Am talking concerning daniel chp 12 vs 3 telling us to win a soul for the lord, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."
I'm Michael and I'm the seventh trumpet as said in the days of the seventh trumpet don't be conceited and say you hear me not. just compare the scripture's concerning both Daniel 12. ,and Revelation 10. I'm the one you all hear, but tell me what you think.
in this book,God want us to live a holy life like Prop.Daniel,coz any man that walk in the way he does,he will neva perish. And any man who is ready to work for Christ will gain the heavenly world.
The World will not understand the word and prophecies of God's word but the true beliver will always understand God's words. Verses 9 - 10, shows that believers must strive to purify themselves and be made white (holy) for the Son of God, Jesus our redeamer is fast coming to take his people unto himselve.
My respond to Val's Mark Chapter 9 comment on 9/07/2013, 9:45pm: In 2 Corinthians 4:18 it says, "the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal". So when we talk about life in heaven then we mean "life eternal" and when we talk about death in hell then we mean "everlasting punishment". In Matthew 25:46 There are people who will go to life eternal but other people will go to everlasting punishment. Even in Daniel 12:2 it says, some shall awake to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. When we talk about fire where sinners are to be cast into we mean "everlasting fire" as it is written in Matthew 18:8. It is the same fire being mentioned in Jude 1:7 called "eternal fire" where sinners shall suffer. This kind of suffering is "eternal damnation" as it is written in Mark 3:29 and that is none other than "damnation of hell" which is written in Matthew 23:33. They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation as it is written in John 5:29. Therefore this sinners shall be burned "eternally".
God is urging us to be like Him, we must b wise when dealing with anything on this planet earth. As an obedience children of God, we must involve ourselves in kingdom's business . Winning souls unto God's vineyard is the principal thing for all Christian believer. Let's go to every part of the earth and look for the lost ones
What I see in this Chapter is that the Angel is communicating with Daniel about how many days from the beginning of the sacrifice days is 45 +1290 until Christ second coming. 1,335 days
To the Prophecy in Daniel" When He shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy People all these things shall be finished" For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. To the words of Jesus on the cross "It is finished".
There is a verse in the bible that I thought I read at some point. The verse talks about kings, princes, etc., being dug up from the earth by generations to come... Do you know where I can find this verse?
Daniel 12.11 means when the Holy Communion is replaced by bread. When changes begin in my holy mass, and Priests do not talk more of my gospel in the homilies, when my Holy Communion is changed to a piece of bread, the �Our Father� prayer is altered, and the Name of my Father will not be sanctified, that is when you will know that the abomination has begun and I will not be in the tabernacles any more. When this happens, flee out my flock! And look for shelter in the remnant churches or in the Marian refuges that will be enabled by My Mother, and where you will find peace and solace.
Michael, I do get your explanation to Willie. I may not have got it well, but it seems the 'daily sacrifice' will be stopped by the evil empire? Please explain more!
Daniel 12:2 resembles to the rapture in Thessalonians. Looking at Daniel 12:1 reminds one of Jacob�s trouble or beginning of Great tribulation--deliverance of the saved; again Christ rescues the dead in Christ and the faithful living in need of rescue.
Hello Godfrey, what the Lord was telling Daniel was he was not going to be around for the great tribulation but would be in his resting place which is his grave until Jesus comes & raises him at the end of this system of things......
Here in Revelation 10 the hour deliverance of Daniels people, Israel, is at hand ( Daniel 12:1; Romans 11:26), Israel is to be grafted in their own olive. This is the season when he finishes with the Gentiles, for it is the hour they are cut off from the olive tree because because of unbelief. In Revelation 10 the pillar of fire, the angel of the covenant visits his Gentile church, the tender mercy of of God: whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. It is the season of manifestation of sons, its the hour of deliverance from bondage to corruption ( Romans 8:18-23). It is the dispensation of the fulness of time ( Ephesians 1:10). It is a prophetic age ( Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 10:7, 11). Paul in speaking to his people the Jews warned them: Beware therefore, least that come upon you, which is spoken of the prophets: Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish: for I do a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you ( Acts 13:40-41). In Revelation 10:4 we read: seal those things the seven thunders uttered and write them not. The same voice said in ICorinthians 2:10 but hath revealed them by the spirit: for the spirit searcheth all things, the deep things of God. In Amos 3:7 we read we read the Lord will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. It is the age of the restoration of the word and the power. In verse 3, the angel or messenger of the covenant had a little book open: the making known of the words of the covenant, the restoration of all things; Malachi 4:5-6 season, Elias surely come and and restore all things (Mathew 17:11-12- note here the present and future application of these verses, for scripture has compound revelation). When God visited Israel to fulfill Genesis 49:24; 15:13-16 he descended in a flame of fire and sent Moses ( Exodus 3:1-9). This chapter is connected to Daniel 12, I Corinthians 14:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and many other scriptures surrounding the second coming, both in old and new testament. A brief commentry has just been touched on this chapter.
Well Linda why don't we findout and see what Gods word has to say. And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.� ( Revelation 14:1) As we have seen, this Lamb is the same as the Michael who cleansed the heavens by casting out the Devil and his demons. He is the Michael whom Daniel describes as �standing in behalf of the sons of [God�s] people� as he prepares to �stand up� in executing Jehovah�s righteous judgments. ( Daniel 12:1; Revelation 12:7,�9) Since 1914 this self-sacrificing Lamb of God has been standing on Mount Zion as the Messianic King.
3 It is just as Jehovah foretold: �I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain.� ( Psalm 2:6; 110:2) This no longer refers to the earthly Mount Zion, the geographical location of earthly Jerusalem, in which city human kings in the line of David used to reign. (1�Chronicles 11:4-7; 2�Chronicles 5:2) No, for Jesus, after his death and resurrection in 33�C.E., was installed as a foundation cornerstone on the heavenly Mount Zion, the celestial location where Jehovah determined to place the �city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.� Hence, �the Mount Zion� here represents the exalted position of Jesus and his joint heirs, who make up heavenly Jerusalem, which is the Kingdom. ( Hebrews 12:22, 28; Ephesians 3:6) It is the glorious royal situation to which Jehovah elevates them during the Lord�s day. Over the centuries, anointed Christians, as �living stones,� have earnestly looked forward to standing on that heavenly Mount Zion, united with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ in his majestic Kingdom.�1�Peter 2:4-6; Luke 22:28-30; John 14:2,�3.
4�John sees not only Jesus but the complete body of the 144,000 fellow heirs of the heavenly Kingdom standing upon the Mount Zion. At the time represented by the vision, many, but not all, of the 144,000 are already in heaven. Later in the same vision, John learns that some of the holy ones still have to endure and die faithful. ( Revelation 14:12,�13) Evidently, then, some of the 144,000 are still on earth. So how is it that John sees all of them standing with Jesus on Mount Zion? In that, as members of the congregation of anointed Christians, these have now �approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.� ( Hebrews 12:22) Like Paul when he was still on earth, they have already�in a spiritual sense�been raised up to be in union with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. ( Ephesians 2:5,�6) Additionally, in 1919 they responded to the invitation, �Come on up here,� and in a figurative way �went up into heaven in the cloud.� ( Revelation 11:12) In view of these scriptures, we can see that all the 144,000�spiritually speaking�are located on Mount Zion with Jesus Christ.
The 144,000 have no part with the worshippers of the wild beast, who are marked with the symbolic number 666. ( Revelation 13:15-18) In contrast, these loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. No doubt John, a Jew, saw God�s name in Hebrew lettering, יהוה. In having the name of Jesus� Father symbolically written on their foreheads, these sealed ones make known to all that they are Jehovah�s witnesses, His slaves. ( Revelation 3:12) Their having Jesus� name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. He is their betrothed �husband,� and they are his prospective �bride,� �a new creation� serving God with heavenly life in view. ( Ephesians 5:22-24; Revelation 21:2,�9; 2�Corinthians 5:17) Their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions.Thats the best I could do, and the rest up to you, weather you except this conclusion or not.
Daniel chapter12 tells us to seek the welfare of others, for in so doing god blessed us. We are also to stand firm for the lord as a brighter end awaits us.
What is the significance of the 1,290 and 1,335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12?
In Daniel 12:9-10 we are told, �And he [Michael] said, Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.�
The prophecies God had Daniel record for us were to be sealed until the end of this age�or at �the time of the end.� We are now very close to the time when these events will take place. Both the 1,290 and 1,335-day periods end with the Return of Christ. The beginnings of these periods mark significant events for those living at this time.
Daniel 12:12 states, �Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.� At the 1335-day mark, which is 45 days before the abomination of desolation, the organized efforts of God�s Work here on earth will almost certainly come to an end. Only those people of God who are doing that Work today�and holding fast ( Rev. 3:11) to the full truth�will be protected.
Notice what Daniel 12:11 states: �And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.� Although the daily sacrifices were put to an end in A.D. 70, and have not been in place since, this verse indicates that they will be reinstated and then stopped again in the near future.
Forty-five days later, at the 1,290 days, marks the time when the abomination of desolation is set up. At this signal, the Church will begin its flight to the place of protection ( Matt. 24:15-20). Thirty days later, the Great Tribulation begins ( Rev. 12:14). Jesus speaks of this time in Matthew 24:21-22 and Mark 13:19-20. This period of �Jacob�s trouble� ( Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1) will span 3� years��a time, times, and an half��or 1,260 days ( Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14).
The 1,290 days and the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:11-12 point to events preceding the tribulation. The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord (which occurs during the final year of the tribulation) complete the remaining 1,260 days prior to the Return of Christ. Restored Church Of God
In the last chapter of daniel , last verse it does not specify where it is that daniel uis to go after he is to leave to rest i,d like to to know where it is that he should go what is the metifore ?
My comment is plain and simple the end is near and we can tell this not by man but clearly by observation. Egypt is running around in a frenzy trying to identify who they want to defend and run their country. And as of right now 7 states have voted to have same-sex marriages which is an abomination to the Lord our God. It says in Romans chapter number 8 verse number 12: Therefore bretheren we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. And in Romans chapter 8:13 it says this: For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die; but if through the spirit shall you mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. This is saying that we can not live without Christ and if we stray to the things of this world we will surely perish. Today in the state of Kentucky 4 counties have established the fact that the 10 commandments has no reason to be hanging on the wall in a public courthouse. We are the voice of the Christian people if we are the ones who make the decision to live like our God we need to live the life. Because without it we will perish like the Rich man and our tongues will be of fire.
The beast is destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming and the Spirit of His mouth according to 2nd Thess. 2. In Daniel 11:45 when the beast comes to his end is when Christ returns. Chapter 12 verse1 of Daniel shows that "at that time thy people shall be delivered". AFTER enduring the 1,290 days of the beast. Many think that they will be taken before the beast declares himself to be God. Obviously this is not so once you examine verse 31 of Daniel 11 where the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate set up. This ABOMINATION is when the beast goes into the Holy place and declares he is God (notice Jesus does not say "Temple" in Matt 24 , so it is HIGHLY possible this could be the Dome of the Rock, even though as Christians we may not regard this as a Holy place). Notice AFTER this in verses 32,33,34 and 35. God's people are obviously here. In Daniel 12:11 we see that there shall be 1,290 days from the abomination which maketh desolate until the destruction of the beast and Christ's return. People say, "no man knoweth the hour or the day" out of context. No man knoweth the hour or the day BETWEEN the 1,290th and 1,335th day. A 45 day span. The Angels will be sent to gather the elect during this entire 45 day span. No place in the Bible does it say that this will be done in one day as all have come to assume. They link Jesus coming and their gathering by the Angels as one in the same but it is not correct. You may argue that it says this but it can not be validated as exact. Right here we have validation as to EXACT days. It can not be argued that Christ's LIGHT will not shine over the earth and the beast destroyed on the 1,290th day. This is EXACTLY what is going to happen. This is what people have missed. What will we be waiting for otherwise on the 1,290th day? ...Santa Claus? ...Give me a break! No man knoweth the hour or day they will be GATHERED by the Angels BETWEEN the 1,290th day and the 1,335th day. So much for the misleading description of "rapture", which is not Biblical whatsoever and tends to give the perception of a one-day event. It will be a 45 day event, as shown here in Daniel 12. We therefore know the exact day we will see Jesus light shine over the earth and the beast destroyed. This can mean nothing else. If so, present it. Truth is what should prevail.
learning our purpose in god by ministering to the unsaved about his goodness and tender mercies he have on us daily and encouraging them to turn and accept jesus and going to and fro telling of his blessing and my own experience and his annointing
3 It is just as Jehovah foretold: �I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain.� ( Psalm 2:6; 110:2) This no longer refers to the earthly Mount Zion, the geographical location of earthly Jerusalem, in which city human kings in the line of David used to reign. (1�Chronicles 11:4-7; 2�Chronicles 5:2) No, for Jesus, after his death and resurrection in 33�C.E., was installed as a foundation cornerstone on the heavenly Mount Zion, the celestial location where Jehovah determined to place the �city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.� Hence, �the Mount Zion� here represents the exalted position of Jesus and his joint heirs, who make up heavenly Jerusalem, which is the Kingdom. ( Hebrews 12:22, 28; Ephesians 3:6) It is the glorious royal situation to which Jehovah elevates them during the Lord�s day. Over the centuries, anointed Christians, as �living stones,� have earnestly looked forward to standing on that heavenly Mount Zion, united with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ in his majestic Kingdom.�1�Peter 2:4-6; Luke 22:28-30; John 14:2,�3.
4�John sees not only Jesus but the complete body of the 144,000 fellow heirs of the heavenly Kingdom standing upon the Mount Zion. At the time represented by the vision, many, but not all, of the 144,000 are already in heaven. Later in the same vision, John learns that some of the holy ones still have to endure and die faithful. ( Revelation 14:12,�13) Evidently, then, some of the 144,000 are still on earth. So how is it that John sees all of them standing with Jesus on Mount Zion? In that, as members of the congregation of anointed Christians, these have now �approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.� ( Hebrews 12:22) Like Paul when he was still on earth, they have already�in a spiritual sense�been raised up to be in union with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. ( Ephesians 2:5,�6) Additionally, in 1919 they responded to the invitation, �Come on up here,� and in a figurative way �went up into heaven in the cloud.� ( Revelation 11:12) In view of these scriptures, we can see that all the 144,000�spiritually speaking�are located on Mount Zion with Jesus Christ.
The 144,000 have no part with the worshippers of the wild beast, who are marked with the symbolic number 666. ( Revelation 13:15-18) In contrast, these loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. No doubt John, a Jew, saw God�s name in Hebrew lettering, יהוה. In having the name of Jesus� Father symbolically written on their foreheads, these sealed ones make known to all that they are Jehovah�s witnesses, His slaves. ( Revelation 3:12) Their having Jesus� name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. He is their betrothed �husband,� and they are his prospective �bride,� �a new creation� serving God with heavenly life in view. ( Ephesians 5:22-24; Revelation 21:2,�9; 2�Corinthians 5:17) Their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions.Thats the best I could do, and the rest up to you, weather you except this conclusion or not.
In Daniel 12:9-10 we are told, �And he [Michael] said, Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.�
The prophecies God had Daniel record for us were to be sealed until the end of this age�or at �the time of the end.� We are now very close to the time when these events will take place. Both the 1,290 and 1,335-day periods end with the Return of Christ. The beginnings of these periods mark significant events for those living at this time.
Daniel 12:12 states, �Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.� At the 1335-day mark, which is 45 days before the abomination of desolation, the organized efforts of God�s Work here on earth will almost certainly come to an end. Only those people of God who are doing that Work today�and holding fast ( Rev. 3:11) to the full truth�will be protected.
Notice what Daniel 12:11 states: �And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.� Although the daily sacrifices were put to an end in A.D. 70, and have not been in place since, this verse indicates that they will be reinstated and then stopped again in the near future.
Forty-five days later, at the 1,290 days, marks the time when the abomination of desolation is set up. At this signal, the Church will begin its flight to the place of protection ( Matt. 24:15-20). Thirty days later, the Great Tribulation begins ( Rev. 12:14). Jesus speaks of this time in Matthew 24:21-22 and Mark 13:19-20. This period of �Jacob�s trouble� ( Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1) will span 3� years��a time, times, and an half��or 1,260 days ( Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:14).
The 1,290 days and the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:11-12 point to events preceding the tribulation. The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord (which occurs during the final year of the tribulation) complete the remaining 1,260 days prior to the Return of Christ. Restored Church Of God