I was w you guys and some one broke in be much home will I was at work they stole my phone and wallet in amdy tv I almoSt walk in and they jump.out the window please help e get my KJV back
I am that Michael Isaac Dale on 2 Timothy 2 - 5 years ago
PROPHECY (3) Will fall under nuclear attack from Russia, China and others. Cities will lay desolate with the remaining people devastated and the world in chaos. Anarchy, famine, enslavement and horrible deaths will ensue. REPENT NOW and ask JESUS to save you from this hell. Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I am that Michael Isaac Dale on 2 Timothy 2 - 5 years ago
PROPHECY (2) During the visit, the US will experience large-scale blackouts, particularly in the northeast, coastal and metro areas. Soon after, during the blackouts; the LORD JESUS CHRIST will save the faithful, children, teens, the destitute and others from around the world. Immediately proceeding this event US coastal cities and military bases, beginning with NY,
I am that Michael Isaac Dale on 2 Timothy 2 - 5 years ago
PROPHECY (1) This prophecy is sent by commandment of God Almighty. Read and retain for reproof, instruction and your salvation. The following events mark world descent into spiritual damnation, or hell: humankind (even your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walking about, seeking whom he may devour:) will visit the United States for what appears to be a diplomacy visit.
I am that Michael Isaac Dale on 2 Timothy 2 - 5 years ago
By commandment of my Holy Father, I command faithful men of the Spirit to preach and teach and speak boldly as they ought, that the word (of GOD) be given free course throughout this world, that the Holy Father may be glorified in the Son. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation (it must be made plain upon tables, as given and received by the Spirit.)
these online electronic bibles are nice, BUT like A and Sonya Lakey comments some words have changed, hold on to your old hardback paper KJV Bibles people! a person can edit electronic bibles but they cant edit the ones that have already been printed.
I see President Trump like David. God has chosen him for such a time as this. And when people say things about Trump I bring them to David. Not.perfect but useable. God can do.more with one useful man who.yields to God then hundreds of men. Trumps family.on his mother's side came from a long list of Christian reformers. He had two aunts praying for him all the years he was growing up.
I was raised on a farm and we raised gourds for one thing and one thing only and that one thing was to make bird houses out of them. They wasn't fit to eat so we dried them out and bored ( or cut) a hole in them and hung them on tree limbs or Mom hung a few on the porch.
Hi Brethren .
Can you please pray for me .Things are not well .My friends forsake me in a foreign land .God bless them and they bought new nice houses.I love my friends they just stop communicating with me and i'm still staying in a council house I'm just like a lost sheep.Having problems with my neighbour But one thing i can't do is stop praying .I know your prayers can help me keep going .GBU.
Why was Luke 24:51 and Mark 16:19 removed as a fabrication in some bibles.I feel like you won't answer me because you dont have a logical explanation.Especially without quoting what another man says.
Sandra Arlene Smith-Underwood on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
they have me and my sister going against eachother, her dad was military and my family our church I think the smith family or diana marquez is playing game with my family, they gave my family tickets, trying break our ankle under us, took our jobs, I can't move my feet, someone is being me
Sandra Arlene Smith-Underwood on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
how do I stop this person. speaking threw my body, so Ill lose everything, I studied my counsling, accounting, business, I was a machine operator, but some how he has my soul mind they played a game and poked my finger and bill sister said she was gonna forgive people and Africa came into casa Grande, az and they our abusing me, I don't know whitch way to take it
Can you please pray for me .Things are not well .My friends forsake me in a foreign land .God bless them and they bought new nice houses.I love my friends they just stop communicating with me and i'm still staying in a council house I'm just like a lost sheep.Having problems with my neighbour But one thing i can't do is stop praying .I know your prayers can help me keep going .GBU.