Isn't there a passage somewhere in the bible that speaks to men being deceived by Satin and thereby blinded to the truth. And they believe lies as truths and truths as lies?
Is it true that everyone will stand before God for judgment on judgment day? Please provide documentation from the KJV of the bible. There are some who do not believe this, however I do.
I wake up in the middle of the night, wondering if you will come this day that is not promised. His word says to be ready. Many trials l have been through in my lifetime. Many hard knocks. No one around to explain why. So alone l would write to my God what l felt. Never knowing l was chosen to help others in these days. Now l fight with great Strength for helping others. When God is near, the world does not matter anymore. Only His Light and His Love that came upon me years ago, from an after death experience. Saw everything. The Book of Life is real. Get ready to meet your Maker. All knees will bow when the sky opens. The Power He carries will shake all of His creations on this Earth-- and move mountains. The Evilness of this World will fight them one last time. But the Victory will go to the Son of God for His Father. The Love for His people will be shown that Powerful day. Be ready!!!
The time is near ...for the evilness of the flesh is getting stronger. God's people have to prepare to fight. The world is not what it seems anymore. Never was. Only the Light of God in people will get them through. Pray as never before. Read His word. Be prepared to help others less fortunate. Be my dreams l saw much!!! Prepare to choose the side you will be on. NOW!!!!! Do not wait...Be prepared!!!
Hello, I am in a discussion with a 7th D.A. who claims we as Christians will go thru the 7 yr trib. I of course disagree. I believe all Christians will be raptured before the 7 yr trib. How do i prove this. I am a KJV1611 Bible believing christian. Hope you can help me give an answer to him.
Was needing some encouraging verses, on the courante events that we are living in, Prophases' being full filed, or something to give my soul some hope that there is still goodness in people.
I have been taught ot for forgive, but never forget. As forgetting allows us to be hurt by the same things over and over. What is the true meaning of forgive and forget and is there such a thing?
2. Does the bible say we need to live the new testament?
3. What Chapters in the bible of the new testament tell men and women what they should wear? And how they should live?
"End of Days" where are we at NOW
Rapture, Tribulation etc and how long is each period
The time is near ...for the evilness of the flesh is getting stronger. God's people have to prepare to fight. The world is not what it seems anymore. Never was. Only the Light of God in people will get them through. Pray as never before. Read His word. Be prepared to help others less fortunate. Be my dreams l saw much!!! Prepare to choose the side you will be on. NOW!!!!! Do not wait...Be prepared!!!
Alison South Africa
What are the characteristics of a perverse generation?
Is this scriptual?