Why are the "higher ups",trying so hard to change the Bible and get rid of the Holy Ghost? The King James was pretty much the first bible and it talks about the Holy Ghost but now, people are trying extremely hard to do away with the Holy Ghost. If,,,The Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit are the same thing, why is there such a need to do away with H. G. ? This was God inspired writing and even if they were the same, God said don't change the crossing of a T, or the dotting of an I. They seem to be making God and Jesus both look stupid, like they had no idea what they were doing. They put those words in there, it is not up to man to change what God wanted in the Bible. I thought God could see your thoughts even before YOU see them. There Is NO mentally disturbed God or Jesus. THEY WROTE BOTH HG and HS.They are not the same thing. It looks as though people are trying to change the Bible, even if it's one word at a time. God Forbid !!
What is the meaning in Exodus they planets crops for six years then on the seventh year they let it rest, what is the reasoning for the resting on the seventh year?
Just want to say that harming an innocent baby is wrong. Harming unborn people is wrong. When I hear people try to justify aborting babies it sounds nonsensical as of the words are coming straight out of satan's mouth. There's nothing anyone can say that will ever justify murder. They can rationalize and write books and make movies, but it won't change anyone's mind who knows right from wrong. I find it disgusting when I hear Christians who have bought into this immorality and support it. They even may have voted for the current president who plans to increase the mass murder of babies. It is the sickest most disgusting evil ever. More babies have been slaughtered than adults from atheists like stalin or mao. And people even support and voted to promote this evil and some call themselves Christians. I think God is a fair judge and will make sure those who supported mass murder will be punished severely. I don't think anyone can truly call themselves a Christian and support the mass murder of unborn babies. Evil needs to be called out and called what it truly is.
"Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound."
In the past we remember the sun as being very bright yellow. You could easily glac at it through squinted eyes. Observe the sun now as it's bright white, like a welding arch. I cannot even glac any more.
Further to this verse, you can actually read a book by moonlight.
Can a man and women be married multiple times and still serve God(be saved) I grew up with my mother saying only one wife and one husband if you are divorced and remarry with a living wife or husband you will go to Hell. Is that true?
I am assuming this means you can lose your salvation if you were once saved as a youth and lived in sin for 35 years and wake up one morning to repent and turn your life around for the Lord. This happened to me, I literally woke up September 4th 2020 and changed my life to do the Lord's will. I was a drinker, marijuana user, liar, adulterer. I woke up one morning in literal Fear of going to hell. I still have this fear. Until this day I've been dedicated to live for Jesus. Proverbs chapter 1 basically warned us of the fear and calamity. I've heard pastors say you can't lose your salvation but i think that may not be the case.
wow!!!WOW!! Good Morning I was curious I like your app and use it daily. What bothers me is for a App thats sop important in the word of God I can see you clearly in this app don't know actaully how to study it...how to differentiate the whos who and whats and the where of things!!
Good Lord even how one must get saved...you didnt mention the Grace Gospel one time and your doctrines all over the placeIt wrecked my heart everything ya said uya had to do to be saved by Gods grace and I couldnt believe it...whats being told to Israel isnt being soken to the Body of Christ your still my Brothers and sisters...the Lord says to believe in Him about the Death the Burial and the Resurrection 1st Cor 15...1-4 and whan you do that BOOM god gives you Grace without the workls of the Law... Ephesians 2 8n9
anyway I love the KJV Bible thats in my opinion the final authority in Gods word..Peace n Grace!!
Please pray for Joe Biden and Karmala Harris both be impeached from the presidency.. And may the truth of the ballads being tampered with comes to light, in truth that Donald Trump won the election, leaving him in the white house to remain our President for another 4 year term..
And may all the democrats that have sold their souls to the dark angel be removed from our state offices to never return ..
And may all the the lies and deceit committed by the Democratic parties be revealed the the American Nation. So all know what they stand for..
Bind and Rebuke all Democrats that have sold their souls to the Dark Angel, as well as binding Karmala Harris dark magic, in the name of Jesus
I saw your advertisement on Pluto TV. I have a question. I am not a Christian. I had a friend who is. What do you do when you have a friend who claims to be a Christian, who is a racist apologist? I stopped talking to her when we were in our 20's, back about 1987, because she was homophobic, and I am gay. About five years ago, we reconnected, and she claimed to have changed and was no longer homophobic. We had a very pleasant relationship. Until Covid struck the land. Then I started to see some philosophical differences. Ordinarily, these could be ignored. But things got tense, because we weren't disagreeing about an ordinary Republican president, but Trump, who did not behave in a remotely Christian manner, in my opinion. Not that she defended him, mind you. I just think that him being president made it easier for some Republicans to rationalize alot of bad behavior.
When the BLM protests got hot and heavy, she began to make alot of comments and strange connections, like there were bricks piled up in various locations all over her town, so therefore the BLM protesters must be planning on rioting and setting fires in her neighborhood. Then she started making comments rationalizing slavery and downplaying racism. I never called her racist/apologist. I made an appointment to talk to her about some points that I requested she meditate upon. When the day arrived, we talked and I tried to teach her using two allegories from my life as an abused child and a gay woman. She just argued, minimized and rationalized, and when it was obvious I wouldn't entertain her obfuscations, she said I was being abusive and controlling. A few weeks later she wasn't upset anymore and wanted to talk to me, but I can't get over it. I feel very betrayed. I thought she learned something after being homophobic and I quit talking to her. I thought she had changed. What do you do when so-called Christians don't act very Christian?
Where can i get one free. I am a senior or can i buy one at discount price. I live in Las Vegas NV.
"Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound."
In the past we remember the sun as being very bright yellow. You could easily glac at it through squinted eyes. Observe the sun now as it's bright white, like a welding arch. I cannot even glac any more.
Further to this verse, you can actually read a book by moonlight.
Anyone else noticed a change?
Thankful for this forum and Bible app.
Also help me out with scripture that proves we live in a flat earth thanks again!!
Is this in the Bible?
Good Lord even how one must get saved...you didnt mention the Grace Gospel one time and your doctrines all over the placeIt wrecked my heart everything ya said uya had to do to be saved by Gods grace and I couldnt believe it...whats being told to Israel isnt being soken to the Body of Christ your still my Brothers and sisters...the Lord says to believe in Him about the Death the Burial and the Resurrection 1st Cor 15...1-4 and whan you do that BOOM god gives you Grace without the workls of the Law... Ephesians 2 8n9
anyway I love the KJV Bible thats in my opinion the final authority in Gods word..Peace n Grace!!
Children and
Also about a how a husband ot to be?
Bless you and thank whom ever that could give me this information .
And may all the democrats that have sold their souls to the dark angel be removed from our state offices to never return ..
And may all the the lies and deceit committed by the Democratic parties be revealed the the American Nation. So all know what they stand for..
Bind and Rebuke all Democrats that have sold their souls to the Dark Angel, as well as binding Karmala Harris dark magic, in the name of Jesus
In Jesus name we pray
Amen Amen Hallelujah
When the BLM protests got hot and heavy, she began to make alot of comments and strange connections, like there were bricks piled up in various locations all over her town, so therefore the BLM protesters must be planning on rioting and setting fires in her neighborhood. Then she started making comments rationalizing slavery and downplaying racism. I never called her racist/apologist. I made an appointment to talk to her about some points that I requested she meditate upon. When the day arrived, we talked and I tried to teach her using two allegories from my life as an abused child and a gay woman. She just argued, minimized and rationalized, and when it was obvious I wouldn't entertain her obfuscations, she said I was being abusive and controlling. A few weeks later she wasn't upset anymore and wanted to talk to me, but I can't get over it. I feel very betrayed. I thought she learned something after being homophobic and I quit talking to her. I thought she had changed. What do you do when so-called Christians don't act very Christian?