Christian Life Page 98

  • Mary James on Judges 18 - 6 years ago
    God is such a Just, All knowing, Complete God that He makes sure no stone is unturned so He will be justified when He judges. I often wondered why this was written in the Bible. I often wondered what purpose did this hold. But as I read it one day the Spirit spoke to me and said... Man thinks they will do what's right naturally without the guidance of God..but this PROVES THEM WRONG.
  • Igben success on Revelation 22 - 6 years ago
    where is the most scary prophecy found in revelation
  • Bruce on 1 Thessalonians 5 - 6 years ago
    We are to examine Ourselves, God already Knew His Kids would Mess up. If We confess Our Sins, He is Faithful and Just to Forgive us Our Sins, 1John1:9 / My Little Children, these things Write I unto You that Ye Sin not. And if Any Man Sin, We have an Advocate with The Father, Jesus Christ The Righteous; 1John2:1 / No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with The Affairs of this Life: 2Timothy2:4
  • Bruce on Luke 6 - 6 years ago
    We are to Judge: Beware of False Prophets which come to You in Sheep's Clothing but are raving Wolves. Ye Shall Know them by Their Fruits. But be Careful how We Judge, for We Will be Judged with The Same Judgment. Matthew 7:1,15-16. / If One be Overtaken in a Fault, Ye which are Spiritual, Restore such a One in The Spirit of Meekness; considering Thyself, less Thou also be Tempted. Galatians 6:1
  • Bruce on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 6 years ago
    We must through much Tribulation enter The Kingdom of God. Acts14:22 / Ye Shall be Hated all men for My Name's Sake: but he that Shall Endure unto The End---Shall be Saved. Mark 13:13 / Immediately after The Tribulation------- He Shall Send His Angels with a Great Sound of a Trumpet, They Shall gather His Elect----. Matthew 24:29-31/ --- In The World you will have Tribulation. John 16:33
  • Obbie Beal on Ezekiel 34 - 6 years ago
    The LORD Is My Shepard!... Wow!, Wow!, Wow! [GOD IS GOOD].
  • JP on Psalms 91 - 6 years ago
    Dear God and Jesus thank you for loving your son for dying on the cross for for me and my foolishness thanks for letting me be able to walk away car wreck in a lot of pain I'm here to talk about it only the 13th one was my fault that I got a ticket for please help me to be able to continue to raise my 1 grand niece and 3 Grand nephew the baby was 5 days old when I got them his soon thank
  • Vanessa on Philippians 4 - 6 years ago
    I cant find the woman about divorce but I do know Christ came with a purpose he died on that cross for all sinners, and we all are, is there no sin that cant be forgiven? Did Christ not show us through his works, we cast no stones, Love thy Lord thy God with all thy heart,thy soul and all thy might, and repent onto the Lord at the cross, God is a loving God he gave his only son thank you God AMEN!
  • Iola johnson on 2 Corinthians 1 - 6 years ago
    i love reading the bible and i find every time i read it i gain something from it and it always blesses my soul.Thank God for his words.
  • Barbara on Psalms 70 - 6 years ago
    Been under attack for some time now but gonna continue t trust My Lord God daily for everything I have being praying for just asking for strength t continue on 5his journey in life. I mean everyday attacks but gonna keep the faith.
  • Bruce on Malachi 4 - 6 years ago
    Gather Ye together First The Tares and Bind they in Bundles to Burn them: Matthew 13-30. / Malachi 4-1 is not here Yet. It's a Picture of Coming Judgment. All who are not Covered by The Blood of The Lamb, Will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:15
  • Bruce on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 6 years ago
    Be Sober be Vigilant; because Your Adversary The Devil as a Roaring Lion Walketh about Seeking Whom he may Devour: 1Peter5:8. Satan is here, been for Thousands of Years./ The Sixth Angel Sounded --- Loose The Four Angels--- which are Prepared for an Hour and a Day and a Month and a Year to Slay The Third Part of Man. Revelation 9:13-15
  • Obbie Beal on Daniel 7 - 6 years ago
    WOW, WOW, WOW! 2018 and the war is getting bloodier day by day, BUT the VICTORY is won through the Lamb Of God! (fight on brothers and sisters the victory is our). To GOD be all Honor, Glory, and Praise.
  • Eline Viana Menezes Bragd on Deuteronomy 1 - 6 years ago
    Why Simeon is not among the others of IsraelĀ“s folk in Dt 33?
  • I AM on Revelation 1 - 6 years ago
    Are ye cursed? Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of GOD. Michael Isaac, even the Christ child in the very flesh, IS the revealing Angel. MICHAEL ISAAC IS THE NAME OF THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST of THE THRONE of DAVID: even him which is, and which was, and which is to come. MICHAEL ISAAC alone is JEHOVAH spoken AH-WAY. the most high over all the earth. Amen and Amen
  • Joshia on Luke 15 - 6 years ago
    i like this version do you have a devotoin
  • Alex on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
  • Rich shepherd on Philippians 1 - 6 years ago
    For anyone that denies their bibles are changing from this phenomenon called the Mandela effect, If this doesn't wake you up, YHWH has sent you a strong delusion like He said He would in 2nd Thessalonians 2:10
  • Brittany Green - 6 years ago
    For instance, the Lectio "Divina", due to its repetition, and also deconstructionism to the point of nonsense, is a practice that leads to eisegesis, heresies, and, yes, seared consciences. Frances Loyola's exercises also cause communications with Devils, and also dissociates one into moral decontructionism, and therefore, sociopathy. The unfortunate thing is these things are common.
  • Carter on Acts 10 - 6 years ago
    John 5:43 Jesus said that I come in my FATHER's name. The JEWS hated him because he claimed to be the MESSIAH - JESHUA - SAVIOR - GOD manifested in the flesh. Jesus Jehovah savior.
  • Adrian Booth on Matthew 19 - 6 years ago
    No, Judas Iscariot will not sit on one of the thrones. He took his own life and betrayed the Son of God. He will be in Hell for eternity. He was replaced by Matthias in Acts 1
  • John Masters on Psalms 102 - 6 years ago
    I am hunted, spied on, misinterpreted, and like an owl of the desert, and a sparrow alone on a rooftop in the smoggy city Nonetheless, my hope is in God. He will hear when I cry, and he will answer me.
  • Lawanda on Psalms 23 - 6 years ago
    I love the so as a little girl my mom came 2 me and when God come 2 u, do not be afraid, I did not what she talking about I was just a little girl, so time pass and it started when I was 20, yrs of age, I saw that my first child was a girl and my second was a boy, dreams of each one of them but the old I got I start having dreams and they came truth, but I would not tell no one I learn later it.
  • Yvonne on Psalms 71 - 6 years ago
    Most of us don't know that the real God doesn't want to live in buildings made by hand! But He wants to live in our hearts, made by Him
    It's become so obvious now that so called Christians only think about gaining more material wealth and not trying to hide it anymore.
    Spreading the real Love you rarely find in rich churches, but you find it in the back street and under the unseen people sharing
  • Sandra Brayer on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
    Hi My Name is Sandra Brayer I really enjoy reading the King James Large Print of Kin James verse bible every time I get a chance like everyday.
  • Bruce on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
    The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a Shout, with The Voice of The Archangel, with Trump of God:And the Dead in Christ shall Rise First: Then We which are Alive and Remain shall be caught up together with them in The Clouds to Meet The Lord in The Air: so Shall We ever be with The Lord. 1Thessalonians 4:16-17. Not all of humanity. / God's Light always Was. Work while it's Day
  • Me on Psalms 58 - 6 years ago
    I really like the idea of being able to give feedback.
  • JayClark on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
    God says also "no excuses for sin"; also "never again"; and 1 more; "earth and heaven and sea and all in them" . Jesus aceppts you all as days of old are gone, forever "new" look up into sky of Gods Love and see Jay ( JesusChrist ) [Accepts You] Love you dear Lord God, Thank you for everything, and for taking away the ancient serpent dragon the devil; ( revelation 20 verse 1 through 3)much love jc
  • Karen abbott on Proverbs 3 - 6 years ago
    sometimes if asked for money, I tell them I have none. I don't have much and am struggling myself but I should try to help them. it is what God would do.
  • Marie on Psalms 91 - 6 years ago
    Please pray for my son that he could heal from having diarrhea all the times because he is lactose intolerant. May God love and blessings and prosperity May be on my home!

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