Christian Life Page 71

  • Harley k coyne on Genesis 1:1 - 3 years ago
    Yes, I am looking for the Quote that has from God when he made Adam, about the right to life, liberty, and? there are three of them, HELP? I think it might be IN the old Testament John?
  • Adam on Genesis 1:1 - 3 years ago
    To anyone who is posting anti-Christ propaganda trying to discredit Jesus's divinity, please note that John 1 debunks all those lies. People are doing serious mental gymnastics to try to deceive others into following their distorted false assumptions about the Jesus and the Bible.

    Anyone who denies Christ is in serious trouble. And anyone who tries to cause another to stumble and to hurt other's faith is in serious trouble.

    Matthew 10:33

    Such a person will know if they're wrong, because their conscience will start to convict them. They should pray to God and ask if what they claim is true or not. And they should pray about John 1. And they should keep reading God's Word. Seek and ye shall find.

    God will make Himself available to go after stayed or lost sheep (followers), but if those sheep deny Christ and run toward the devil to do His work and stop following Christ, that is a whole other thing. That person will face serious consequences.
  • Howard S on Genesis 1:1 - 3 years ago
    Adam, that's a bold statement of awareness. This is what tribulation looks like, soon to be replaced with a cockatrice.

    What have we become at home and abroad that we are feared and despised, and only respected by our might? This republic is strangling itself.

    Till the end come, the best you can do is love.
  • Mkaplinux on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    i request for a stable income, health, free from evil thoughts through our lord and saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
  • Randy Bell on Isaiah 43 - 3 years ago
    I don't want to question God's plan, although I seem to do that all the time, but why did Christ have to die to save us from Hell. Couldn't God have found another way to redeem us than making his Son suffer such a brutal death? My small mind cannot comprehend why he had to suffer, or why we have to suffer, to avoid Hell.
  • Spencer Raban on Genesis 1:1 - 3 years ago
    Does a steady watchman dismiss the angles warning?

    Knowing what you read discerns that which makes wise.
  • Lane newell on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Needing some clarification and scripture about women and their roles as ministers and pastors in the church.

    Also as deacons in the church.
  • Jose on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    How can I tell the difference between the holy ghost and my own imagination giving me goosebimps?
  • Peoples on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Where can I find a description of the trials and tribulations? I know it is in Revelations, I just don't know the chapter.
  • Ana Mensah on Romans 5 - 3 years ago
    Was the Holy Spirit at work before Jesus Christ came to Earth.
  • Peterson Muloki on Romans 5 - 3 years ago
    Where was Lucifer at the time of creation?
  • Jason Prather on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Has anyone ever found out for sure why there is no 'Amen' at the end of 3rd John?
  • Jenevevs Masangcay on Romans 5 - 3 years ago
    what is the doctrine of baptist?

    and the doctrine of man?

    doctrine of sin?

    and doctrine of salvation?
  • Isaac on Judith 1 - 3 years ago
    What are the lost books of the Bible
  • Truth alone on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    Why did God say many times that He alone is God ?

    And Jesus never said He is God ?

    I mean the actual words not implications that can go one way or another .

    But Jesus many times through scriptures is called the son of God .

    This is a real problem to truth seekers .
  • Carleton on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    The race is not a run of works but a run of faith and it is unto the finish. Being born again at Calvary was the entry table where we got our official numbers, warmed up in love, peace and thankfulness and were led to the starting line by the Holy Ghost. Now we run in assurance towards that finish line, the Great Day, together!

    Keep the faith! Run not for your salvation, run for your thankfulness! Run!

  • Denise on Ezekiel 4 - 3 years ago
    Everyone I made a comment on the commandment discussion and seriously mispelled in a statement I was meaning to type lets not Fall into sin and judging each others But accidentally typed like (let fall into sin) which in Jesus name I did not mean to type. I hope that all will fill and replace (let's not fall into sin) in figure in that I was saying lets not fall into sin. Please God first, and all others forgive me, I thought I proofread it but humanly missed it. I was so worried about this.
  • Joseph on Revelation 14 - 3 years ago
    In which scripture did Jesus tell his disciples to learn from the heathens?
  • Michael James on Ecclesiasticus 32:4 - 3 years ago
    I cannot find Ecclesiasticus my bible KJV.

    Is there another listing or another Bible with this particular text
  • ROSE DENMAN on Revelation 14 - 3 years ago
    Why do God Loves me even my father got my mother pregnant before had to marry my mother?
  • Alan Towson on Luke 1 - 3 years ago
    In the KJV, nouns beginning with the letter "h" are preceded by "an" rather than "a", suggesting that the Elizabethans did not sound their h's. What do you think?
  • Lenny on Zephaniah 2 - 3 years ago
    Can you please explain this vers for me why would God creat evil.

    Isaiah 45 vs 7

    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
  • B may on Ecclesiastes 7:29 - 3 years ago
    I think everyone should be concerned about Invention patent #060606 by Microsoft.
  • Gwendolyn harris on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Why do the bible say each Scripture will undo hurt will people relive after death
  • JN on 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - 3 years ago
    With what has happen and is happening today in Israel. Am I correct in understanding in KJV scriptures that God says that he will never let Israel fall ?
  • Helga Cozad on Psalms 139 - 3 years ago
    Several times I have read in my King James Version of The Bible that God knit me in my mother's womb. It touched my heart and left a lasting impression for decades! But NOW I can't find it ! When I inquire about it I get a whole lot, a whole lot of comments, ideas, thoughts, interpretations, etc. but not the exact KJV WORDS of THAT VERSE ! Was I imagining it ? Of is my copy of the KJV of The Bible the ONLY book on the PLANET that has this verse.

    It touched my heart so deeply. If you can reason out where I read those exact words in the KJV of The Bible, I be grateful for you to let me know. Thanks. Helga Cozad
  • Timothy on Philippians 4 - 3 years ago
    How many times does Jesus use the word Father in the new testament
  • Robert Graham on 1 Corinthians 13 - 3 years ago
    Explain the difference between The tongues of Angels and Diverse Tongues.and it's purpose.
  • Phil Hosey on Genesis 19 - 3 years ago
    Will Jesus rule after his second coming from the Temple in Jerusalem? Please include scripture reference.
  • Richarrd cain on Leviticus 16 - 3 years ago
    Where can you buy a kjv electronic hand held tablet or book?

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