All of you doubters and scoffers should open your ears and eyes and stop this nonsense which you are doing. I, until I was in my 70s was ALSO an agnostic/athiest and used all the tactics and deceitful practices that you are using now. Some FACTS that were impossible for me to disprove changed my mind in my late 60s and I actually started listening and was surprised to find that the bible was written by an astounding number of different writers over a period of about 1500 years and that the 66 books all were still around and no one had PROVED that ANYTHING in any of them was untrue. The writings all were allies in the concept of Jesus Christ being the savior and all his life on this earth. 98 percent of ALL the prophesies in the bible have ALREADY came to pass and were accurate enough to change many anti christ like minds. The remaining 2 percent is SOON going to prove to be true so you better repent and give your allegiance to God before the rapture or you will look back when you are forced into extremely difficult situations as the Antichrist and the false prophet continue to roll you up. I am praying for you all and know God wants you to make the right decision. Only YOU can do it.
I found a deck of angel cards, then I rembered a dear friend of mine, whom happens to be a bible teacher, tell me that in the end of days there will be psychics everywhere and to beware of false prophets, Sylvia Browne, was the name of the author on the Angel cards, and I know that she proclaimed herself as a psychic. What should I do with the deck of cards? Are they against God?
Is it anywhere in the Bible where it says somethng about I will out number the devil even if I have to take baby from cradle. Or Jesus will out number the devil? I was told that it was in the king james vesaa
Should a pastor call out what is sinful in a church concerning members who may be living in sin & working in the ministry of the church, asking the members to step down from the ministry?
I know the original 1611 did not contain the letter "J". What year did the letter J become standardized in the KJV? Was it the 1769 standard we use today?
In Him,
Gabriel Henton
What does the Bible say about homosexuality / Lebanism and the supporting scriptures.
What about same-sex marriages.
Gender neutrality.
People are trusting in shots & man rather than God, the blood of Jesus... Help!!!