Prophesies Spoken_Prophesies Fulfilled_Yet to be fulfilled - 3 years ago
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Down at the bottom of each page of comments is a box that takes you to 3,229 pages of past history comments. We speak on many prophetic events. It's also good to see how we work together to edify and share prophetic studies. The Holy Spirit, our Teacher, is the spirit of prophesy.
It helps to have a Reference Study Bible, with center of each page, references to other scriptures that have relevance to another scripture, or a fulfilled prophesy, or a yet to be fulfilled prophesy. Each reference has to be read and pulled into the originating scripture that began the search.
There's over prophesies that Jesus fulfilled in the OldTestament, with the accompanying New Testament verses.
395 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ: with the prophecies and the fulfilling scriptures as they recorded in the New Testament.
It's awesome to read them all. That's why my Bible is ripped, glued, taped, pages soft like cloth from use. I still love how it smells.
I came across a wonderful short teaching titled "Why Don't My Prayers Get Answered ?" by Dr. David Jeremiah, (under 30 minutes ;-)). I found it on YouTube. I recommend it to anyone who feels like their prayers aren't being heard. Maybe you're feeling frustrated or discouraged with prayer.There is a way to prepare ourselves to pray, scripturally speaking."
The Bible is like a text book or a manual . If u were reading a manual in order to build a garden shed , u wouldn't expect that manual to contain irrelevant extraneous information , u would expect everything in the manual to b pertinent to what u r building . The Bible is the same . Nothing is extraneous , it's all pertinent . This means Old and New . The Bible is our manual for life , in this world and the world to come . And it fits together perfectly . Unlike any garden shed I have ever built .
I do find it strange that so many people on this site don't seem to make the connections between the Old and New Testaments . The Old is a foreshadow of the New I believe . A good understanding of the Old definately enhances our understanding and appreciation of the New . Jesus understood and believed the Old and he is represented in all the Old Testament books . Maybe I'm being harsh and I'm underestimating the Christians on here , if so , I apologise profusely . May God open all of our eyes and ears and hearts and minds so that no matter how much we think we know we can always know more about our God and our Saviour and draw closer to them . I include myself of course , I am always open to learn more and I know that there will always b more for me to learn .
I must admit it seems strange to have to pay, but I can think of a few practical reasons!!! Heavenly Father has performed some awesome miracles in my life of late!! I have non-christian witnesses!!! I just want to belong and be able to remain at home!!! Thanx for your time
A LOT of books are "good to read" but not put in the Bible! There are very good reasons not to include the Apocrypha in the Bible, why the early church left it out. Most mature, avid studiers of the Word know that. Dr Walter Martin explained it well. I'm disappointed in your site. This is Bible, not Bible and other writings.
In the time of when Moses lead the children out of Egypt, is it true that the clothing they wore grew with them when they grew? Such as, shoes, even when children were small,when they grew did the clothing grow with them. Was this a gift from God? Did they question it? Can I find this in scripture?
To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, one must do the will of the father by following and doing his word but it seems impossible since a righteous man can sin 7 times a day. How can one be free of a guilty conscience if they know they always will be dealing with the flesh nature?
acts 25 are we Festus, those who believe in the almighty god? who are conservative or republican, those who find an intrusive power-hungry, government tyrannical and corrupt?
Since young, I've thought the lord blessed me with my musical abilities, Compassion and Empathic knowledge of peoples emotions, to empower, and uplift them, never intrude.
But I am approached by people claiming Clarvoyant, contact from angels for me.
I''m a Christian raised by Christian parents. I have a problem with faith. I know that God is able to do all things, but when it comes to me, I don't know how to deal with faith for myself. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.
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Down at the bottom of each page of comments is a box that takes you to 3,229 pages of past history comments. We speak on many prophetic events. It's also good to see how we work together to edify and share prophetic studies. The Holy Spirit, our Teacher, is the spirit of prophesy.
It helps to have a Reference Study Bible, with center of each page, references to other scriptures that have relevance to another scripture, or a fulfilled prophesy, or a yet to be fulfilled prophesy. Each reference has to be read and pulled into the originating scripture that began the search.
There's over prophesies that Jesus fulfilled in the OldTestament, with the accompanying New Testament verses.
395 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ: with the prophecies and the fulfilling scriptures as they recorded in the New Testament.
It's awesome to read them all. That's why my Bible is ripped, glued, taped, pages soft like cloth from use. I still love how it smells.
I came across a wonderful short teaching titled "Why Don't My Prayers Get Answered ?" by Dr. David Jeremiah, (under 30 minutes ;-)). I found it on YouTube. I recommend it to anyone who feels like their prayers aren't being heard. Maybe you're feeling frustrated or discouraged with prayer.There is a way to prepare ourselves to pray, scripturally speaking."
How big is a cubit? I'm trying to figure out how big the ark of the sanctuary was.
Martha Hatcher(Martie)
the man God turn to an animal
And feel it's the only true version
I was saved at 12 years old
And grew up in a missionary Baptist
Aboutv12 to 13 years ago I read and heard that how do your tell the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet
It in the Bible
So I read the Bible entirely the kjv
But after that I started reading one chapter a day in the spirit of god
And when I get Thur it I start it again
It takes a little over 3 years
I am now. Starting it the 5 time
And Lear something different each time
No the Bible does not change
I just learn it better thru Jesus Christ
I believe Jesus Christ can to earth in human
Fully God and fully human meaning he felt all the things as we humans
He came to earth to establish Christianity not a religion
To suffer fir our sins and pay the debt
For our sins
I read the kjv many times
And Jesus choose the deciples
I believe Jesus isachiort was not the. Devil
The devil on enterered him at the lords supper so the scriptures may be fullfilled
All the deciples asked is it I
Jesus said it was the one who dipped his hand in the bowl and immediately
Statan entered Judas
And for 3o pieces of silver
But Judas did not realize what the Pharisees had in plan
Judas repented returned the 3o pieces of silver back but they would accept
It he threw it bac at them and left
And hung himself as he could not live with himselit fir betrayal of Jesus
And hung himself
And it does not take long for the body
And just a few days it Deteriorates
But I am approached by people claiming Clarvoyant, contact from angels for me.
Is this real, or scams.
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