Discuss 2 Samuel 8

  • Ronnie Alexander on 2 Samuel 8 - 2 years ago
    Thank you may god bless you
  • David - In Reply on 2 Samuel 8 - 3 years ago
    Hello Shiela In 1 Samuel 16:13 is when the spirit of the Lord came upon David and almost every time David

    got into different situations with unbelievers he would inquire of God either what to do or will we win. In 1 Samuel

    23 :verses 2-4-11-12 that's just in this record. That's I one characteristics of a great spiritual leader always

    asking God what to do or can I do this with your help and then being thankful and giving credit to God. Although he blew it with bathsheba God still called Him a man after his own heart. Incredible when you think about it Gods Grace

    Psalm 51:1-11 Tells you David understood the gravity in what he did, verse 11 Cast me not away from thy presence

    and TAKE NOT THY HOLY SPIRIT FROM ME. Thank God we never have to utter these words because of Jesus Christ!
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Samuel 8 - 3 years ago
    David fought confidently. 1 Samuel 17:26,32,33-36,37 & with faith because of GOD's deliverances in past & knowing GOD's love for Israel. Maybe that's why GOD called him: 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22,

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • SHIELA Tsengwa on 2 Samuel 8 - 3 years ago
    i would like o understand whether David fought prophetically, hat is, when he went to war he knew he would conquer or he was just led by the spirit of God and by faith?
  • Cherry Dickerson - 3 years ago
    Biblical Contradictions in the form of a question:

    Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?

    God did ( 2 Samuel 24: 1)

    Satan did ( I Chronicles 2 1:1)

    In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?

    Eight hundred thousand ( 2 Samuel 24:9)

    One million, one hundred thousand ( I Chronicles 21:5)

    How many fighting men were found in Judah?

    Five hundred thousand ( 2 Samuel 24:9)

    Four hundred and seventy thousand ( I Chronicles 21:5)

    God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?

    Seven ( 2 Samuel 24:13)

    Three ( I Chronicles 21:12)

    How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem?

    Twenty-two ( 2 Kings 8:26)

    Forty-two ( 2 Chronicles 22:2)

    How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem?

    Eighteen ( 2 Kings 24:8)

    Eight ( 2 Chronicles 36:9)

    How long did he rule over Jerusalem?

    Three months ( 2 Kings 24:8)

    Three months and ten days ( 2 Chronicles 36:9)

    The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time?

    Eight hundred ( 2 Samuel 23:8)

    Three hundred ( I Chronicles 11: 11)

    When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Before defeating the Philistines or after?

    After ( 2 Samuel 5 and 6)

    Before ( I Chronicles 13 and 14)

    How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into the Ark?

    Two ( Genesis 6:19, 20)

    Seven ( Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark ( Genesis 7:8-9)

    When David defeated the King of Zobah, how many horsemen did he capture?

    One thousand and seven hundred ( 2 Samuel 8:4)

    Seven thousand ( I Chronicles 18:4)

    How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of building the temple?

    Three thousand six hundred ( 2 Chronicles 2:2)

    Three thousand three hundred ( I Kings 5:16)

    The list is practically endless.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Samuel 8 - 3 years ago
    Thank you David. That was a great encouragement to all of us - that we attend to the weightier matters in life & prayer, and not get lost by the many voices around demanding our time & energies. We can get side-tracked easily - it's good practise to often stop & look heavenward & offer praise & thanksgiving to the One in Whom our life is hid & He in us. Blessings brother.
  • David on 2 Samuel 8 - 3 years ago
    May we be as David was. As we reflect on what God the Lord Jesus Christ did and is doing for us, it should move us to do something to praise and glorify Him. Ephesians 2: 8-10

    We should intensify and draw closer in our relationship with the Lord. Our prayer life and private devotions should glorify the Lord. Our efforts should be in line with His will. Matthew 28: 18-20. We are in great need of the Lord's hand on us. Especially during this global pandemic we are going through. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - 16.

    I am striving to do this, but find myself falling woefully short. May we lift all the saints in prayer, especially those in positions of authority, both civil and ecclesiastical. Prayer for the lost, as it is not God's desire that anyone be lost 2 Peter 3:9

    God bless all the saints on this platform. July 2021
  • Sarah on 2 Samuel 8 - 6 years ago
    Justin Rampley, Scripture always confirms Scripture. Study the Bible circumspectly (as a whole) it helps clarify questions such as this. What you have noted is explained by looking at the genealogy in 1 Chronicles 6. Several times it repeats these names because it was common for children to be named after their parents (unless one dishonored God, then they stopped naming after that person).
  • Lauren on 2 Samuel 8 - 6 years ago
    Justin: The Abiathar (Father)
  • Justin Rampley on 2 Samuel 8 - 6 years ago
    Verse 17, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, isn't this incorrect? Abiathar is the son of Ahimelech.
  • Quansto on 2 Samuel 8 - 6 years ago
    Carlos; David is asleep in death awaiting resurrection into the new promise world. It says so in Acts 2:34
  • Carlos Angel Rey on 2 Samuel 8 - 6 years ago
    Thought of David as young? He's probably old by now!
  • Sokanon on 2 Samuel 8 - 8 years ago
    David was a humble man. He killed 18,000 men. Toi sent him gifts for defeating his enemy, and David dedicated it all to the Lord. God has given us talents and abilities. When we use them, are we glorifying God?
  • REGINALD HUDSON on 2 Samuel 8 - 12 years ago

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