Odessena Renee Johnson Brown on Daniel 6 - 6 years ago
When we fear and obey ALMIGHTY GOD, HE will cover us with HIS LOVE. ALMIGHTY IS THE GREATEST ALWAYS AND FOREVER MORE. There is no limit to HIS STRENGTH and GREATNESS. Amen!!
Trusting in God when things are bad or good is the right way to live. having an unbroken relationship with him his important, because you will know that whatever come he will hide you under his wings of love.
even in the face of his enemies Daniel remain faithful Galatians 1.10 in doing so King Darius saw Daniels God deliver him and shut the lions mouth even made a degree that all worship THE LIVING GOD. WHO WORKS SIGNS AND WONDERS IN THE HEAVENLY AND EARTH
It tells us how great God is if you are faithful to him. Daniel stood on his words not to worship any other God apart his God who create heaven and earth.
We need the spirit of discernment to know the purpose of every matter brought before us. If the king had discerned the evil motive of the presidents and princes, I would definitely have refused passing the decree. The need of the hour is complete submission to the Holy Spirit so that He can guide us on the path of truth and righteousness. God bless you all in Jesus matchless name.
God will shut the gain sayers mouth for his word say in the bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God deliver them out of them all my QUESTION to stop fighting your own battles he will WIN not you we must humble ourselves under mighty hand of God. I challenge you let go self it's in the way. Just as Daniel believed God's word and proposed we can if we just hold onto our faith t
Daniel 6:21-22 "Daniel answered, May the king live forever! MY GOD sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty." IN SHORT: IF GOD BE FOR U WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU! LIONS WILL COME TO TRY TO STOP YOUR PROGRESS BUT ALLOW GOD TO SHUT THEIR MOUTHS AND JUST PRAY AND BELIEVE!
Daniel 6:21-22 "Daniel answered, May the king live forever! MY GOD sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty." IN SHORT: IF GOD BE FOR U WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU! LIONS WILL COME TO TRY TO STOP YOUR PROGRESS BUT ALLOW GOD TO SHUT THEIR MOUTHS AND JUST PRAY AND BELIEVE!
It goes to show that flattery does not get the desired results in the long run. Let your Yea be Yea and your Nay, Nay. If you are living out the Truth you do not have to try and flatter anyone. your way of life will show your character, especially in a time of testing.
When in Jerusalem, they typically prayed toward the north. Toward the east Like in Ezekial faces the sun( pagan) and toward the west is in defiance of God. When not in Jerusalem, in exile, toward Jerusalem seems to be the case here.
No matter what the enemy put you through our GOD IS able to RESCUE US, FOR HIS NAME' SAKE thats why he said BE COMFORTED FOR I HAVE CONQUIRED THE WORLD. Nothing will overpower us if we have JESUS.
Believe, trust, pray, love, fear and honor God our faith can and will be definitely stronger. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME DELIVERER, HEALER and MAJOR FOR ALL TIMES GIVEN. HE WINS ALL BATTLES. Whatever it is, GOD IS ABLE.
What David went through was no different than Daniel as men set a trap in Daniel 6:4-28. It has been going on throughout history and will to the end of time. How one handles those attacks is more important than the attacks themselves. David had the formula. Stay true to God's word, no matter what.
This chapter of Daniel means a lot to me. Because a Baptist preached from that chapter one Sunday. At the end of his sermon he asked wouldn't you like to be like Daniel I got saved that day 9 6 1970
I think if we could get half the faith that Daniel had and trust God and stand up for what we believe in and not worry about,what the world thinks. God would save our family's.Don't worry about what the world thinks. If we cannot be now, What is Jesus going to say in the end?????