To add to discussion I just recently replied but felt led to add to my post. Just recently in Daniel I believe GOD revealed to me Daniel & his friends may have been, as captives of war made Eunuchs by Nebuchadnezzar- Daniel 1:1-3, Daniel 1:7-9, Daniel 1:10-11, each time it states those who were put over Daniel & his companions that title was given them 'over the Eunuchs' . There is no account of them having children that I've found. Futhermore when Nebuchadnezzar threatened people in his brutal way= Daniel 2:5, Daniel 2:12-13, Daniel 3:28-29, it was probably a very viable threat & intensely reality. Which now not only puts new light on Nebuchadnezzar's threats but his way of thinking.
Recently GOD's been showing me more in these scriptures. Daniel also is the only one that I've found where an angel says was greatly beloved, Daniel 10:11, Daniel 10:19, there seems to be a distinction in this address. GOD knows us & everything thing we have suffered, everything taken from us, even wrongful sterilization. He loves us! Hopefully this is also encouraging in a deep way as it has been to me. Yes I believe GOD addresses people personally & callings differ. Moses, Hosea, Ezekiel are few examples Daniel another. Sometimes HE calls us to do things others have not been called to nor had precedence for. Like Noah. In my life I've been reminded of this scripture more than once [1 Kigs 13:8-10,15,16,17,18,21,22,*24,] 1 Kings 13:1-32, we must obey GOD ALMIGHTY in what HE calls us to do personally.
When I say a distinction the wording is a little Different than Isaiah 48:14, 2 Samuel 2:24, 1 Kings 10:9, Revelations 1:5, Revelations 3:9, John 14:20, Mark 10:21, & even Matthew 3:17 because CHRIST is the SON, THE WAY TRUTH & LIGHT, LIFE. If I had my Exhaustive Concordance at hand, I would study it more fully.
I don't understand the wording in Daniel 3:19 where it says the furnace was heated one seven times hotter. If the word "one" was left out it would make sense.
Hi, perhaps you were looking for the connection of Daniel and the ones in the fiery furnace. Daniel at one point purposed in his heart not to eat of the King's meat, the three in Daniel Chapter 3 were not part of the dream that Daniel revealed to the King which caused Daniel's separation by promotion from his friends who also did not eat of the King's meat. These friends faced their own purpose in God and were found faithful and protected by the one who appeared in likeness as the Son of God to the King. The King then, like Daniel promoted these men to greater responsibilities in his kingdom and honored the majesty of the Living God in these four friends.
Eating if the King's meat is a temptation offered by the world to be strong when it actually makes a Christian more pale.
I hope these bible story encourage us to believe what God can do for us, when we are in difficult situtation in life. Dont give us God will come through for us
I think it is quite telling that these 3 YOUNG men had enough of the love of God to believe. Where are the faithful hearts of the young men of today that they would have the will-power to withstand the forces of evil today and go through similar ordeals and remain faithful to the trust. I believe that there are those among us today that would do so. However, they are few and far between. God help us if we, as the older generation, do not cultivate an atmosphere to encourage such a powerful legacy for them to follow.
I am to be 88 years old this September 4 and saw the light in my 70s. I am growing and learning more every day. I often will read God's word and see things I did not see in times past when I read the same verse. Noticing "creature" used rather than man was curious to me. I had an idea that it was probably similar to what you first replied but I do know that it did not mean all animals. I would think it would be more practical to think other human like creatures we are not aware of yet rather than other animals from this earth. I DO know it is the truth, whatever the explanation. If God wants me to know, he will tell me !! Take Daniel 3:25 for instance----how did Nebuchadnezzar know what Jesus looks/ looked like when he told his subjects he saw the 4 men cavorting about in the furnace like they were on an afternoon walk and one of them looked like The Son of God even though they had put only 3 into the furnace. God bless you and give you an abundance of wisdom and knowledge.
I see such an amazing comfort in this. When the fiery wrath of God is poured out upon the world at the end of the world, God's people are snatched up to meet the Lord in the air and are protected completely while the elements burn all around His people. What a blessing to know that God gives us this comfort while the faithful Bride endures the great tribulation until the last trump sounds.
Nyodee, Daniel 3:23-25, speaks of this incident. Nebuchadnezzar certainly had no intimate knowledge of the True God, however, he might have been conversant with who this God of Israel was. He would not have known of the Son of God (Jesus), but probably referred to the fourth person in the fire as someone that was very near to or a messenger of God. As we see in verse 28, that he attributed the help given to the three God-fearing men, to an angel. He may also not know about angels, but purely a term used as a helper sent by God to His people.
Thank you MarilynT your words sparkling with Gods Truth were full of uplifting Spiritual Treasures. Our Loving Abba Father tells us to focus on what is good this does not mean we have to be Happy Clappy when we are hurting but to remember always as you shared too that He Loves us and is always there for us in the good and the bad. God Bless you abundently Marilyn Now and Always.
What a Mighty God we serve. This is the same God who took 3 men into a fiery furnace and brought them
out without no harm. Praise God for being in the fire. Today God is with us too if we trust, keep and honor
his word. God will protect his children and angels will follow God s commands. We should live the life that
God honors so when we need God he rescues up. Thanks God for your words and promises.
The three hebrew boy did not give up on God even in dangerous situation they did not lose hope faith or trust in the almighty God. God dont all the time take you out of situation but he get in there with you so you dont look like what you been through dont give up on God cause He want give up on you
Genesis 1:26 God was talking to somebody as the words "us and our" and NOT "me or I" is used.Basic 101 English God the Father wasn't talking to Lucifer in Genesis 1:26, he was talking to his Son Jesus. Jesus was always around in the old testament in Daniel 3:25 for example. No man can see God at anytime. John 3:16 God sent his Son Jesus and not himself as hd was not Superman to come In the flesh.
It appears Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and all the mighty men were rendered invulnerable to the immense heat causing the mighty men to march right into the heat without realizing how abnormally close they were to it and as they threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego the mighty men were judged right as they released their grip on them and were no longer invulnerable to the heat and were consumed.
BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. PSALM 46:10. When was the last time you sat with your God and listened? Thank you Father for your strength. Help me see what l can do through you today. The strength of Christ reaches right down into our turmoil and pain. It's there, that we can truly do "ALL THINGS." God always equips us with the armor we need, to stand firm. God will PROTECT ME ALWAYS!
JP: I think it was the mighty men in verse 20 who were binding Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that died. Somehow the flames got too close to them while trying to toss the three into it in haste and they died.
Recently GOD's been showing me more in these scriptures. Daniel also is the only one that I've found where an angel says was greatly beloved, Daniel 10:11, Daniel 10:19, there seems to be a distinction in this address. GOD knows us & everything thing we have suffered, everything taken from us, even wrongful sterilization. He loves us! Hopefully this is also encouraging in a deep way as it has been to me. Yes I believe GOD addresses people personally & callings differ. Moses, Hosea, Ezekiel are few examples Daniel another. Sometimes HE calls us to do things others have not been called to nor had precedence for. Like Noah. In my life I've been reminded of this scripture more than once [1 Kigs 13:8-10,15,16,17,18,21,22,*24,] 1 Kings 13:1-32, we must obey GOD ALMIGHTY in what HE calls us to do personally.
When I say a distinction the wording is a little Different than Isaiah 48:14, 2 Samuel 2:24, 1 Kings 10:9, Revelations 1:5, Revelations 3:9, John 14:20, Mark 10:21, & even Matthew 3:17 because CHRIST is the SON, THE WAY TRUTH & LIGHT, LIFE. If I had my Exhaustive Concordance at hand, I would study it more fully.
BibleHub dot com
And put in your scripture and read several commentaries on the explanation of this scripture.
It is very helpful.
Daniel 3:25 ..... and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
Daniel S. Warmer
Not in the temples made with hands, Tho' beautiful by art; But God in mercy condescends To dwell in my heart.
Oh glory to Jesus! so sweet in me; My body, Thy temple shall forever be.
How wonderful that He would take This poor abode of sin, And wash me in His precious blood, And now abide with-in!
Oh, glory to Jesus! so sweet in me; My body, Thy temple shall forever be.
No more I think of God afar, But see Thee Lord, with-in; Oh shine in me, Thou morning star, And keep Thy temple clean.
Oh, glory to Jesus! so sweet in me; My body, Thy temple shall forever be.
O Lord, en-shrine with-in my breast, My constant joy and peace; My soul can now forever rest, Secure in Thy em-brace.
Oh, glory to Jesus! so sweet in me; My body, Thy temple shall forever be.
Eating if the King's meat is a temptation offered by the world to be strong when it actually makes a Christian more pale.
Please explain your question in a clear way.
3.verses 20,,,25..the scriptures
How did King Nebuchadnezar know the nature of the form of the son of God, having no knowledge of the true God?
out without no harm. Praise God for being in the fire. Today God is with us too if we trust, keep and honor
his word. God will protect his children and angels will follow God s commands. We should live the life that
God honors so when we need God he rescues up. Thanks God for your words and promises.