Christian Life Page 54

  • Lesley on Job 25 - 2 years ago
    What if you pray and bad comes
  • John Feltrop - 2 years ago
    So why do we honor the Sabbath on Sunday the first day of the week and not Saturday the 7th day of the week?
  • How do you highlight verses in this app? on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 2 years ago
    I want to highlight verses for future reference.
  • Dan Patterson - 2 years ago
    In KJ, Exodus 12:5 "ye shall take from the sheep, or from the goats:"

    Why was a goat allowed to be sacrificed and not a sheep only?


  • Steven Jackson - 2 years ago
    What was Nazarite
  • PART 1 of 2 THE END OF DAYS - 2 years ago
    I have been praying face down for this nation. Most are clueless what is about to come upon us. We vote like 6 year olds. Few ask God, who do I vote for?

    Most people vote emotionally. They don't get in and search out the truths. Much is happening in right now: prophetic things. Our White House is not white. The love of money and power. I'm praying: Lord show me the ONE STICK to pull to bring us back to earth.

    He's not going to fix everything. We are spinning rapidly to the end. We all are prone to think the world will go forward as it always has. It's not. So I pray for one last

    Evangelistic Push. I assure you every child or unborn baby is with their Lord in Heaven.

    The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds, and put blinds on peoples eyes so they do not see, nor recognize The Problem.

    I'm begging and pleading for this last big push. By the Holy Spirit the Lord said, re-register. Many good people are lifelong democrats because their parents were. It's a natural flow. But we hate what "they, the people in power" are doing: unrestrained spending, borrowing trillions at a time, high prices, inflation, depression on the way, punishing us for gas powered cars, forcing depraved sexual enlightenment on our children; not allowing police to make our cities safe again.

    We the people CAN flip the next election by favoring the red party; deny the power mad blue party and pull the rug out from under them. We will have 4 more years to Evangelize the lost like we should've been doing all along. If the Lord said to do it, then it will work. A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND. That's what we've got right now. The pure evil of greed and love of money is in our face every single day now. People are punching holes in gas tanks to steal the gas and sell it off the backs of trucks! The love of money is the root of all evil. We're there; especially our Government we should be able to trust them.

    Continue to Part 2 OF 2

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  • Dejong Malin - 2 years ago
    God said it, I believe it, that settles.

    Read the word if God, believe the word of God, Nad act on it.
  • Ed - 2 years ago
    was the Timothy that is in Acts 16 the same Timotjy that wrote the book of Timothy?
  • Carlos ROBALINO - 2 years ago
    I am very pleased to the comment to my query; I think it leads me to Jesus many times stating" I am... "

    Thank you
  • Jesus Ortiz - 2 years ago
    In the old testament. How many times do the scriptures refer to Israel as saints.
  • Marsha - 2 years ago
    What bible verse can you read for baptize
  • Jesus ortiz on Isaiah 65 - 2 years ago
    how often in scripture does God refer to Israel as saints?
  • Ed on Job 1 - 2 years ago
    In the garden of Eden when Adam & eve tasted the forbidden fruit because a serpent said it was ok, the serpent was punished to crawl the earth.

    Watching a documentary showing a snake was the way to Jesus I'm so confused help me understand this meaning
  • John doe on Revelation 12 - 2 years ago
    so when we witness about Gods healing Power in how

    we are no longer wounded in our soul and spirit because of the

    Holy Ghost and Fire (FIRE) who has healed us of whatever rape hound did

    to us

    We have to hear and we have to listen to the man of sin or women of sin

    who has raped other victims in life and ask God to forgive them (YES WE DO )

    but we can tell them who they are and where they are going and if we can

    we can order the demons to speak and to tell their own soul what they really are inside of them (is this right)
  • Suzee - 2 years ago
    I have to be honest , I don't always read every reply on here , so I could be wrong about this , it seems I haven't found any posts from T Levis or Mishael for a little while . Hope you guys are ok . Much love in Christ .
  • Beverly - 2 years ago
    I am going on a 3 days fast, other than read your Bible and pray, what do you do?
  • Larry on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Where was the 120 believers when the Holy Spirit descended
  • Jernej - 2 years ago
    working job on sabbath (saturday) i don't have a job and i deninde job that is prety good offer but i would need to work on sabbath 2 times every month and becous i deninde it (i could have been my first job) parent are angry (don't belive in bible) they called i was going to far that i desroyed my mind whit bible to read our bible ( mening slovenijan but in slovenija the word sabbath is littery word saturday in sloveninja bible) and i just need some prayer to get some way of job thanks for ansewing (it's not prayer request but if you pray have blassed day and year)
  • Evelyn on Galatians 5 - 2 years ago
    great teaching
  • Doug on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Does the Bible specifically the king James version discuss suicide? If so where is it. Thank you
  • Donald Milledge - 2 years ago
    consequences of not forgiving other
  • Michael R Piland on Luke 21 - 2 years ago
    Is praying in tongues biblical?
  • Michael on John 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello I'm looking in my Bible and I have a question I'm am trying to find John 3:3 but cannot seem to locate it, can you tell me what page it is on kjv?

    Thank you
  • Debbie harkness - 2 years ago
    What if someone accuses a prophet of being false that isn't false?

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  • Eric - 2 years ago
    What happened during holy week and where in the Bible does it talk about it
  • Patty morgan - 2 years ago
    when we passaway do we go to heaven? then what it mean when Jesus said the dead in christ will rise first? please help
  • Faisal Masih on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Dear friends I want to clear to you today .when I request to you for donation so it's not meaning we just want collect the big grand or donation and charity .Dear friends you will donate us your kid's used things like that's clothes and shose .but food's is the big issue for us because we are provide to these kids on daily basis .dear friends if you are do some corporate with us. God bless you
  • James Hartle - 2 years ago
    Do children go to Heaven or Hell

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