Sandra Arlene Smith-Underwood on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
they keep riding threw my body, I almost got hit by two cars, and I never believed in that tv, I lost my mind when the tv was reading us. its like someone took his gifts and used it against him. I thought it came out of England, I had gifts until someone took them. I can't seem to find his had, they keep trying to put me on drugs on the streets, he is going threw my body starting stuff with plants
Sandra Arlene Smith-Underwood on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
I lost my father, after they came after me and my children put us all on the streets saying I have to be with bill smith, when he had told me to leave, because he started talking about his own family and put the blame on me and they went threw people at work and riding threw my family and where I live, to throw me out on the streets.
I'm far away from home training for my CDL'S I'm taking my test today this morning 04-16-2019, I'm praying to pass all tests and receive my CDL and move forward and go home. Pray with me! All Praises To GOD
this is the passage that super bowl champ Reggie White paraphrased to the media- the media TRIED to make this a big deal and feign offense - blessedly, no one took the bait. I hope that Reggie is with God now - he was one of the bright spots of the 1990 Eagles season. Like Tebow, he wasnt ashamed of his faith. God is great
My mind is in a diffrent place how long it took me to get here,l,m histerical,and loving everything.and how you always know how to work the in possiable.Romans1-could wait
I support Thomas Faunce who has been traveling from N.D. to S D. Bringing clothes, toys etc to the Indian reservation. Very treceous weather. He just left Texas
My friends , this is one of his titles embroidered on his thigh area . Not on his upper sleave or his chest or his back or on his Make Israel Great Again cap. No, but on his garment over the thigh area. The verse in Levticus 19 that says do not print yourselves is followed by the verse that commands one not to prostitute one's daughter. Let's not be conformed to this world to please our friends
I am Nadeem christian from Pakistan please tell me glory to Jesus Christ we are proud of our nation Pakistan very village is not church please can you come to Pakistan please visit me Pakistan please contact my whatsapp 923049523765
My sister is having emergency surgery on her colon as I type. I will send this to her friend who is there. He needs to be uplifted. We are all believer's in Jesus. Love this chapter.