Discuss Baruch 1

  • Marke - In Reply on Baruch 1 - 2 years ago
    OT passages have applications to Christians today. What significance do you think the crop and feathers have for Christians today?
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Baruch 1 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 1:16

    And he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the east part, by the place of the ashes:

    First of all I wasn't sure what a "crop" was, so I googled it and found this definition on Wikipedia:

    "A crop (sometimes also called a croup or a craw, ingluvies, or sublingual pouch) is a thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion. This anatomical structure is found in a wide variety of animals. It has been found in birds, and in invertebrate animals including gastropods (snails and slugs), earthworms, leeches, and insects.

    Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers says:

    "His crop with his feathers.-Just as in the case of quadrupeds the skin was flayed off the victim before it was put on the altar fire, so the feathers were removed from the bird before its body was placed on the altar. This is the natural sense which is to be expected from the context, since it can hardly be imagined that the victims would be burnt with the feathers, and thus cause an intolerable smell. The rendering, however, given in the margin, "with the filth thereof," is now adopted by the greater number of expositors. As the two words filth and feathers resemble each other in Hebrew, it is probable that one of them has dropped out of the text. The maw, therefore, with its contents, as well as the feathers, were removed to the eastern side of the altar, where the ashes from the altar were thrown ( Leviticus 6:3)."

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible is typical of those that go with the marginal reading:

    "His crop with his feathers - The weight of authority is in favor of the marginal rendering. It is most probable that the feathers were burned with the body, and that the wings, mentioned in Leviticus 1:17, were not mutilated."

    Unlike larger animals, many commentators say the small size of the offering limited what the priest could do to make these parts acceptable for the alter, so they were cast away
  • John a borucinski on Baruch 1 - 2 years ago
    Question in the Leviticus the burnt offerings the crop and the feathers were not used why not
  • Benjamin Michel on Baruch 1 - 9 years ago
    I would like to know where I cand find it all to read. Why was 7 books left out of most bibles?? Thanks Ben
  • Travis Webster on Baruch 1 - 10 years ago
    Hey sister do your promotions somewhere else, this is some of the word of God. Include all peoples of the world, not just women. Thank You
  • Robert on Baruch 1 - 10 years ago
    This is my first time to read the Book of Baruch. Isn 't it not inspiring for the people who excluded this book because of non importance. If they truly understand Revelation 22 18. What 's up?
  • Ayodele on Baruch 1:7 - 10 years ago
    Please i have never heard of Baruch in the bible and its not writing in the bible at all where does this came from
  • Kyle in Flint on Baruch 1 - 11 years ago
    I am so grateful to be able to read the Apocrypha; while I have read the Holy Bible four times in my life, and the Book of Moses nine straight years, I have fallen in love with The Spirit of The Lord from Chapter 1 of Baruch. Really powerful and I could feel it is inspired. Thank you for this service. By the way; "Sisters Go Ye Trailer 2" on Youtube is my latest Christian Indie Film.
  • Nimal on Baruch 1:14 - 12 years ago
    This verse in Baruch 1:14 confirms James 5:16 - Confession of our sins to one another and to God. When we sin we sin against two people. God and our brother (which is in the body of Christ) If we harm our brother and sin against him, confessing only to God without reconciling with our brother is of no use. That is why Jesus said, when you bring an offering to be offered in the Temple and you remember you have hurt your brother, keep your offering aside, first go to your brother, reconcile with him and then offer your gift. The prodigal son, before coming to the father, made up his mind to tell the father " my father I sin against God and you" He sinned not only against God but his father too. He asked for forgiveness from both God and his father. So confessing our sins to one another, as James advised, is important because when we sin we sin against our brother which is the body of Christ.

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