Christian Life Page 67

  • Dgjot on Ezekiel 33 - 3 years ago
    8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

    9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.


    I think these two verses have caused a lot of distress to believers. And what does "delivered thy soul" mean?

    New "Christians" who aren't even grounded in the word or instructed on how to act, go out try to witness without even knowing enough to back up what they are talking about. This is the fault of the Church, who just sends them out half- cocked. You can tell someone about Jesus and salvation but you can't coerce, persuade, scold, bully, mock or beat someone into believing.

    In this day and age, no one is looking for Jesus except those that already know Him. The Gospel is available in book form. (a.k.a. The Bible, and it's many watered down versions. I started out with a Living Bible and graduated to the KJV.) You can buy a KJV at Dollar Tree for a dollar. Then there's the T.V. and internet.

    Jesus sent His disciples out to spread the Gospel, but He also gave them power to perform miracles to back up what they were saying. Today's believers don't have that kind of power. But, we do have an abundance of false preachers and snake oil salesmen, who do a good job deceiving people.

    Trying to witness to today's unsaved reprobates is a complete waste of time. I'm not unwilling to witness. I'm afraid to, so I leave tracts lying around. (When I remember to stuff some in my pockets and take them out.)
  • Dgjot on Ezekiel 33 - 3 years ago
    For years I have heard that if believers of Christ (the saved, the redeemed, the elect) don't tell the lost about Jesus and salvation through him, that we/they will be punished.

    For hundreds/thousands of years missionaries and preachers have spread the gospel by mouth and on foot. Then came the printed word. Then came telegraphs, telephones, radio, television, dvd's and the internet. This is 2021. I don't think there's anyone in the entire world that hasn't heard of Jesus in some way, shape or form.

    I'm worried about my neighbor. She's old and a (non-practicing)Catholic. I tried telling her about Jesus and she replied, "I'm Catholic". She's a very stubborn woman who, once she gets an idea in her head, she can't be persuaded otherwise.

    We can warn people but we can't make them believe. Why do I feel so uneasy?
  • RHONDA HARGETT HELMS on 2 Kings 9 - 3 years ago
    yes I have several ,My go to Bible is a KJV Study Bible,
  • Gail Elise Bradley on Micah 3:8 - 3 years ago
    It is never okay to preach for money, in this sense man will miss the whole purpose of salvation and how to come to know God better. There are many things that we can do for money and those things would not change who we are and how we will eventually turn out but preaching the Gospel for money can not only destroy our soul but can destroy any change we may have at gain God's approval for eternal salvation
  • Solstice, but no Christmas just a comment - 3 years ago
    I work in an elementary school in the U.S. Today many "celebrated" Winter Solstice, made Solstice

    cards, gave gifts and said Happy Holidays or Happy Solstice. But no one said "Merry Christmas."

    I was the only one in the faculty that gave cards with the image of Jesus's birth on it, and had some

    scripture. Our culture has become so secularized. It is now not at all PC in public schools to mention

    Christmas, much less "Jesus.". One 3rd grader today saw a word in the dictionary, that mentioned "beliefs of

    Christians." She said to me, "what's a Christian?" I heard another 4th grader who said they drove by

    a building with a huge "T" on the building, and did not know it was a symbol of the Cross, and did not know

    what that symbol meant. Are pagan traditions coming back to the "one world order"???
  • Donnell Norris on Genesis 2 - 3 years ago
    This Bible been on my my competer for a long time and I have not use it.
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    I have family members who are currently on drugs. They are also homeless. I want to be merciful and a good Christian but every time I let them stay in my home something bad happens. I struggle between wanting to do God's will by allowing the needy to stay with me and taking care of myself and making sure that there are no bad things happening in my space. Am I wrong? I'm not looking for the answer that feels best I'm looking for the answer that's right so please don't hesitate to throw me a scripture. I have been praying for these family members. But there's a little matter of free will. And it appears that they don't really want to get off drugs. I'm not being judge mental because I've had my own past with drugs. But I have chosen to not use. And God delivered me.
  • James K - 3 years ago
    Hello All, I would like to make a Bookmarks List using KJV on line. Does this website support anything like that? If so , how should i proceed? Thank you,

    Your Brother in Christ, James K
  • Gloria on Revelation 10 - 3 years ago
    Hello I heard a voice in my sleep saying t me Revelation 10;1it was repeated until I awoke, I read the whole chapter, my question is are we now at this present time in Revelation 10, it truly feels like it with the world status were in now. Thank You
  • Bill on Proverbs 15 - 3 years ago
    My phone bible has verses 34 and 35 in Proverbs chapter 15...

    All other kjv bible versions only has 33 verses, including this one.
  • Derek - 3 years ago
    Generally I find programs on TBN and such channels to be wrong teaching, like pushing prosperity gospel and the idea that God is just a genie in a bottle there to serve you- almost becoming self-worship and making everything about serving yourself rather than you serving God. I generally think it does more harm than good and think it just gives people another reason to push God away. That is my impression based on the programs I've seen.

    However, I recently saw a Bible study program on TV by Les Feldick who I never heard of before, but thought it was excellent and refreshing. He seemed to go deep into the word and was based on scripture substance and not mere feelings and opinion. I only saw part of one program so I cant make any sweeping statements about him, but the content I did see was excellent and maybe could be found online somewhere.
  • Donna Kennedy - 3 years ago
    What is this talk in the news about the Noahide Laws and the 'One-World-Religion? I don't remember hearing about them in Sunday School!!! We had the 10 commandments, which people seem to have trouble keeping, which leads to everlasting damnation, so Jesus came to pay for our sins because he loved us so much. So Why are we now hearing about this Laws that were given to Noah, especially since he went on at least one total "bender, and made a complete jerk out of himself" and subsequently laid a curse on at least one of his own sons!!??
  • Holmes on Psalms 119:18 - 3 years ago
    An instruction showcases your prison or your purity.

    -prophet joshua holmes
  • Holmes on Psalms 119 - 3 years ago
    The Spirit has Hidden Himself in Someone that is currently in Your Life.

    As You bring Pleasure to Them...

    You are Bringing Pleasure to the LORD GOD.

    -Prophet Joshua Holmes
  • Robert DeHaan on Psalms 10 - 3 years ago
    Christians such as myself tend to forget that Satan is the prince of this world. This is a powerful understanding if we want to live our lives for Christ the Lord who defeated Satan on the cross. Jesus wiped away our sin debt and crushed the head of that serpent Satan overcoming death and hell, so that you and I will live victorious Eternal Life. No more sin or pain or sorrow can be found in the New Jerusalem. No more sun, moon or stars because the Father's Glory will be our Light! How exciting even though this earthly life is full of trials we know it is temporary. May the Joy of knowing and loving Jesus as our Lord and Savior, make us anticipate Christ's soon return for we His children. May the Joy of the Lord fill your days til we meet Him in the air, in the twinkling of an eye! Hallelujah for our God reigns forevermore! May the Peace in Christ our Redeemer be with all who read this.
  • Shaarei on James 1 - 3 years ago
    Discussion notes from Wesley

    The Father of lights , how does Wesley get ALL lights ?

    The verse does not say all light, but says the Fathervof LIGHTS!

    He is the light that LIGHTETH every man , THE LORD IS THE FATHER OF EVERY MAN!

    And furthermore, the explanation Wesley gives for NO SHADOW OF TURNING, is also incorrect. The notes read that some days shall be longer and some shorter. THIS IS SO INCORRECT! And should not have been added to discussion.

    Shadow of turning, is the sundial clock. When it is hands straight up, the sun is directly above us, THERE IS NO SHADOW OF TURNING! And so, THE LORD IS ALWAYS DIRECTLY ABOVE US, THERE IS NO SHADOW OF TURNING. nothing at all to do with length of days. I am finding mistakes in wesleys interpretations.

    I won't be reading His anymore.

    Thank You JESUS
  • TERRI QUEEN on Proverbs 20 - 3 years ago
    Sorry < but I always capitalize Jesus, please convert my last post , rightly from all caps, thanks
  • TERRI QUEEN on Proverbs 20 - 3 years ago
    On proverbs 20: 20 far can we go trying to get our jesus centered satan fighting point across??? how do we not say what they are doing wrong, with righteous anger, when they do terrible things, like any other demon filled person ? ...and we are to warn about jesus's judgement, and for them to get saved? i struggle here, i turned the other cheek for 20 years while they bashed my faith and lifted up the pretty, and rich sibling who is lukewarm, and by the lukewarm siblings advice , let my very close other sibling born again die in hospice, young, because hospice is good at drugging people out before their time ........and my parents will not have a thing to do with me, no matter how i react to their evil, yet try to go after my kids and husband and influence them against me saying i am unloving for speaking biblical ( we know that is offensive truth amen ) am i cursing them by letting them go, and then speaking my righteous anger truth about them to my kids and husband so they will not break up our family ( as they try to with my kids ) ? am i cursing them by texting them that they will burn in hell if they do not give their lives to jesus fully? am i cursing them to point out the very awful things they do and tell them to repent, as they say they are christians, ( no fruit and hate born agains ) ????
  • Doc Henderson - 3 years ago
    Hello, this my first here, i would like to know more about what is going please enlighten me. Doc. Henderson.
  • Donna G.Warren on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    To Martha,domestic violence is an abomination ! Don't know if you have children involved in this equation ,don't know what area of our country you live,but most cities,countries have resources for this. They can provide shelter,legal advisement, clean clothing if you have to escape without anything,finding a job assistance, help with medical care,counseling to get over the trauma physical, psychological, emotional, childcare so you can find a job,& find a safe place to live,etc.For example, in Georgia where I am ,HOPE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (678)-410-7411.If you don't know of resources in your area,try giving a call. I will pray for you that our dear Lord will guide & see you thru this.Get your birth certificate, also if children are involved,copy of your marriage license,copy of medical records,school records if applicable. Try to save any money you can. Put stuff you get together in a safe place .Prepare as best you can but please get out. These are stressful timesbut there is no excuse for abuse.They also can help with legal advisement & services. Proverbs 3:5-7.If you have other family maybe they would be willing to help you. Have to be careful with this as it can get tricky as your abusing spouse knows them also.The main point being ,get out of unsafe situation .
  • MAZIE S BLUE on Psalms 27 - 3 years ago
    How do I set up a shortcut on my computer for The Online King James Bible?
  • LYN BLAINE on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Please show me where in the book of revelations
  • Kenneth Anderson on Acts 10 - 3 years ago
    How come many people get married more than once knowing that they are Committing adultery according to Matthew 19,9 New testament a lot of pastors Are teaching wrong teachings because when they as Jesus why did Moses allow them to get a divorce Moses said because of the hardness of their hearts Which is the fairest he's as Jesus and Jesus reply from the beginning it was not self Moses has no greater power then the son of god Also in the biblical times they will be trolled to 1 another It was an arranged engagement so they were not married so if he or she committed any act of kissing or Any act sexually while the engagement Was steel together they were write them a certificate of divorce now we have a bunch of adulterous running around telling people they can merry whoever they want after divorce that is a lie before god Let's make this clear when you took a vow and a covenant with god you said for better for worse or richer or poor And sickness and in health until death do ye part Then you said So what god is put together let no man put asunder So that means not to separate and if you do separate you all supposed to reckon wait for a while and rick and style with your spouse the bible maze it clear he or she that divorces their spouse husband or wife and marries another committed adultery Why I pastors lying to people About getting married again to someone else while you're supposed still live because the covenant still stands it to they'd I this is a fallacy in the house of god you can't get a divorce because of fornication because you can only fornicate when you're not married it is adultery when you are married so you can't get a divorce over fornication you can't fornicate if you marry
  • Tony on Proverbs 12 - 3 years ago
    I'm so lost I am struggling with drugs and the loss of my sister mother and brother in 3 years and I got sober for a week!!! No drink or anything but I'm crying at 6 am and I grabbed my bible and it said proverbs chapter 12!! Why
  • Donna on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    I am considering reading the Bible in a year, starting January 1, 2022. If I start reading for a year from your site, will it start with the book of Genesis? I was initially thinking of starting with the book of Genesis to Revelation. What is the best way to get a better understanding of reading the Bible? I have tried to read the entire Bible, but never met that goal. I will be reading KJV.
  • Glenn - 3 years ago
    Hi frens , fellow truth seekers , an beloved Christians ,.. I would like to ask of favor from all ,.. that we all take a rest of this month as to refrain from REPLYING, to anyones comments, in a negative, or harsh manner,.. now I'm only asking on the REPLY, to a comment, an most certainly not a regular comment that you may like to share , regardless of the content , I ask that you just read it , an then not mention any names or criticisms towards that one persons , beliefs or thoughts, because lately over the last several weeks here , we have become a little to critical an somewhat harsh , in our circle of life ,.. course I'm just asking, an hoping some of you, see what I have noticed,.. an im thinking that a little time off from , I'm right, no I'm right, no you're wrong, kinda innuendo, type responses,.. is of no true help ,.. I dunno ??? Just a ask , just wanting love , kindness, and ,

  • John - 3 years ago
    Is it right to borrow from your parrents and not pay back
  • Alex N - 3 years ago
    Hiya Chris gbu lets finalize our chat over Chanukak and the law the levitical priesthood , Lets Remember

    that it was God Almighty that wanted to do away with the old covenant and their sabbath days and holy days

    and their soleme assemblies, the blood of bulls and goats etc. What the law cd not do in that was weak thru the flesh God had to send his son in the form of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh Simply b/c the law cd not do it . When the veil was rent that was the end of the levitical priesthood and all the works of the old covenant. He even did away with DEATH

    by sin . The spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death . Even the old temple was done away with. By the works of the law shall NO MAN BE MADE RIGHTEOUS in the eyes of God. The blood of Christ was the end of all the law and their works of righteousness , This is what i have been trying to tell ya Chris we cannot fix the old covenant, neither circumcision nor uncircumcisson but ONLY A NEW CREATURE CAN PLZ GOD WHICH IS THE H.G. THAT CHILD of PROMISE . That comes only by the New Covenent , When Jesus said its finish that was the end of that old covenant . I will made a new covenant with the house of Israel etc. NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS etc Now its the H.G. that is the Child of PROMISE AN ISRAEL OF GOD. Now the Kingdom is going to be within us. Bless ya Chris
  • Enzel on Romans 1 - 3 years ago
    good is really helping me to find salvation in jesus christ
  • Jeanie on 1 Samuel 9 - 3 years ago
    I was trying to find where Samuel anointed David. I looked under topics and words. It was not under David and anointed;ing; etc. Found it though in my bible when I got to it. It is under 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Can you please listed under these and other topics that match. Thanks!

    God Bless.

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