Is buying a dog (puppy) a sin. I am understanding that deuteronomy 23:18 is referring to a male prostitute. Is this correct ? I understand that dogs were put here on earth as, in not better words, clean up crew of dead, like the vulture. But does that forbid me to own one ? I've owned and loved dogs my entire life and I was recently told that buying, selling, and owning a dog is a sin. Im confused and scared that I have sinned my entire life over a dog, which I did not know about. Many best friend, other than the Lord is now a sin? This could be devastating to many people i know if true. Please explain in detail the true meaning iof this
It's a common misconception even today that God punishes.
The laws of Creation are such that the action creates its own consequences. Sometimes the actor, or witnesses to the action and the consequence can see that the consequence is consistent with the action, but are unable to perceive the consequence between the two so they attribute the consequence to God.
Different people have awareness at different levels and their actions are inspired from deeper consciousness thus provoking actions of a wider depth. These are those to whom much has been given - either through their own efforts in "considering the lily" or through their inheritance of deeper levels of awareness at birth
I was just thinking about how much the Bible has influenced society and culture. Many phrases from movies, songs, people, places, and expressions originate from the Bible. So, I thought I'd list the ones I know of.
"Writing on the wall" from Daniel 5:5. I've heard this in many song lyrics, like Sam Smith, Ted Nugent
Lick (or bite) the dust?, Psalms 72:9. Queen?
These phrases I've heard various places in songs and TV, but can't think of where currently:
Skin of my teeth, Job 19:20.
Love of money is root of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10
Pride before a fall? Proverbs 16:18
A time for... Ecclesiastes 3. The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!
I do not believe the virus is real. I keep going back to Revelation 18:23 Merchants in Greek is tradesmen. Sorceries in Greek is medicine/medication. They are making a killing off this covid and vaccines. It's nothing but lies to put money in their greedy pockets. I also don't believe viruses are real. Scientists have never ever proven a virus that can spread from on person to another. I do believe it's the 5G technology which has radiation and heavy metals in it. That's what's making everyone sick. God made our bodies to fight off stuff and yes we get sick. Bit He did not create them to spread sicknesses to other people. Please think about this. Satan is controlling everything and he's fixing to cast to this earth. Don't be deceived about what's going on. God bless!!
Life's daily trials can slowly erode one's hope and joy. Satan will always sneak up on the weakened Christian, using anything that rewards our flesh because we certainly deserve to be happy. Happiness always gives way to boredom or even depression. I struggled with depression much of my life and thought surely I did something horrible before God. If one dwells on this for so long and feels helpless. Suicide rates are at an all time high because the world seems to have no answers. This leads man to seek man's advice, but without a Godly man seeking to help us through God's Word then the answer are usually empty promises. Let the hope we have in Jesus Christ remind us that this life on earth is very short compared to God's Eternal promises. Lord sent out thy Light and Truth in 2022.
Hello everybody, I've never participated in such a discussion group before, came across it during Genesis study search ... would love to know a little bit about nationalities, background, ... and, if its not casting mud in the clear water here, what's your take/experience of current events.
Hello! I asked a question 2 days ago and I never got a reply. I thought maybe it was going to take a while so I kept checking back and noticed that some people that asked questions got an answer back in a few hours. Please refer to my previous question on page 3 and if you don't have an answer, that's ok just please let me know.
You people,jewish, trying to place jesus as your trophy, john 3:16 says that whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life,god gave his son to the world for our sins,not just you all,he didn't come as a jewish jesus,if he did talk of isreal it was his father's desire,in the first place,jesus was a spirit in heaven with his father, nothing jewish about him,unto god he returned a glorious spirit,not a jew, y'all trying to think he was a mere man,of a jew and he is not,this is a lie from hell satan,then you try to say we need a hebrew bible ,kjv in error,it must not be, because the signs of the times sure is coming to past,the jewish voice,please, it's jesus voice,you think we're gonna worship you, because you all was once a great people,yet some of you didn't believe in him and still don't,look at you all now,how you're doing now, i'm african and jesus died for me,
Hate, contempt, misinformation, (lies), you will not find here! Here you will find grace, the forgiveness of sin without of sin guilt.
Only the knowledge of what Jesus did for the world on the cross, that which no one has ever done!
That this Jesus provides for u and me a place in the heavens with His Father , now and forever more. A place unimaginable called eternal life! You need to do nothing but come here and hear the words of salvation. Being justified by faith you may have peace with God. Only, Through Faith in what Jesus did on the cross!
Growing in these things, Learning His ways will teach you the power of God, revealing himself unto you!
Remembering his words that you are in the world but not of this world. That the word was made flesh and dwelt among us! These are the words of life!
Carol, children are not corrupt, only the adults who breed them out of wedlock. Bastard people, if you will. If you look in old testament, "bastard children" were used of God for his glory. Bible also states that we all will b judged on our own words and actions. When Moses was leading Israel and the people were sinning, he said to God to take his name out of the Lambs book of life. And God said not so. Everyone to b judged on their own life.
Doug Martin If your interested in knowing Yom rishon sunday yom shani monday yom shishi tuesday yom reveci
wednesday yom kanishi thursday ypm shishi friday shabbat saturday jewish sabbath which comes from shivat
which means to rest. So on judean calendar Saturday is there sabbath We got our words for days of week from emperor emperor constantine and Roman empire, I think in relation to what they worshipped.
This is my concern the devil says to Jesus does not the word say throw yourself down from here ,and you will not be hurt because the angels will save you.And Jesus say's it is written ,thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God. The concern is that many christians are tempting God today by not taking responsibilty for what they do.What they say.How they act.o o o o o telling others to follow.Beware scribes,pharasee's do not be sadusee.Always keep FAITHCHARITY. o o o o o o o o
jcbu undercover is my Holy Ghost writer name.o o o o o o o o Mathew 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance :but he that cometh after me is mighter than I ,whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:he shall baptze you with with the Holy Ghost,and with fire. Two books written Destiny Dreams and Visions.The Mysterious Castle and deadly sins. They go togeather like salt ,and pepper.Proceeds to go to missions.They are interactive books that invite the reader to partake however they can.The second book gives some bible verses to help fight against the deadly sins.Allways encouraging the reader to go to the bible for themselves ,and drink from the fountain of knowledge. o o o o o o ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo of the word of God. o o
Happy 2022 to everyone! Here are the 50 most-searched words and phrases on this website in the last 30 days. More people searched for Jesus than for anything else. May God bless you!
Searches | Word
6668 Jesus
709 love
536 Faith
409 peace
391 Healing
373 christmas
363 joy
346 jehovah
342 light
334 hope
332 Wisdom
328 fear
327 Salvation
301 jesus went to hell
296 Enoch
295 mark of the beast
292 Sabbath
288 trust
287 satan
281 Death
280 holy spirit
277 birth of jesus
276 Repent
272 prayer
266 Forgiveness
261 marriage
250 Strength
244 Hell
241 emmanuel
233 Patience
233 apple of his eye
230 synagogue of satan
229 Comfort
225 wise men
210 noah
209 Heart
209 angels
208 Fear not
208 prince of peace
208 Truth
205 Gift
204 Sin
202 [blank]
201 heaven
199 Antichrist
198 Children
197 Tree
195 lucifer
Does "many" imply "all"?
Alan Portelli
The laws of Creation are such that the action creates its own consequences. Sometimes the actor, or witnesses to the action and the consequence can see that the consequence is consistent with the action, but are unable to perceive the consequence between the two so they attribute the consequence to God.
Different people have awareness at different levels and their actions are inspired from deeper consciousness thus provoking actions of a wider depth. These are those to whom much has been given - either through their own efforts in "considering the lily" or through their inheritance of deeper levels of awareness at birth
it changed how I view the trinity. For example, take a look at this
Foundation one: There is only one God
Foundation two: There is 3 divine persons
Foundation three: The Persons are co equal and co eternal
If any of these foundations are broken then it is heresy
I was just thinking about how much the Bible has influenced society and culture. Many phrases from movies, songs, people, places, and expressions originate from the Bible. So, I thought I'd list the ones I know of.
"Writing on the wall" from Daniel 5:5. I've heard this in many song lyrics, like Sam Smith, Ted Nugent
Lick (or bite) the dust?, Psalms 72:9. Queen?
These phrases I've heard various places in songs and TV, but can't think of where currently:
Skin of my teeth, Job 19:20.
Love of money is root of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10
Pride before a fall? Proverbs 16:18
A time for... Ecclesiastes 3. The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!
Can anyone think of more?
Only the knowledge of what Jesus did for the world on the cross, that which no one has ever done!
That this Jesus provides for u and me a place in the heavens with His Father , now and forever more. A place unimaginable called eternal life! You need to do nothing but come here and hear the words of salvation. Being justified by faith you may have peace with God. Only, Through Faith in what Jesus did on the cross!
Growing in these things, Learning His ways will teach you the power of God, revealing himself unto you!
Remembering his words that you are in the world but not of this world. That the word was made flesh and dwelt among us! These are the words of life!
wednesday yom kanishi thursday ypm shishi friday shabbat saturday jewish sabbath which comes from shivat
which means to rest. So on judean calendar Saturday is there sabbath We got our words for days of week from emperor emperor constantine and Roman empire, I think in relation to what they worshipped.
Searches | Word
6668 Jesus
709 love
536 Faith
409 peace
391 Healing
373 christmas
363 joy
346 jehovah
342 light
334 hope
332 Wisdom
328 fear
327 Salvation
301 jesus went to hell
296 Enoch
295 mark of the beast
292 Sabbath
288 trust
287 satan
281 Death
280 holy spirit
277 birth of jesus
276 Repent
272 prayer
266 Forgiveness
261 marriage
250 Strength
244 Hell
241 emmanuel
233 Patience
233 apple of his eye
230 synagogue of satan
229 Comfort
225 wise men
210 noah
209 Heart
209 angels
208 Fear not
208 prince of peace
208 Truth
205 Gift
204 Sin
202 [blank]
201 heaven
199 Antichrist
198 Children
197 Tree
195 lucifer