Christian Life Page 86

  • Grace on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I don't have a prayer request, I just wanted to thank you for this site. Every morning before starting my day I read a chapter or two going through the Bible. The Bible verse you choose, have been a answer to pray, many times. As you don't have any knowledge of my life, but God is always there for me. Keep serving our LORD!
  • Lester Chambers on Proverbs 3 - 4 years ago
    what does the word ought in Mark 11: 25 mean in the Greek and Hebrew?
  • Alabi on Song of Solomon 4 - 4 years ago
    what is the spiritual implication/meaning of myrrh, frankincense, gold and aloes for the first three were the gifts the wise men gave to Jesus at birth
  • Judy on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    What city is the great harlot
  • Daniel Raymond Gibbs on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    why wasn't Lot punished for offering his daughters as ***ual pawns to the angels. And for getting drunk with wine from his daughters and impregnating them.

    Lot and his Daughters laid with the Devil, and should have been destroyed by GOD. I for many years stayed away from the Bible, and always thought it was a book of goodness, but this act of evil by Lot and his Daughters, has turned my mind from by what this book was supposed to represent. When I addressed this to a few friends, they just said that all evil lays with us even today. That is not an answer for such evils to go on without punishment by GOD! I will continue to read on with this book, but will not allow this act to leave my mind.
  • Jesse on 1 Corinthians 3:14 - 4 years ago
    1 cor.3-14 what kind of reward will someone received if his foundation remains?

    is his reward for soul saving? or walking in the spirit.?


    thank you
  • Joe Ugwu on 1 Corinthians 7:11 - 4 years ago
    Is divource a sin when the partner cannot understand each other any longer
  • Quentin D Williams on Psalms 10 - 4 years ago
    what to do when God's word returns back to you void? I have been praying and practing patience for 10 years for god to bless me to return to the work force. Yes i have been doing my part to make manifest my prayer petition.
  • Linda Evans on Exodus 15 - 4 years ago
    Hello. I have some blocked memories that the Lord is probably protecting me from but I want to face them. Is there any scripture on this that I can pray on?

    Thank you

  • Orieko steve on Isaiah 48:22 - 4 years ago
    Is there anypart in the bible where someone asked GOD for wisdom
  • Milton Infancio Rodrigues on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Blessed be all the God's of prosperity,wealth,money,protection,peace,power,happiness,health,immunity, abundance,long life,wisdom,knowledge, karma,law,justice,success,luck,chance,lottery, magic,timing,clairvoyance,

    medicine,arts,science,commerce,trade,business,earth,water,wind,fire,air,sky,space,ether,elements,natural resources,decisions,outcomes,risk,destiny,planetary positions,numbers,statistics,all the God's and governing forces in the entire Universe and beyond. Blessed be God.
  • John barrett on Acts 19:6 - 4 years ago
    Does a person have to speak in tongues in order to know that they have record the Holy Spirit?
  • Donald on 1 Corinthians 10 - 4 years ago
    What does the Bible say about the day of worship and what is that day
  • Maureen Alber on Revelation 6:13 - 4 years ago
    The devil has whispered to me that women were a second thought of God. When a companion was not found among the animals, then God created Eve. Thus we are second and not as important as Adam. I know that is not true. How do I prove it scripturally?

    And why didn't God create them both at the same time? God is all wise so I know He had a reason.
  • Mria Janfreaux on Isaiah 40 - 4 years ago
    Yes, I've been trying to tell ppl angel do not have wings! We, the children of YAHVEH have no wings it's an idiom as God spreading His Are in Protecting His Children with His arms as an eagles spreads her wings over her baby eagles with her wings! Too many so called: "Men of the Cloth" teaching ppl they will fly away into the air for this false rapture theory! YAHVEH hates theory for it's one mans' idea as Darmins' Theory! Both are lies! YAHVEH created Gravity! We're created in the image of He and His Elohim! Yeshua came to Earth as a, babe, suffered, beaten up torturously and murdered on a, Roman Cross . Rose from the death then ascended into heaven in a, "HIGHLY POLISHED BRONZE VEHICLE!" Yeshua, didn't have wings! When He returns alone with His Elect no man is flying as ppl are been lied to! Why? Lies from lucifer! For the moment YESHUA, Septs out His Vehicle "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT" "YESHUA MESSIAH" IS "KING OF KINGS" "LORD OF LORDS!" Then, YAHVEH arrives and cast all sinners shall be cast into this Abyss of Hell Fire! No "IF," "AND," "BUT" About it!
  • Xavier hayes on John 14:21 - 4 years ago
    i had a vision of the sky turning black. as time pass on people will be moving more. as time past on people eyes will turn black the lord showed me this vision that i had. see for yourself ask the lord if this is truth.
  • Karen on Matthew 5 - 4 years ago
    When someone asks me to pray about something and I know he is living in sin, how should I pray. Does God hear my prayers for that person.
  • Phillip E Gallegos on Revelation 17 - 4 years ago
    Jerusalem, the center of the rising world order to be built by Satan. Why is Jerusalem gone or going unjust? Remember what Christ said to the church of of Syrmna Revelations 2; And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

    9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." The current state of Israel I believe has fallen to the false leaders of the faith of Judaism who can be traced back to being the seed or decendants of Cain. The base of Judaism, I believe, do not believe that Christ, the word of God made flesh was God and they do not believe that Yahoshua was fulfilling the prophesy of the 1st coming of the Messiach. The base for the religion believes that their mashiach is a decendent of King David and is a mortal man. Mystery Babylon, Babylon meaning = confusion.

    I do not believe the state of Israel is representative of the nation of Israel, the 12 tribes. The lost sheep of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel is in the world, one nation of many, the most powerful country in the world under God, but as in the old testament Israel has lost their way to corruption, false religious doctrines, fornication of idolotry, unclean sexual acts and has broken every single commandment and edict demanded by God. Although, as written there remains a remnant of those who's names are written in the Lamb's book of life from before this world was created......the Elect of God Almighty.
  • John Samuel Pulla on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Personel use the BIBLE for discussion
  • Teresa on Leviticus 14:19 - 4 years ago
    Please explain the meaning and purpose of the different Old Testament Levite offerings and how they differed (sin offering, Peace offering, burnt offering, thank offering, drink offering, etc.)

    Thank you!
  • Macy39s junior clearance on Psalms 45 - 4 years ago
    ’“And I went ‘Ossie, Ossie, really.
  • EJL on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Amazing "blood moon last night rise over California.

    Can check out on Israel 365 dot com
  • JMitch on Isaiah 56:1 - 4 years ago
    Who was the oldest woman in the bible
  • KCP on Revelation 2:10 - 4 years ago
    Eve had twins,Cain was not in Christ's genealogy,what is the seed of the serpent?(Gen3),why were they shamed of nakedness after they ate fruit?(LOL),Cain was the 1st murderer,built cities.Who are the only churches Christ approved of?the 2 that taught on the synagogue of satan(Rev2, Rev 3),who are the (this site will not allow me to write there name,it keeps changing who they are) descendants of Cain,it begins with a I can't believe it will not allow me to type their names in.Ok u may have to do some research.Check also who the tares are in Matt 13vs 38-39.Read what Christ called these people in Matt23vs 23-35,add John 8vs42-44,,The Bible also says somewhere ,Eve was beguiled in the garden,Sorry can't remember exactly where,anyhow what I'm going on record to say based on Jesus Christ who is the word,all of the word,man cannot live on bread alone but EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord that the serpent did more to Eve than that which is perceived!!!may those who have ears to hear,and eyes to see be blessed.Amen
  • Sabina Woods on Romans 12:12 - 4 years ago
    I have been hurt a betrayed. If someone is not sorry for lying to me or disrespecting me do i have to forgive them anyway in order to please God? Or are they only forgiven upon an apology?
  • Whit witherspoon on Deuteronomy 6:18 - 4 years ago
    Yes I have a little secret that I have kept for many years and I feel its a good time to tell it. I hope its ok with the lord that I do this. Notice my name is WHIT. All my life I have noticed that I am not alone as a man. Something has always let me know that it is with me. Something other than a human. The word whit means the least bit, a jot or a tittle is the definition. I am 67 years old and was born on June 16, 1953. I was born into a family that had extensive oil and gas holdings in the Permian Basin of Texas. When my grandmother died she left her inheritance to my dad and his 2 siblings. As time went by and oil technology was improving over the years the yearly production increased and increased. My whole life I have been drawn to the Bible KJV. My dad quit his day job and just because he didn't need that income anymore. Like I said I was drawn to the KJV of the bible. Deut. 13; 16 , John 7; 23. Long story short I found out that I am the least of these his brethren. I was 30 years old when I read Deut. for the 1st time. Two weeks later I met the lord in the form of a dark cloud on the Frwy..This thing gripped my whole body very tight and was totally invisible. The event lasted about 45 minutes that I will never forget. "If you seek the lord thy God with all your heart and all your soul you will find him ". And I DID !! "Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain". And I never have taken it in vain. My name is the WORD OF GOD!! Well my dad finally died and now the fancy income is mine. He was born on 7/7/27. Thine enemies shall come at thee 1 way and flee 7 ways before thee. He died at the age of 63 and 280 days so I expect to die at the age of 70 and 280 days. Which means I will die about on PALM SUNDAY 2024. I have never written that little story before as you can tell.
  • Karen Deerwester on Esther 6:8 - 4 years ago
    Does it say any where in the king James bible women should not wear mens clothes
  • Rebecca L Smith on Revelation 9:7 - 4 years ago
    Who said "Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll"?
  • Lester A Cockrell Sr on Genesis 35:4 - 4 years ago
    Were earrings formerly a sign of slavery in the old testament?
  • Easter Smith on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I have lung cancer .But GOD has been so good to me . I thank him for ever thing he has done for me he has be with me all the way. Love my LORD.

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