I appreciate your exactness. I have understood it to mean what you've stated. With emphasis on "few''. With a cross reference to Matthew 22:14. Matthew 20:16, Numbers 26:54, Luke 13:23-24, Matthew 7:14,22,23,
Romans 5:19 with "many" referred to in like manner: because scripture says 'all' Romans 3:23,
Romans 2:12,
Perhaps the word "many" is used to help us understand the magnitude of people and striking contrast to the emphasis on the word "few" as opposed to a translation of "all" would it seem impossible or less significant per the reader?
I appreciate your exactness. I have understood it to mean what you've stated. With emphasis on "few''. With a cross reference to Matthew 22:14. Matthew 20:16, Numbers 26:54, Luke 13:23-24, Matthew 7:14,22,23,
Romans 5:19 with "many" referred to in like manner: because scripture says 'all' Romans 3:23,
Romans 2:12,
Perhaps the word "many" is used to help us understand the magnitude of people and striking contrast to the emphasis on the word "few" as opposed to a translation of "all" would it seem impossible or less significant per the reader?
Hopefully this is helpful.
Does "many" imply "all"?
Alan Portelli
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