koran someplace about their version of the 12th Imam or world ruler which is the length of time that leader is supposed to rule. Of course; we don't know if the Tribulation begins immediately after the Rapture. It is at that time that the Restrainer; or function of the Holy Spirit in the church is removed ( 2 Thess. 2:6-7). For now; the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. ( Matthew 16:18). According to Daniel in the time of trial for His people the saints WILL be overcome by the Beast or Antichrist ( Daniel 7:25). We see how the boastful words there are a parallel to what is going on in Revelation 13.
It is a theory of mine that if you make each seal; trumpet and bowl a period of months and add it up you get 7 years. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) X 3. That is; 28 X 3 months or 84 months is equal to 7 years. Daniel uses 360 day years. Revelation 11:1-2 describes the 2 witnesses likely the first half of the Trib.
What is the bottomless pit?
It is the grave.
Who has the keys to death and the grave?
Christ has the keys to the bottomless pit.
Who arose out of the bottomless pit?
Christ arose out of death and the grave.
Who is Satan that is cast into the bottomless (the grave)?
The princes of this world, that die still in deception of the gospel of the kingdom of God
Who is the beast?
The beast is the forth kingdom on earth, the kingdom of God. ( Daniel 7:23)
What is the 1000 years?
It's the day of the Lord, one day is as a thousand years, so far it has been 2000 years, and those that have departed during that time have been reigning with Christ, study the parable of the workers in the vineyard ( Matthew 20:1-16).
Revelation 11:7 And when they (the two witnesses, the law and prophets, foretelling of Christ) shall have finished their testimony) the beast (the forth kingdom on earth, the kingdom of God, Luke 16:16) that asscened out of the bottomless pit shall make war with them and shall overcome them and, kill them (they prophesied of Christ's death on the cross).
Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ, there is not a seven year tribulation, God's children are caught up to him one at a time.
Revelation is all symbolic of the fulfillment of the kingdom of God.
All the answers are in Mosses and the prophets.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
I was raised in a Baptist church, they are as deceived as are all the other churches.
You learn God's word by going into the wilderness ( Mark 1:12)
God Bless You!
The first verse in Revelation tells us that Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ, so the beast is not technology.
The prophecies have the answers to Revelation and all the symbols.
Daniel 7:17 These great beast, which are four, are four kings .....
Daniel 7:19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast ......
Daniel 7:23 ....the forth beast shall be the forth kingdom on the earth .....
Daniel 7:22 Until the ancient of days (Christ) come ......
Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John, since that time the KINGDOM of God (the forth kingdom on earth) is preached, and every man PRESSES INTO IT.
The beast in Revelation is the Kingdom of God .....CHRIST IN YOU .....
Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his (the beast, the kingdom of God) heads as it were wounded to death (Christ died on the cross); and his deadly wound was healed (Christ was resurrected), and all the world wondered after the beast (the kingdom of God).
God Bless You.
you are struggling because you are placing yourself today in prophecy.
Prophecy was suspended at the stoning of Stephen.
Peter clearly was expecting the tribulation at any point.
They had sold all their houses and land and were expecting the tribulation to start.
God interrupted the prophecy program when he called Paul and revealed to him the mystery.
Prophecy cannot start back up till this age of grace is over.
The catching away of the body of Christ will initiate the prophetic clock to start back up.
Daniels 70th week is the last week to be fulfilled.
God's resumes his dealings with Israel at this point.
The mixing of these 2 programs and the allegorical approach to Biblical interpretation is the cause of this confusion.
Every date setter in history has been wrong.
This is because they started looking at the Bible literally but also put themselves in prophecy.
Paul is our Apostle in this age of Grace he calls mystery.
Learn this and you will understand prophecy better than you ever have.
Learn to rightly divide the Bible by Prophecy and Mystery not OT and NT.
This is the literal approach to Bible study.
New York City and every other city that has, and will exist, is the whore that rides the Beast, that includes you and I and everyone who has lived and is yet to live. All mankind is the whore, we're unfaithful to the word of God, until we are born of TRUTH.
The Beast is as real as it gets:
Daniel 7:7 ...and behold a forth beast........
The forth beast is the Kingdom of God. This Beast arrived when John the Baptist came preaching the kingdom of God.
Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time, the kingdom of God is preached, and every man PRESSED INTO IT.
Revelation 14:19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great WINEPRESS of the wrath of God.
God is going to PRESS all mankind until:
Galatians 14:19 .... Christ be formed IN YOU.
God Bess You.
Please look into Psalm 48 on the fear of the earth's rulers seeing the literal heavenly city; as well as Psalm 68 to see that indeed mortal man capable of sin still will exist on earth. Even the 10 kings are said to live for a while after the Tribulation in Daniel 7:12.
The only idea that works in this chapter is mortal men existing along with the church (kings and priests); and those who survived the Tribulation (those beheaded for not taking the mark). We shall rule and reign with Christ in a unique way; but certainly there will be many who survived the Tribulation who will rejoice as well and perhaps in eternity will rule and reign in similar fashion.
The concept of not being anything but a final Resurrection is pretty well eliminated in this chapter as well. The first resurrection it bears repeating consists of all saints; but in 1 Cor. 15:23 clearly there is an order and a procession of the firstfruits from Christ until the 144,000 in the Tribulation and then of course the Resurrection of those saints who were beheaded in the Tribulation. The concept of descendants born in that time; some of which rebel as seen in Rev. 21 and some of which will no doubt live out the whole time and hence WILL be translated need to be considered. It is possible some who die could be written in the Book of Life and not be cast into hell who rebel at this time; but since Christ will be clearly known they will be held to a higher standard so we can't say that for sure.
The second death involves the resurrecction of the damned cast into the lake of fire. Isaiah 66 talks of those dwelling on the earth looking in disgust to those in an opening of hell (this could be those killed in Armageddon who took the mark of the beast who would be the goats possibly thrown in beforehand; or this could refer to something viewed in the new eternal earth. I would think the former as these things likely would be hidden from us in eternity.
1st want to address
The Earth is The LORD's & the fulness thereof! Psalms 24:1, Daniel 7:13-14, Romans 6:9,
Dominion GOD gave to mankind. Genesis 1:26,27,28,
War in Heaven: cast out, Revelation 12:7-17, persecution but not dominion, John 8:42-44, Revelation 20:7-15, Please read all of Chapter for context. Revelation 13, Revelation 20, deceiver like Genesis 3, James 4,
Psalms 145:1-13, Daniel 4:2,3,34, Daniel 6:26, Ephesians 1:17-23, Ephesians 6:11-18,
Hopefully these are helpful,
Please read the WORD, & study
We are promised to receive a blessing for reading this Book; but that is for hearing it; and heeding it ( Rev. 1:3). There are things specifically for the churches and calling out in some cases just a few individuals who are "worthy" ( Rev. 3:4). The same principle applies to the Laodicean church for anyone who hears Him knocking at the door ( Rev. 3:20).
This book goes to the fate of the whole world; beyond what could be called this current "dispensation". It seems apparent to most scholars that after Revelation 4; there isn't any more mention of the church on earth until Revelation 20 with those in glorified bodies. To me; since we ALL are saved by grace I wouldn't dogmatically state that the age of grace ( Matt. 16:18) will be totally ended; only the function of the Holy Spirit once the restrainer is removed (the believing remnant church) at the rapture ( 2 Thess. 2:6). What we see change is the preservation of the church as an institution ( Matt. 16:18) and the normal experience in the Tribulation of martyrdom ( Daniel 7:21). What remains as a common thread is being WORTHY and having garments of white as our spiritual clothing ( Ephesians 5:27; Rev. 19:18). In order to achieve this status now; we need to be living unspotted from the world and to a large extent patiently waiting until the coming of the Lord; after the Rapture martyrdom will be the norm. Instead of arguing whether those who are left behind are lukewarm believers or all new converts; it is better to understand the concept that all those He has chosen will eventually come to the faith. The main harvest of countless souls attests to the fact that SOME repent when judgments come; while others of course harden their hearts beyond hope. As Jesus stated it is blessed for those who have NOT seen the Son of Man ( John 20:29). It is clear by the sixth seal who God and Christ are; but by then there is only a clear choice to worship God or Satan.
At any event; this will make way for the Mark of the Beast; and either worship of Satan or of God. There will be no more false religious system; or any comfort in materialism. We must remember that it is worshipping the image of the Beast with food being a sidenote that drives people to taking the mark. Death will be for all those not taking it; although a few will survive until the end and into the Millennium period in hiding.
Thankfully; 2 Thess. 2 seems to indicate that the church will be out of here before that. Also we have the verse about the gates of hell not prevailing against the church today ( Matt. 16:18). However; the saints will be overcome according to Daniel in the time of Jacob's trouble ( Rev. 13:7; Daniel 7:21; Jeremiah 30:7).
These prophecies must surely occur; although it is held back to some extent now. Once the lawless one is revealed; things will be exponentially worse than ever before and than it ever will be ( 2 Thess. 2:8; Matt.24:21).
May you be richly blessed as you study His word; particularly Revelation as we are promised that reading that book ( Rev. 1:3).
Agape; Rich P
You are not going to understand Revelation without understanding Daniel and Ezekiel.
Daniel's prophecy is FOUR kingdoms on the earth, Babylon, Medes and Persians, Grecia and the FORTH and last kingdom: the KINGDOM OF GOD.
Daniel 7:23 And the FORTH BEAST ......the KINGDOM of GOD ....
The BEAST in Revelation has to agree with Daniel's prophecy.
John the Baptist came preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD.
The FORTH and LAST kingdom (OF GOD) arrived on the day of Pentecost.
Hebrews 2:8 .... but now we see NOT YET ALL THINGS put under him.
In THIS AGE: God's in; ONLY, calling out the PRIEST to serve with him in the KINGDOM OF GOD. Study the Law and Prophecies. Moses and the children were a SHADOW of the TRUE KINGDOM.
Ephesian 2:7 That in the AGES TO COME .....
Eternity is a long time: it is broken down into ages for the PURPOSE and FULFILMENT of his good pleasure.
God Bless You.
I believe what Sister Suze was saying, Peter and most others, even today, don't UNDERSTAND: the SWORD was the WORD, not a metal blade.
But he was going to show them a miracle by healing the man's ear, and when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would remember and UNDERSTAND.
Luke 22:36 And he said unto them, But now (TODAY is the day), he that hath a purse, let him now take it, and like wise his script: and he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garments, AN BUY ONE.
Revelation 13:16 And he (the SWORD, the WORD, the Holy Ghost) CAUSED ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (the SPIRIT of TRUTH) in their fight hand, or in their forehead.
Revelation 3:18 I counsel of thee, TO BUY OF ME .....
Revelation 13:1 And that NO MAN might BUY or SELL (the Kingdom of God), save he had the MARK (CHRIST IN YOU), or the NAME (Christ in You) of the BEAST (the forth kingdom, the kingdom of God: Daniel 7:23), or the number or HIS NAME (Christ in you).
God Bless YOU.
The offices of the Godhead somehow operate in this manner; despite each member being God. The best way I can see this is that God the Father is not able ever to be in the presence of sin without judgment coming from Him directly. There had to be some separation therefore or when Christ died at the cross the whole universe would have ceased to exist the moment He was estranged for that instant from the Father. It would seem the Holy Spirit; since it came from Christ directly at Pentecost has always been the way the Omnipresent Godhead can be within His chosen vessels. Truly; there was always that presence in Old Testament times; as it will be in some ways in the future Tribulation and beyond but the ministry changes. The results of that can be seen contrasting the promises of Matthew 16:18 and the statements of the saints being overcome in Daniel 7:15 etal.
I am stating all this so that verse about the Son of Man not knowing the Day and hour of His return can be better understood.
Christ learning obedience in a self depreciating manner ( Heb. 5:8) while He took on the form of man with all the limitations so He could be our substitute in life and death in every way; being tempted as we are but without sin ( Heb. 4:15) is also unfathomable in our minds. Nonetheless; Christ alerted to us that He comes a day we don't expect. We should be aware of signs; not overcome by fear
Remember that there are 10 Kings that rule; and 3 are subdued. ( Daniel 7:24). Thus; we see the "little horn" coming out from what was part of the Grecian empire; broken up into 4 parts earlier. Somehow; he is associated with the other kings; likely from the same region. That appears to be a conlomorate beast; with the lion (Babylon); bear (Media/Persian); leopard (Greece) and the 4th one (Rome). Some would argue the more modern designation of England and the USA (as the "young lions of Tarshish) in Ezekiel 38:13; then Russia being the bear. Nonetheless; the last kingdom has characteristics and likely geographical intersections of the approximate boundaries of these ancient kingdoms; and many say it is likely a Mediterranean mainly Muslim confederacy that would help to fulful such prophecies as Psalm 83; Ezekiel 38 and others.
Any theory that the Son of Perdition is Judas Iscariot is fairly well knocked out by Hebrews 9:27. He will undoubtably be worshipped and the mark brought about in its finality after this event ( Rev. 13:4). Since the little horn is associated with Greece; and Apollo is named in the Greek language it is possible this entity that energized Alexander the Great will be the force indwelling Antichrist. No doubt it is being held back today until he who holds it back is taken out of the way.