I would like to know where in the KJV Bible does it speak of men sleeping with men, and woman sleeping with woman. I would also like to know where in the Bible does it speak of the difference in the races, and race mixing. I have a couple more questions but I'll get to them next. Thank you and God Bless.
S Spencer on Strategic Deception on Isaiah 26 - 4 years ago
I think we focused to much on Adam and Eve sin, and we take our eyes right off Satan, Be careful we don't take up his occupation, Beware of people that come in as he did ( asking rhetorical questions) not looking for answers but to lure you away from the truth. This reminds me of Jude 1:4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
How can I Pray for a change of actions when i know in reality that my prayer will not be answered? What was put into place weeks ago by others or God are in place right? ex. someone dying, job loss with layoffs. I know someone would answer with this is what faith is but i feel like it is a useless prayer, or it is way to come to terms with the situation. Please explain
Ok, now when people die ..we say RIP.....and most people say they in Heaven.....but when we read god said I prepare a place for you so we are still sleep in our grave on his return he will raise the dead first...so how are they already in Heaven....like people say see you when I get their.
Hi I'm new on here but I read the comments and I'd like to say to one person that said your right i just need to accept whats going on in the country and not worry about it that their is nothing she can do well that's a lie a deceptive thought of the enemy he wants you to believe that but in fact it is totally opposite the Lord said if my people would repent and turn from their wicked ways I will forgive them so we as Gods people need to pray so we have a fighting chance. We need to stand up and realize that heaven and hell alpha Onega is real the bible is true and its the only way so I say repent all ye who are weary worried or heavy laden and I will give you rest. I pray forgiveness and true repentance occur here right now and all who read this to the end and live by faith may you be the blessed and forgiven although we are not worthy .bin Christ's love. Selah...
Does anyone have an honest-to-goodness study (with Scripture backup) to compare and debate the views of Wesleyan Methodist (holiness) doctrines in comparison to that of other fundamental beliefs?
I've got an open mind, but I want to see how the Word answers this difference.
Do you submit ones self to a tyrannical government who wishes to restrict your freedoms, and are breaking there own laws to restrict your freedoms. Using physical and judicial force to apply theses measure against it's people.
In The Old Testament we often see God killing babies and children, and much more besides.
How can this be?
I know the New Testament puts a different a slant on truth and majors on love, but how does one come to terms with numerous instances of 'God telling others to slaughter....
I have noticed Bible teachers avoid these difficult O.T. passages and cannot give a straight answer.
2. I know some women who call themselves
Pastors, Elders, and Bishops. Is this Biblically correct?
3. Are there any Levites these days?
I've got an open mind, but I want to see how the Word answers this difference.
How can this be?
I know the New Testament puts a different a slant on truth and majors on love, but how does one come to terms with numerous instances of 'God telling others to slaughter....
I have noticed Bible teachers avoid these difficult O.T. passages and cannot give a straight answer.
Best wishes, Cliff Kent
Cliff Kent