Christian Life Page 60

  • Tonya Younger - 3 years ago
    Ephesians 5:22-30 & 6:1 for children
  • Okinnaman on 2 Corinthians 12 - 3 years ago
    i like this bible app
  • Ankah - 3 years ago
    Does God reign in Revelation or is God dead?
  • Jim Kirkpatrick - 3 years ago
    Mr les Feldick is one of the best Bible teachers I have ever run across. He has a ministry in Kinta Oklahoma and can be found on Television on a lot of stations.
  • Emmanuel Afriyie - 3 years ago
    did i have to pay tithe
  • Jessica Griggs on Tobit 3 - 3 years ago
    Who are the chosen elect and how will the lord jesus christ of nazareth protect them in these last days? prayers sent up for my friends and true family of god and our great nation. god bless america and the usa.
  • John - 3 years ago
    AMan My Friend , im ApostolicPenecostal , And I believe you and what you said 100% I believe in the word of God and in God . I believe and know this verse is real as well and works as well . I needed it to one day for something Not as serious as yours but need to stop bleeding my pastor told it to me and it worked of course .

    Also i went paralyzed by a blood clot when I was 20 years old I didn't know that verse then but I'm 40 years old now and I can walk again. God blessed me to walk while I was in the hospital 20 years ago from while after having my back surgery . God bless you my friend love you in the Lord ' peace and blessings be upon you and your family May the blessings of the Lord be upon you take care, Murray Kentucky

    Me & my family attend life tabernacle of Murray Kentucky . come see us if you get to this part of the world! we'd love to worship with you and your family
  • Eric - 3 years ago
    While America was fighting their 'war on terror' 21 years, Russia was busy creating unstoppable hypersonic weapons. No army on earth can match Russia's arsenal.

    To think that Russia's battle with Ukraine is just a dust up, wait till Putin turns his face towards Israel with grievances and demands. You will get a glimpse of the spoiler before he goes beast mode. The world deserves everything coming to it for denying Russia's security guarantees. God will use Russia to hammer the world down.
  • Brett on 2 Thessalonians 3 - 3 years ago
    Want to be able to find what book, chapter and verse by asking question
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    Somebody made a comment about there not being any corn in the east. I came across a factoid on the Internet that said Back in Jesus day they called their wheat corn. So it would have been wheat that they were talking about in the Bible not corn as we know it now in this day and age. Don't take my word for this but Study it out on your own. I recommend going and searching the word "corn" in the Hebrew. And searching ancient Israeli history.
  • Suze - 3 years ago
    Some years ago , after the break up of the old Soviet republic , NATO made a deal with Ukraine . If Ukraine gave up it's nukes they could join NATO and NATO would protect Ukraine . NATO has to honour that so will have to get involved wether or not it's a good idea . Ukraine is a member of NATO . Troops will be needed at some point . We mustn't get too scared , remember in Egypt ? All those plagues didn't touch one Israelite . Even if we do loose our life in this world the next thing we know we will be with our Saviour , Jesus Christ . I shall be praying for God's mercy to be on all flesh and for the peace of Jerusalem . It's all going to be awesome !
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    Happy Sabbath to all Sabbath keepers! There's definitely a blessing in keeping the Sabbath. I found that to be true. :-).
  • Dan Neal on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you so much for this incredible website. Is there a place where I can purchase this incredible Bible so that I can listen to it all the way through without having to load each chapter. It would be so good to listen to while I work.

    Thank you very much.
  • Suze - 3 years ago
    Carelton Earl and Sacha , if you are still out there I know you are as excited as I am , much love to you , can't wait to meet you in person , look up ! For your redemption draweth nigh !
  • Pierotte Vassau - 3 years ago
    How much attention should we give to the happenings in the world today?
  • Betty Flanigan on Psalms 73 - 3 years ago
    What do we know about Asaph? Who was he and what was he to King David?
  • David on Jeremiah 16:19 - 3 years ago
    The joy of the Lord is my strength. The acceptance of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ must be determined by each individual through what the Lord has given as evidence for such.

    Many will not believe for many reasons that may seem good to them. The problem with not accepting the truth regarding the Lord Jesus Christ is like committing can only do it once. After that the judgement.

    The great thing about the Lord God is His patience and long suffering. However, there will come a time that He will not be available for the lost to find Him.

    God bless all on this forum. February 24, 2022
  • Edward A. Paturzo - 3 years ago
    Before his fall from heaven did Satan have any good traits?
  • Isaac Donkoh - 3 years ago
    Why did always GOD take man for apostles
  • Adam - 3 years ago
    I'd like to seek any advice on how to manage ones estate, be financially responsible, and be a good steward ( Matthew 25:14-30) while avoiding greed or loving money ( 1 Timothy 6:9, Luke 12:15, 1 Timothy 6:10)?

    I'm wondering what are some possible indicators of whether someone is starting to like money too much?
  • Blessed on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Hello All, please bear with my frustration. As a muslim that came to Christ in 1989, the first Bible I read was the original KJV. It is totally different from what I'm reading at this site. That original Anglican KJV formed my faith and I love its poetic verses to no end. I am alarmed at all these "modern" KJV translation where deep spiritual concepts are being replaced with modern words that destroys the deep meaning.

    Take for example this site portraying KJV that replaces the Blessed with "Happy" all over the place. Take this Psalm 127:5 for example. If you ask me it's a disservice to replace Blessed with Happy. Happy may be a connotation of Blessed, but blessed imply something deeper as far as I am concerned. "Happy" points from Man to the World, whereas Blessed points from God to Man.

    We live in a society that places pleasure above godliness. In this hedonistic world, the world in constantly looking for happiness wherever they can find it. Blessed indicates the Grace of the Lord even when you're not happy 24/7 like the world would have you believe.

    I am therefore looking for that original (Anglicized) KJV that taught me that to be Blessed is to be happy and not the other way around. If anyone know that original KJV version please let me know. All I've seen up till now are "Happy" instead of "Blessed".

    For now, I will stop reading this site and move to Bible[.]com to read NIV that is not ashamed to use the word "Blessed" in the 21st Century.
  • Suze - 3 years ago
    Putin has invaded Ukraine , while we r all distracted by this , the enemies of Israel will make their move . Repent and b baptized ! Christ is coming ! It's going to b scary but ultimately fan blinking tastic !!!!!!! Rejoice rejoice rejoice . Love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ .
  • Emory Berry - 3 years ago
    In the name of the Father,

    Son,and Holy Ghost Amen
  • David on Jeremiah 12:5 - 3 years ago
    Our Lord God is righteous in all His ways. Many times we cannot see or understand the depths of His wisdom in His actions. When this happens, we must trust in the first principles we learned at His feet. There is a parallel here as in Psalms 73. The wicked seemed to be blessed beyond anything we can imagine. It made Asaph, the writer upset that the wicked and foolish looked to be blessed and prosperous in every thing they did. Until he went in to the sanctuary of the Lord and then he understood their end. It is our responsibility to proclaim the gospel and declare the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the availability of the Gospel for all. We know the end.

    God bless everyone on this forum. The Lord shine His face on all and bless your walk with Him. February 22, 2022
  • Carolyn Quinn on Proverbs 3 - 3 years ago
    Jere 31:3
  • Roy on Matthew 1 - 3 years ago
    Do we have a similar piee of software under which we can read and discuss the NJKB?
  • Roman - 3 years ago
    Just a muse on the next big attack, in these end-times....just my thoughts to pass time.

    If the fifth trumpet, Revelation 9:1-11, was 9-11-01 the war on terror,

    will the sixth seal, Revelation 6:14, open on 6-14, or June 14th?

    The US govt is crafty smart to choose relevant dates for military campaigns.

    Whenever Revelation 6-14 happens, it should serve as notice that the sixth trumpet is coming.
  • Dillon on Revelation 21 - 3 years ago
    I love it

    It is a good bible story

  • [Comment Removed]
  • Rolendia on Psalms 91 - 3 years ago
    Sent me a Bible verse for the day. And who is the author of Psalm 91

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