Good Morning! I would like to leave a comment. Being a prayer warrior is one of the greatest things this world could ever have. Pray daily and pray often. God Bless All.
Where in the scriptures do we have any command to worship the Holy Spirit? I can find no example of anyone praying to,glorifying,or singing to the Holy Ghost. I'm open to correction,just point me to scriptures that would teach saints to do this.
Genesis 4:1 (KJV) And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD..
May I kindly ask how did you discover Cain is not in Adams Genealogy and missed Genesis 4:1.
Adam and Eve was told to be fruitful and multiply the Earth.
Genesis 1:28. They had lots of Children and neither are they listed in Adam Genealogy. I believe the Genealogy was meant to give the lineage that lead to Noah, which is the next story in Genesis. This genealogy also leads to Christ.
Let me share a lesson from Chuck missler on this Genealogy.
Here's what these names mean in Hebrew.
Adam =Man
Seth =Appointed
Enosh =Mortal
Kenan =Sorrow;
Mahalalel =The Blessed God
Jared =Shall come down
Enoch =Teaching
Methuselah =His death shall bring.
Lamech =The Despairing
Noah =Rest, or comfort.
When you put them together you get a prophetic message.
Man appointed morrow sorrow, The blessed God Shall come down, Teaching His death shall bring The dispairing rest "or comfort".
This chapter; as many others in scripture-demonstrate the level of depravity one may reach.
There are two possible outcomes here; that of Manasseh who indeed humbled himself after suffering greatly and knowing that God was indeed Lord (v. 13). The resulting behaviors listed up to verse 20 show that there was a genuine conversion and that must characterize anyone who claims to have faith today. His son; Amon only had 2 years to serve and was killed by his own servants at the age of 24. (v. 24).
Testimonies are always effective; as say someone like Niki Cruz who was profoundly affected by David Wilkerson who himself put his own life in jeopardy to witness the gospel. It is only through unconditional "agape" love that we can truly "love our enemies; and do good to those who despitefully use us." ( Luke 6:27-28). It is; of course no benefit to manifesting sins so that we can later have a more dramatic testimony. God does; of course come to us "while we are yet sinners" ( Romans 5:8). We also need to be reminded of the exhortation in Ezekiel; even one sin disqualifies a rightous man ( Ezekiel 33:13). Note the man in that verse is TRUSTING in his own righteousness! These passages help to demonstrate the unity of scripture and that the God of the O.T. is the same today. There is no room for boasting; except in Christ ( Jeremiah 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31). These passages also are stark warnings for those who have Godly examples; we are held more accountable and perhaps judged sooner than the world itself. We see this in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's progeny at the time of the writing on the wall; for example. In short; there are those who learn from chastisement who are His chosen; and others who only harden their hearts further; such as Pharaoh.
My granddaughter needs u to speak to me so that whatever is going on in the both of us Lord help us so that our relationship will always be godly so that I can be taught the word so I c as n be led do we n a rigious path I w as my go back and correct but help me lord
In the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25:1-13 what do you think the oil and the lamp and the light stand for in Christian life? And being a virgin represents what?
And what we should do to ensure our entrance to the marriage and not left out?
Its obvious the parable talks about the spiritual situation Christians will be during the second coming of Jesus Christ.
We have allowed these things thinking that it would correct it self. But it never does. We provoke the LORD because we have forgotten HIM and HIS great blessings towards us. Though we may have taken the wrong path because of the false teachings we held too, we cannot blame the false prophets. We should have known better. Reading the Bible, seeking HIS knowledge through prayer; we will be able to discern the GODLY path and the righteousness of the LORD. Help us to stand firm in the midst of this perverse generation that we have allowed to creep into our families, communities, churches, government and society in general.
LORD, help us fight the battle to win lost souls and prepare the hearts of many for the coming of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.
I should not be asking the same thing in general: I should be the "man" YOU seek LORD. Isaiah 6:8 "then said I, here am I; send me."
By Knowles Shaw; inspired by Psalm 126:6
"Going forth with weeping
Sowing for the Master
Though the loss sustained
Our spirit often grieved
When our weepings over
He will bid us welcome
We shall come rejoicing
Bringing in the sheaves"
GOD bless everyone on this forum. May we be available for GOD's use. March 30, 2022
Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people?
Adam is Cains father.
Genesis 4:1 (KJV) And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD..
May I kindly ask how did you discover Cain is not in Adams Genealogy and missed Genesis 4:1.
Adam and Eve was told to be fruitful and multiply the Earth.
Genesis 1:28. They had lots of Children and neither are they listed in Adam Genealogy. I believe the Genealogy was meant to give the lineage that lead to Noah, which is the next story in Genesis. This genealogy also leads to Christ.
Let me share a lesson from Chuck missler on this Genealogy.
Here's what these names mean in Hebrew.
Adam =Man
Seth =Appointed
Enosh =Mortal
Kenan =Sorrow;
Mahalalel =The Blessed God
Jared =Shall come down
Enoch =Teaching
Methuselah =His death shall bring.
Lamech =The Despairing
Noah =Rest, or comfort.
When you put them together you get a prophetic message.
Man appointed morrow sorrow, The blessed God Shall come down, Teaching His death shall bring The dispairing rest "or comfort".
At least interesting isn't it.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
There are two possible outcomes here; that of Manasseh who indeed humbled himself after suffering greatly and knowing that God was indeed Lord (v. 13). The resulting behaviors listed up to verse 20 show that there was a genuine conversion and that must characterize anyone who claims to have faith today. His son; Amon only had 2 years to serve and was killed by his own servants at the age of 24. (v. 24).
Testimonies are always effective; as say someone like Niki Cruz who was profoundly affected by David Wilkerson who himself put his own life in jeopardy to witness the gospel. It is only through unconditional "agape" love that we can truly "love our enemies; and do good to those who despitefully use us." ( Luke 6:27-28). It is; of course no benefit to manifesting sins so that we can later have a more dramatic testimony. God does; of course come to us "while we are yet sinners" ( Romans 5:8). We also need to be reminded of the exhortation in Ezekiel; even one sin disqualifies a rightous man ( Ezekiel 33:13). Note the man in that verse is TRUSTING in his own righteousness! These passages help to demonstrate the unity of scripture and that the God of the O.T. is the same today. There is no room for boasting; except in Christ ( Jeremiah 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31). These passages also are stark warnings for those who have Godly examples; we are held more accountable and perhaps judged sooner than the world itself. We see this in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's progeny at the time of the writing on the wall; for example. In short; there are those who learn from chastisement who are His chosen; and others who only harden their hearts further; such as Pharaoh.
In the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25:1-13 what do you think the oil and the lamp and the light stand for in Christian life? And being a virgin represents what?
And what we should do to ensure our entrance to the marriage and not left out?
Its obvious the parable talks about the spiritual situation Christians will be during the second coming of Jesus Christ.
God bless you all.
Bible some will ever see?
LORD, help us fight the battle to win lost souls and prepare the hearts of many for the coming of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.
I should not be asking the same thing in general: I should be the "man" YOU seek LORD. Isaiah 6:8 "then said I, here am I; send me."
By Knowles Shaw; inspired by Psalm 126:6
"Going forth with weeping
Sowing for the Master
Though the loss sustained
Our spirit often grieved
When our weepings over
He will bid us welcome
We shall come rejoicing
Bringing in the sheaves"
GOD bless everyone on this forum. May we be available for GOD's use. March 30, 2022