Hi and God bless you all . Does anyone know what has happened to Carleton , Earl and Sacha ? I notice they haven't posted for a while and I miss them and I'm a bit worried about them because of this virus . I hope they are ok , if you are out there you three , it would be nice if you could say hi and let us all know you are alright . Thank you .
I have a question, more than a comment. My question is, Has anyone heard, that the reason that Noah cursed Canaan is because Canaan is the Noah's wife child, than she had with Ham. That Cush or Canaan is a child of incest? And this is why Noah cursed the child.
Hi dear everyone. You well know that you are dearly bought and valuable because you love God in the Holy Name of Jesus by the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.
Think of good deeds and do good to all.
And allow for anger. As Blessed Paul says.
Also, be extremely patient with everyone you meet along the way. They may also have the right to the riddle of life and our Savior.
Thank you for being all in my life, I thank God for you every day.
Be blessed with words from Luke 2 chapter. Love u all in Christ
Apologies to any offended Christians. My intent is not to offend. I was raised in "The Church of Christ". I identify as EX Church of Christ. Proverbs was written by King Solomon with a few contributions from others. These Old Testament writings are Hebrew Scriptures. The best understanding their meaning 9coming from someone knowing, reading and/or etc the Jewish Scriptures. Or try a Jewish Bible.i.Christianity did not exist at the time of these writings The she is a Tree, which is essential for our environment where life grows. History has told stories of the beauty of Solomons Temples and Gardens in his Jerusalem and Palmyra. The Israelites knew trees made the apperance of the temples and the gardens beautiful. And more mportantlly they made the environment healthy. The Jewish Holidsy "Tu B'Shevat", The New Year of The Tree is celebrated each year. Remember English Translations of the Bible are just that "Translations". By the way, the King James Version, a Translation, written as a Literary Work of Art commissioned by King James of England And it seems different denominations including the Church of Christ interpret those translations anyway they want. King Solomon was very gifted in the wise department. He is not so hard to follow. Be open minded! Read for yourself and think about it. I hope this simplifies the understanding of this scripture. Peace be with you all.
I do not no much about Japhta. I just happened to bump against a pastor preaching about Japhta on YouTube. The story of Japhta is not regularly covered on Tele evagelism so from now I will study it. I am a gospel TV writer fan
I asked Father God To Show Me Great And Mighty Things ! And Boy did HE SHOW!! ME!! PRAISE HIM! Thank You Holy Spirit!!! ...... so many people are so mislead by mainstream modern churches !!! Israel Is The Church !! read the WHOLE chapter ... not just verse 2..... I literally just started reading into this after questiong Hagee ..... WHOA!!!!! Ive been Flabbergasted forrr DAaayyyyyysss!.
Bless All Of My Brothers And Sisters In Christ Jesus !! I LOVE YOU !! :)
Hello? Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have sampled some verses in this Bible and i am find it still full. It still has its verses in full. Is it possible for me to get a copy of this Bible soft or hard copy? Most of the new kings version sold in Uganda these days have verses missing.I am in need of this version (1611) standard English. Thank you , TOM.
God bless everyone just would like to tell you all something I have seen in the world.Doctors on tv telling people all these ways to deal with trauma,and how they can heal themselves with drugs etc.As someone who has been through much trauma in their life I can tell you that God ,and Jesus ,and the Holy Spirit.Are the best way to deal with all things hear.They never mention prayer,or reading the bible ,or forgiveness,faith,hope,charity.They did mention forgiveness but in a differnt context without God can you really forgive properly?I can not.All so would like to tell you about some movies on youtube one The biggest serial killer in US history.The other about a christian family that is destroyed by lies of the devil about abuse that never happened.Somehow a police officer is accused of abusing his girls ,and he imagines that he did it when he did not.So he gets 20 years in jail his family is destroyed because he believed the lies, kind of self hypnotism,be wary for the devil is like a raging lion looking to see who he can decieve.God bless you all and watch over you all on your journeys.In Jesus name amen.
It looks as though this discussion is barren so we will till the barren ground to bring some fruit in the coming storms.Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth; but Satan's counsel is to keep children in a state of slavery to sin and to the world. There are those that seek other peoples prayer's but have no mind to pray for themselves.They show there by they have no true love of God,nor any delight in communinon with him.Mathew Henry 1710 oo ooo o o o o ooo Spritual darkness is spiritual blindness,and bondage Satan binds men so they move not toward heaven.o o o o o o o o oo oTL o o o o oThe children of lsrael had light in their dwellings! o o o o o o oo oooo o o As Christians of Jesus Christ we must always keep his light burning away at the darkness of this world.With his word ,and his Holy Spirit ,and his love.So soon to be joined with other's to the one who created the light! And what a day that will be GLORIOUS MERCIFULL FREE!!!
(Im)migrants leaving their Country for a better opportunity has p
r Dictarship. You are blessing another continent not your own.
The HOLY Lands were Chosen by
G-D. Father Abraham was the seed of ALL Nations. Jehovah said, to share the GOSPEL thru out the Earth that he may draw ALL MEN UNTO HIM. Feeding the Land Physically & Spitrtually is vital.
Think of good deeds and do good to all.
And allow for anger. As Blessed Paul says.
Also, be extremely patient with everyone you meet along the way. They may also have the right to the riddle of life and our Savior.
Thank you for being all in my life, I thank God for you every day.
Be blessed with words from Luke 2 chapter. Love u all in Christ
Bless All Of My Brothers And Sisters In Christ Jesus !! I LOVE YOU !! :)
r Dictarship. You are blessing another continent not your own.
The HOLY Lands were Chosen by
G-D. Father Abraham was the seed of ALL Nations. Jehovah said, to share the GOSPEL thru out the Earth that he may draw ALL MEN UNTO HIM. Feeding the Land Physically & Spitrtually is vital.
You ad stated this well concerning this topic. Thank you.