Christian Life Page 84

  • 1 searching on James 1 - 4 years ago
    I read that when temptation arises there will be a way out, what about people who were tempted and had a way out, but out of weakness or whatever they did not take the way out and sinned. Can we find forgiveness does Gods love reach out to us? Like many others I think our problem is realizing the love of God how big and deep it is and we have a hard time thinking why would God forgive us when we knowingly sinned consequences be damned. I am truly sorry for not living my life for Christ and I see so many people scared that at the end of their life they find no peace I see it in their eyes and in their words as I drop off their meals what is keeping people from finding the PEACE OF GOD WHICH SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, people can work themselves into a frenzy trying to please God and why do they do that: because the grace of God eludes us.
  • Kenalyn on Psalms 2 - 4 years ago
    I will like to say Thank You I've been church hurt family hurt relationship hurt bullied and angry I had a relationship with God but I feel I've backslide I was baptized at age 15 and was in choir and praise dance but wherever I went I had people jealous of me or wanting to jump me for no reason and it would always be a group of people and I'm grown now and it's the same stuff happening I Love God and I just don't know why I'm not filled with the Holy Spirit when I was younger I didn't hear to much about the Holy Spirit but I've seen Jesus when I was a little girl he was in a white Robe but his face was full of light I saw Jesus when I was older in the ceiling looking at me I always use to sing this little light of mine and I didn't know that God blessed me with his light now that I've gotten older I feel hurt all the time I want to be free and know that God got more for my life
  • Kokoete alphonsus on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Kings James versions
  • Diane Castle Erwin on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I hope that my senior daughter understands why I'm unable to continue our relationship. I get VERY anxious and need to take medication after speaking with you on the phone because of your bipolar and schizophrenia illnesses. Your case mgr. hopefully, will show you my latest e-mail describing why I'm unable to continue with our phone calls and my inability to continue sending monthly checks to you. I do love you very much and wish you the best in the future. Mom
  • Darwin on Ecclesiasticus 12:6 - 4 years ago
    What are the Do's and Don'ts of drinking alcohol for Christian?
  • Leoniefoltz on Isaiah 55:13 - 4 years ago
    Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your weblog and wanted to say that I've really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. After all I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!
  • Chaniah on Exodus 40 - 4 years ago
    Amen wonderfull word god bless you all
  • Behrens on Revelation 16:16 - 4 years ago
    9let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: who is low degree or are the low degree?
  • Barbara Nell Stewart on 1 Corinthians 6 - 4 years ago
    Our Body is a Temple for the Holy Spirit, if people mark up their bodies with peircing's and tattoo's is this something God looks at as sin?
  • Georgis on Psalms 1 - 4 years ago
    I try to read my bible every day. There are just some things that are not understandable. I would like to find a bible that explains the verses.
  • Larry on Revelation 16:16 - 4 years ago
    Why are preachers not reading the bible like it says, when the get to the holy ghost, they read (holy spiri) why is this?

    Are they afraid to read it as it is because at involves the evidence of speaking in tongues?
  • Larry on Psalms 90 - 4 years ago
    There are 3 in the godhead, that work as one, but are seperate beings. The father who sent jesus to the earth to die for us, JESUS AND THE holy ghost which is NOW IS BEEN CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT( in reading of scripures when they get to the holy ghost they read holy spirit) is this not taking away whatthe bible says?
  • Hoss m irving on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Where is pastor use in the Apostle Paul writing I cannot find it?
  • Hoss m irving on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    What does a preacher ( proclaimer, publisher ) have to do with the Church. Scripture please. No comments please.
  • :) on Acts 5:33 - 4 years ago
    So imma teen and kinda have a bf well bsf/kinda bf we dont exactly know but, i love him yes, in friend way and others as well but he worship Satan and i ask God "Why did u bring him to my life?"I really wanna get him close to God becaise hes not bad person just wat he supports and praises gets me to back off. So what are some ideas to help me get him u know to see God is good, because he said he would do it for me (like stuff for God or learn about him) but i dont know what to do exactly, im a children church teacher but thats all ik ro do is teach bible stories.

    So any ideas to help me get him to believe in God or should i just dont talk to him?
  • Amber Beatrice on Psalms 100 - 4 years ago
    Hi am I just wanted to ask why God gave us talemts
  • Yabe on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I love the Lord from childhood and followed him as much as I could. My childhood husband still has not accepted him as his Lord and Savior. We have been married for 52 years. This truly breaks my heart and I am often very sad about it. He is good in every way and I know good is not enough. My elder sister drew him even further away from God by drawing him away further from me to her and making him comit unlawful deeds which made him guilty. She is out of our life now.

    Please pray for him to accept the LORD.
  • Luz n barbosa on Proverbs 16 - 4 years ago
    Thank you my Lord Jesus for always being their for me. I am so grateful that I know you so much better now and I wish world would know you so much better too. I ALSO ASK FOR I my grandchildren to be blessed and bless all my children.!!! I also ask that you also take care of my family, friends, and everyone else. I ask that the world know that you know everything that is happening is for our own good to know you better. Please forgive those who do not understand to pray to know you. Forgive me for foregetting about the nurses and all the good people who work in the hospitals. I ask for those who do not understand you, help them to learn. I love you, I glorify you and always give you thanks!!!! LOVE YOU!!! Luz and Celso
  • Sienna H on Romans 9:8 - 4 years ago
    God is amazing!
  • USING THIS WEBSITE on Leviticus 20:10 - 4 years ago
    Use the Website Commentary Help. You should check that right after you come up with your own. -Mishael


    This website has terrific search boxes and helps, for studying and using commentaries by scholars and teachers.

    When you enter the website there is one box for words or phrases you recall;

    Second box is to search a scripture

    Tap the verse you want to read Comments on and it will highlight yellow. Scroll downward to open the Commentary on that Scripture.

    There's a link nearby that to read commentary on Memorable room comments which may help you. Already written comments.

    There's a quickie Google Link to try and find scriptures you can't quite recall all of it. Very helpful!! You just back arrow to where you had been.

    Pray for a few people in prayer requests? It is very rewarding to help others. Useful preaching like Jesus does.

    Check out all the links in the red section. It has some great teaching for people who want to know what being born again means.

    Down near the bottom of this screen is

    1-254 pages of daily history from Community Rooms.

    It's useful when you've been waiting on a question you want answers to.

    Explore!! Just back arrow out if you get lost.
  • Pat Tozi on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Today is a special day. It is a day l will feel God close to me. He will Strengthen me. He will lead me and protect me. I feel the darkness of this evilness world more then ever. I asked God to come close and stay by my side as l help others today. Wisdom to do the best in any situation l come too. I know the True Light of God. Been to Heaven more then once past years. I need his Love from the Heart that moves mountains. I need Him where l hear His voice whispering to me His courage to keep going. He will be back alone l stand today from others-- while the closeness of my God stands strong next to me.. waiting and watching for his return..l stand and wait!!!
  • Janet on Psalms 148 - 4 years ago
    What does Gods' word say about being cremated when we pass on? Is this actually scriptural?
  • Harry on 1 Thessalonians 1 - 4 years ago
    Why is it so easy to sin and not so easy to follow what you know is the right path? It's been a road I've travel so many years. " I'm sick and tired of being " sick and tired "
  • Angella on Psalms 103 - 4 years ago
    Gods mercy endures for ever means it does not matter how much we mess up or how many times we turn our backs on Him as long as we go to Him and confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness He will forgive us. God loves all of us. He created all of us and He loves each of us unconditionally and wants us to embrace that love and share it with others. I mess up so many , many times in my life, friends at times find it hard to forgive me but when I go to God and confess my sins He does not ask me why I sin again just forgives me and give me His peace.Today is a new day to go to Him and tell Him all about your concerns no matter if they are big or small, no matter what it is He will hear and answer you.. no matter if your friends turn their backs on you, God will NEVER, EVER turn His back on you. He loves you and I too much that is why He went o calvary and died for our sins so we can be forgiven. Today us a good day to try Him for yourself. God bless.
  • Morris on 1 Corinthians 1:12 - 4 years ago
    Sha'ul (Paul) speaks often in his own name. ( John 5:43)

    Sha'ul elevates the Son above the Father. ( Matthew 7:21)

    Sha'ul is preaching religion ( Matthew 23) that Messiah came to Destroy. He is the wolf ( Matthew 7:15 / Genesis 49:27) He is the Pharisee, you are told to beware of.

    He is the man with a vision of Messiah in the desert.

  • Daniel Mane on Psalms 91 - 4 years ago
    I know God is moving me forward and directing my walk with him to the next level in our relationship but how do I know when I am following his plan correctly?
  • Deborah Colbert on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Psalm 122:6 And Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee

    Question: what is the history in the Bible about this
  • Butch B. on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    QUESTION: I am trying to find KJW -New Testament scripture- Chapter and vs., in regard to Jesus speaking to the Pharises about the old testament and the new, stating the Pharises to follow the old law to the letter as they are to follow the New testament. Jesus stating my Father is the same yesterday today and forever. Pharises trying to trick Jesus's, by asking him if they and the people are to disregard the old testament because of the new teachings of Jesus. Any assistance is appreciated, Thank You. God Bless!
  • Angela on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality,sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed and that you would bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you give President Trump,his family and administration the mind of Jesus Christ and fill them with your holy spirit. Protect them from the coronavirus and surround him with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. We pray that your will be done in the Presidential Election of the USA. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
  • Vickie on Matthew 3:2 - 4 years ago
    I have a question please about salvation. I'm not understanding it. Do I need to repent and be perfect for god to forgive me or what does repent mean as I have tried and keep trying but I have not met perfection thanks

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