God created all races just like humans and animals, mammals, trees,land where created. Believers are not ones that worry about race and our man focus is on God words and saying. I pray ,I read, I live and enjoy spreading the love of God.
I need some guidance on a subject that I feel close to my heart is in need of an answer. My teen daughter's cousin killed himself. What does the bible say about what is going to happen to them. Even if they were saved at one time and slid for a while.
How do I relieve sexual tension in a non sinful way? The Bible talks about self discipline and training your mind not to look lustfully at young Women. And the last thing I want to do is sin against god. I really need help with this and I don't know how to go about it.
Has anyone else been experiencing the light of God shining on them lately... especially in a dream?
I have had two separate incidences in dreams. Both were so profound that I woke up and was drawn to prayer. Isaiah 60:1 was my immediate go to scripture this last time.
George from Perth WA on Isaiah 13:10 - 4 years ago
Many years ago I read the bible and there was a story that impressed me greatly about the absolute power of our God.
Two great armies were attacking an important biblical character but God had stirred their hearts against each other during the night and they destroyed each other and the important biblical character was told to go out with just a 100 men or so to mop up. Can anyone remember the characters in the story. I don't believe it was Gideon
Can you please clarify, if a Christian should be cremated or not? I have read different passages of scripture, regarding this. Just the same as tattoos on the body.
Also, can you post trivia online and one can win prizes?
Thank you!
1 - What does this mean?
2- Are there two books?
3- if so, what is the first book for/mean?
I think we all know if our names are written in the Lambs Book of life, it won't be blotted out.
4- What is the interpretation/meaning He won't erase people's names from the Book of Life?
I have had two separate incidences in dreams. Both were so profound that I woke up and was drawn to prayer. Isaiah 60:1 was my immediate go to scripture this last time.
Two great armies were attacking an important biblical character but God had stirred their hearts against each other during the night and they destroyed each other and the important biblical character was told to go out with just a 100 men or so to mop up. Can anyone remember the characters in the story. I don't believe it was Gideon
Thank you in advance
Can you please clarify, if a Christian should be cremated or not? I have read different passages of scripture, regarding this. Just the same as tattoos on the body.
Thank you,
Brenda Coleman