If you read the verses of Genesis 2 and the creation of Adam ( Genesis 2:5-8), humans already existed as of Genesis 1:7. Adam as a caretaker of the Garden and his relationship with God is unique and a precursor for the coming of Christ in the form of man. A lot of ppl tend to believe that Genesis 2 is a rehashing of Genesis 1 but the problem with that is Genesis 2:1-5 onward all build off the verses from the previous chapter. There's also some confusion over the fact the Hebrew text uses 2 different tenses for "create", in Genesis 1 the context is the usual definition of create basically making something new from nothing....however, in Genesis 2 it would be more akin to "mold" or "summon" as in God made something in that moment but he wasn't crafting a new thing. All the animals and what not just didn't have proper names until they were brought before Adam.
So to sum it up, yes God made other humans aside from Adam and Eve *but* Adam is unique being the precursor to kings and the priesthood which is why he's considered the 1st Man as in a title rather than literally the very first human man. Somewhere along the line we let this get thrown outta whack in how it's taught.
Of course. He created their children. Abel and Cain were their children. Cain killed his brother . It's not cool to say that, but it's true. Eve was made by the rib of Adam. Adam was molded from dirt and dust. God breathed life into him. They sinned by choice and Satan. These verses can be found in the book of Genesis. Please read the Bible now. It's much better to understand the story.
The physical creation of man from the dust and women from Adam's ribs in the beginning would indeed have begun with Adam. He was created in the image of God. Man later through reproduction still has individual attributes that are known by God. The soul of all men is defined as thoughts; intellect and emotions which are also unique to each person. Ezekiel 18:4 indicates that all souls belong to God hence are uniquely created. The spirit normally is defined as the part of inner man that worships (whether it is God or demons). That part of man considers eternity in their hearts ( Ecclesiastes 3:11) and exists after the death of the body. Therefore it is also part of man which is "fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:14). This Psalm written by King David surely shows how man is unique. The only thing is that man is now created in the body and soul in the image of man; although it has a shadow or form of the original appearance of God but in a fallen state. When Born Again; starting with our spirit we have the Holy Spirit breathe new life and hence we truly are a new creation. ( 2 Cor. 5:17). We hence start in reverse order; until the Resurrection when later we have a new body. In the beginning; God breathed into Adam AFTER his frame was made physically to bring life through giving him a soul ( Gen. 2:7). The soul of man and spirit today come immediately after copulation.
Genesis 1:27-28, Genesis 5:2, Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:22, Genesis 4:14-16, also destruction of whole earth by flood wouldn't be logical if people only existence was in one area Genesis 6:11-13, Genesis 7 -through- Genesis 9,
Matthew 3:9, Hebrews 7:1-3, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 1:18-25,
Yes, clearly GOD has made children outside of Adam & Eve,
All the races were created on the sixth day, he looked and it was good. He rested on the seventh and He created 'eth ha Adam', the man Adam was created on the eighth day.
Eve is the mother of all living in Christ, umbilical cord to umbilical cord. If you are not living in Christ, 'you are not living'.
The question of if Adam was the first is clearly stated by GOD but it's still unclear of all other people on earth doing that time and how they came to be. It carries over these facts in The Book of Jasher.
Even though people reference Genisus 2:1-5 , etc. I believe only GOD has a clear answer to that question and it's one of his mysteries in the bible.
"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26 KJV Now the faith makes one a child of God, based on the confession and profession of one's faith. Any other that does not believe or have faith in God is not a child of God. This verse implies that not everyone is going to have faith, according to their own choosing by not accepting God. If you don't belong to God then one is not of God and not connected to God. People choose whether God is their Father (HE has already chosen us, we have to make a choice and choose HIM) and if God is not the Father, then who is? Or what is one's spiritual DNA. A person's spiritual DNA is either holy or unholy according to their faith or wanting to have faith in God. All one has to do is believe.
(According to the scriptures...God created everything seen and unseen...God created evil...Cain was removed from the garden and sent away and later married)
"And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, ..." Genesis 4:17 KJV (and a city indicates a body of people) This is an indication that there were other people, humans being, since Cain was able to take a wife. Earlier in the scripture it talks only of Adam, then Eve, Cain and Able. Only four people, then at some point there is a indication of other people.
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26 KJV (God is talking with someone, since there is an "us" and "our")
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27 KJV (this being only Adam and then Eve)
Other people were created, yet I don't believe they were created in the image of God. Later in the scripture Jesus says "whosoever will let him come" We are saved by grace.
So to sum it up, yes God made other humans aside from Adam and Eve *but* Adam is unique being the precursor to kings and the priesthood which is why he's considered the 1st Man as in a title rather than literally the very first human man. Somewhere along the line we let this get thrown outta whack in how it's taught.
Matthew 3:9, Hebrews 7:1-3, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 1:18-25,
Yes, clearly GOD has made children outside of Adam & Eve,
Eve is the mother of all living in Christ, umbilical cord to umbilical cord. If you are not living in Christ, 'you are not living'.
Even though people reference Genisus 2:1-5 , etc. I believe only GOD has a clear answer to that question and it's one of his mysteries in the bible.
(According to the scriptures...God created everything seen and unseen...God created evil...Cain was removed from the garden and sent away and later married)
"And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, ..." Genesis 4:17 KJV (and a city indicates a body of people) This is an indication that there were other people, humans being, since Cain was able to take a wife. Earlier in the scripture it talks only of Adam, then Eve, Cain and Able. Only four people, then at some point there is a indication of other people.
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26 KJV (God is talking with someone, since there is an "us" and "our")
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27 KJV (this being only Adam and then Eve)
Other people were created, yet I don't believe they were created in the image of God. Later in the scripture Jesus says "whosoever will let him come" We are saved by grace.
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