Discuss Daniel 11 Page 5

  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    2nd seal open. The red horse and power given to him was to take peace. Meaning with out the true Christ there is no peace. Remember this is speaking of spiritual death in this Book, mainly, until the last 20 minutes and then the flesh with died in a hail storm. This is a great sword of lies and deception. We know that from the Book of Daniel 11:21 the vile person (antichrist) obtain the kindom by flatteries. That 22 that this is a flood of lies.23 him and his will work deceitfully and small people, his tares the kenites.24 and read this, satan,he shall enter peaceably. And it goes into how he buys souls by spreading the spoil and riches. Skipping forward to 30. For the ships of Chittim, yepper! That's the Elect. Yeah! We do. We go against him. The Elect will make him grieve. And at the end it say "them" that forsake the Holy covenant are the kenites. Then with the antichrist playing god they take away the daily sacrifice, communion. Why? You don't have to take communion our christ is here. No he isn't. Just like the rapture churches will tell you, "you don't need to read.Revelation, we are all gona be gone,we are gona fly away". I`ve heard that lie because I grew up with a rapture. My Mother told me the same thing growing up, but instead of listening decided God was right. He said eat and consume the Word of God. Going to Jeremiah in chap.4: 9 This is a rotten bunch in that day and as you read 10 you see that God didn't promise the wicked any peace. They thought they were living high on the hog and had peace but there is no peace without the Prince of Peace. And 11. That dry wind is a destroyer wind of bad spirits. So we read in Mark 13:7 when you here wars and rumours of wars,be ye not troubled. He means it because satan comes in peace to decieve many, "all" the world. The elect will stand. They know their Shepherds voice. And have studied the Word. Just don't fight and when given up blank your mind and let Father do the talking.
  • Chris on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago

    I don't know if Satan is a homosexual or not. He could be as an act of rebellion. I do believe the Antichrist will be a homosexual though. Daniel 11:37 shows he "lacks the desire of women" which we call homosexuality today. Which in my opinion is why we have the HUGE push for making homosexuality "normal." The television (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy), the movies (Brokeback Mountain), music (I Kissed a Girl, by Katy Perry), public education system and children's books (Sally Has 2 Mommies, and the Prince and the Prince), even the p*rn industry (bi movies and lesbian scenes), modern medicine (they were born that way, so it's ok), etc. are all pushing the homosexual movement forward. There are many more examples than these everywhere you turn around. If you yahoo search the phrase "is Jesus gay" you get pages upon pages of people trying to twist Scriptures to prove He was, or just general debate. It has gotten to that point.

    Also, leave the churches. The Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon spoken of in Revelation 17. That makes ALL of the denominations her daughters. Flee them all. Don't misunderstand me, the Bible is real, but the "churches" are false. Remember; "many will come in my name, saying I am the Christ. Do not follow them." Yes, they are called Christians. Christians come in His name (Christ) and say He is the Christ. Don't follow them.
    Come out of her my people!
  • Steve on Daniel 11:42 - 13 years ago
    I noticed that in strongs concordance that the word escape at the end of the phrase "and the land of Egypt shall not escape" has two different words used to define escape. Why is this?
  • Bill on Daniel 11 - 13 years ago
    The Middle East in Prophecy�What History Reveals!

    May 2, 2011 ... Daniel 11 is the single longest unbroken prophecy in the Bible. We will learn
    how God has brought to pass many specific events He foretold ...
    The restored church of God
  • Devon Drake on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 14 years ago
    The beast is destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming and the Spirit of His mouth according to 2nd Thess. 2. In Daniel 11:45 when the beast comes to his end is when Christ returns. Chapter 12 verse1 of Daniel shows that "at that time thy people shall be delivered". AFTER enduring the 1,290 days of the beast. Many think that they will be taken before the beast declares himself to be God. Obviously this is not so once you examine verse 31 of Daniel 11 where the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate set up. This ABOMINATION is when the beast goes into the Holy place and declares he is God (notice Jesus does not say "Temple" in Matt 24 , so it is HIGHLY possible this could be the Dome of the Rock, even though as Christians we may not regard this as a Holy place). Notice AFTER this in verses 32,33,34 and 35. God's people are obviously here. In Daniel 12:11 we see that there shall be 1,290 days from the abomination which maketh desolate until the destruction of the beast and Christ's return. People say, "no man knoweth the hour or the day" out of context. No man knoweth the hour or the day BETWEEN the 1,290th and 1,335th day. A 45 day span. The Angels will be sent to gather the elect during this entire 45 day span. No place in the Bible does it say that this will be done in one day as all have come to assume. They link Jesus coming and their gathering by the Angels as one in the same but it is not correct. You may argue that it says this but it can not be validated as exact. Right here we have validation as to EXACT days. It can not be argued that Christ's LIGHT will not shine over the earth and the beast destroyed on the 1,290th day. This is EXACTLY what is going to happen. This is what people have missed. What will we be waiting for otherwise on the 1,290th day? ...Santa Claus? ...Give me a break! No man knoweth the hour or day they will be GATHERED by the Angels BETWEEN the 1,290th day and the 1,335th day. So much for the misleading description of "rapture", which is not Biblical whatsoever and tends to give the perception of a one-day event. It will be a 45 day event, as shown here in Daniel 12. We therefore know the exact day we will see Jesus light shine over the earth and the beast destroyed. This can mean nothing else. If so, present it. Truth is what should prevail.
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 9 - 14 years ago
    Star here as angel, verification 7 stars over 7 churches were also Angels but this one is bad and he is coming de-facto. This is also a simulation presented,or wjats about to take place, to us to have a look of what it will be like when the anti-christ is on earth. The false christ or instead of Christ as its translated will get here on the 6th trump,6th seal,6th vial. This actually reads in the Greek "and a star which has fallen" he is one of the fallen angels. A past tents written as in had fallen. Anyway he comes as an actor playing like he is Christ and says he is god and puttin on a big show being every bodies, he is acting like Jesus peaceful friend and flattery he gets the world to chase after him. In the Book of Daniel 11:21 the vile person. He obtains the kindom with flatteries and as you go on he has a strong people(kenites) 24. Says peaceably and read on thhe ships of Chittim(Elect). You will read they waver a little but God helps the elect a little but Gods little is alot! The daily sacrifice is taken away and that is spoken also in 9:27 oblation, communion, why? Because they think he is Jesus. Not! We don't stop, this is not Our Rock, Our Christ returns with a rod of iron. Our love for our Lord is waiting for the true Christ to return. When the Holy Spirit speaks thru the elect many will turn away but there will be some that still cleave to antichrist and his flatteries. Its been shorten to 5 months from 7 years,for the elect sake. The key that he obtains supplies him with the visual aids. And he comes blowing smokes and lies. He will be imitating the return of the true Messiah as much as he is able to. Always remember satan knows the scriptures, he twist them for his own reasons. Makes it sound so very nice but its never right when he says them. In the desert he twisted the scriptures. The devil tryed to temp the WORD of God. The devil is not to smart. But anyway, he will be creating an illusion that darkens, to make his countenance appear brighter.them that have not the seal in their minds the scorpions will make mush of their backbones and they will believe the lies. These locust are a bunch of priest/preachers. Like horses they have power. Crowns are fake gold, faces like men because they are men, hair like woman because their so soft spoken and sweet acting. Bring your loved ones to bow down to jesus he will save you. Yeah right into hell! This one antichrist is death, the son of perdition whichj is death. Don't turn your brother,sister,mother,father, over to death. Teeth as lions because they will tare your soul away if you believe their lies. Then it says 5 months and satans name in hebrew and Greek, the destroyer.2 and a half months he sets up his system with 10 kings of the flesh. Then he comes with his supernatural kings for 2 and a half months. Don't be deceived. Trust God and He will be with you. G
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 6 - 14 years ago
    The seals are very inportant because them that are sealed satan can't touch them. First verse satan on a white horse, Hebrew I think its a pale white horse but we know its him cause of a toxin bow, and a fake crown to conquer. Read daniel 11:21 on the take over, peacefully and with flatteries. Not what the Hell fired Bible thumpen preacher told you. Antichrist translates, instead of Christ. Looks like the lamb but speaks like the dragon,cause he is the devil dragon.
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 1 - 14 years ago
    There will be two witneses that will be showing up 10 days before. They can do sign`s and wonders,they have power. They are from God and will be teaching against the false prophet that will be sitting on the throne saying he`s Jesus but is not. Its a total of 5 months or the hour of temptation, shorten for the elect, and for 30 minutes of that hour or two and a half months satan will be here defacto. he brings a locust army of priest, that's the breastplates of iron. O.k. its like this in Revelation 9 :1 satan falls to earth like a star. Scorpions have no stomach and they send fluids into their victims and suck it back in digesting them with there own fluid while making the victims backbone to mush. Its symbolism. Them that don't have the seal of God in their brain, the truth, will be deceived and become a victim of deception. The five months of torment,is 5 months shorten from 7 years spoken by Daniel for the Elects. The shape of locusts,horses,means power, they want to fight for your souls,them and satan think they can win. Not! They have fake crowns of gold and faces like men because they are men. Long hair like woman because they talk soft and sweet while teeth like lions cause they try to tare your soul away from you. Just a bunch of sissy preachers! In the old days our priest wore breastplates with 12 stones for the 12 tribes of Israel. That's the meaning of that.satan, anti-christ,instead of christ
    will be supernatural and the world will chase after him. Don't do it! When you see the one world system begin and the money will change, you pay your rent up 3 months and your bills and buy food and don't buy or sell, don't nurse the system along,don't be a part or satan or his system. Just turn away and wait for the true Christ that you love. That first one taken is taken into hell so be a watch man for the LORD and stay. Listen to the two that God sends and when the Holy Spirit comes through the Elect in every tounge so all can understand it,listen to what God says through them. God loves all His children and wants us all back home. daniel 11:21 and thry chapter 11 tells you satan the vile one takes over with peace and flatteries and in 31 the daily sacrifice our communion stops because people think Jesus Christ is here. Makes Father mad! Study the word Father loves us.
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 1 - 14 years ago
    There is no RAPTURE! God hates them that think they can fly to save their own soul. Ezekiel 13 :20 and on, read it. In First Thessalonians chapter 4 the subject in 4:13 is, where are the dead and Paul is telling us that the dead are with Christ in heaven gettin ready to return with Him first. In 16 Paul brings up the Seventh Trump and speaking of a twinkle of an eye where we are changed The word Air is spiritual bodies in and it translates a breath of life, a higher way of thinking and cloud is a pack of people,a crowd, same as he used in Hebrew 12:1. He used a lot of street Greek. No 6 and a half trump, Jesus is not coming down to save special people and leave His Elect to fight the war with there armour on and in place to fight the anti-christ which means translated, instead of Christ, who is the vile one spoken of by Daniel 11:21 who comes in peace and flatteries. Yeah, he`ll fly you away alright, right to hell. The LION returns at the 7th Trump with a rod of iron to thump them that wanted to fly with satan to save their souls. No chickens in Gods Army. Its not even in the word of God.

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