Thank You Father for your Word that reminds me of my sinful past and my need for a Savior. Thank You for not giving up on me, by planting a local church in my neighborhood. Praise the Lord for the faithful men who visited our home and presented the glorious Gospel unto my family.
I am encouraged to do as others did in Your Name. I must not be weary nor disheartened when I am up against hardened hearts, because no one was as hardened as I was against Your love for my lost soul.
As difficult as our situation seem to be as at this moment, gas and food prices on the rise. Social, political, economic turmoil most every where we turn. My God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is in charge. He will soon return and crush all before Him as in Daniel's prophecy.
Thank You Father for the peace in, peace through, and peace because of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless all the brethren, seekers, and back sliders on this platform with the wisdom, comfort, and joy of the Lord. The Lord to shine His face on all especially the leadership in all facets of our lives.
Why are there so many churches that teach baptism under Matthew 28:19 and some under Acts 2:38? What is the correct way to get to heaven? So much confusion in this world. What does the Bible truly teach is the correct way?
June 13, 2022. A storm came up and the sky darkened from cloudy, then it rolled across even darker while the rain poured down as in floodgates opened. Repent for the day of the Lord is at hand
How do you deal with when you try to do good Jesus wants us to have love that's the most important thing is to have love love covers everything else but how do you deal with so much I'll just be honest evil there's so much out there yes I pray I know the devil's coming after me he doesn't like me but just wondering if there's anybody else out there I'm sure there is okay thank you and a little prayer wouldn't hurt for me thank you
I'm a born again Christian King James Bible Baptist just rules I'm trying to find out that I know people but well let's just say this let's say I know 20 people that I've been in contact with different things they're all believers but it seems like nobody responds am I overreacting yes the stuff or important small why can't people just be honest and text back or call and say we just can't help you sorry if I'm doing this incorrect I apologize thank you
"One of the most evil abortion bills we've ever seen - legalizing infanticide up to 28 days AFTER BIRTH - has just passed the full Assembly vote in California. Now, we face an uphill battle in the state Senate."
As I read Psalm 94, all I could see is the evil of the Biden administration, while they march towards Marxism, and destroy everything good about our nation. They continue to kill the fatherless through abortion, and call it choice and and a women's right! Please pray that God will show us favor and fight and destroy this evil in our land. Yes, pray for those in the Biden administration, yet recognize evil for what it is.
Thank you "Kay" for your comments; I appreciate you taking the time to share all that you did.
I think that people misunderstand what people like yourself and I feel about Trump. I made it clear that I voted for him...TWICE.
That I 'loved' him. I trusted him. I believed in him. I don't hate him; I don't 'hate' ANY person. But I no longer LOOK TO THE ARM OF FLESH to do any great things for me; for our country or for the world. Again; God DOES use imperfect human beings; that's true. NONE of that is debatable. What IS debatable is Trump specifically; that he is 'anointed' by God. As you pointed out; God is HOLY; and He does NOT put His 'Okey-dokey', His approval; His Spirit; upon that which is profane and unholy. He may HELP people to do good things; but He does NOT ANOINT ungodly to do good things. There's a HUGE difference there.
It is sad that people LIKE ME; AT ONE TIME; were/are SO deceived by this belief that if we can only have 'this' specific person in office; things will go back to being wonderful again. Wrong. Babylon is falling; and will never rise up again. And no human being will make one bit of difference; and IF some person DOES seem to do colossal things; great things; wonderful things; will it be someone 'anointed of God', or the 'other' one, that beast system's leader(s) who will SEEM to have ALL of the ANSWERS for EVERYTHING? How DANGEROUS it is to put our trust in man.
Anyway Kay; thank you again for the insight and wisdom and Scripture you shared; it was all good; and very helpful. Take care, God bless.
Down at the bottom of this page is a brown box labeled "Past Discussion Page", which holds 3,282 pages of questions and answers. It good to read those too, sometimes. Just FYI :D
Of course we have a duty to protect and defend life too. We are citizens in what's supposed to be a free society in where we are required to act as stewards of our republic as it was designed and stewards of the inheritance God has given us to protect,,, our family. An educated well thought out decision must be made for or against any such action that might harm others we have been expected to protect. A parent is over their children. We understand lately that the government is overstepping taking over our role to decide and manage on behalf of our family. Moreover I think it fair to say, the governments actions have been seen as offensive and questionable. In fact, many feel the government is not concerned with protecting life at all but rather taking it and gaining power. Therefore I can see where many are concerned and have trust issues with the pressured approach to our taking vaccines not thoroughly researched and vetted through time and science as has been done in past.
Funnily, I feel there is a difference in a governor serving its community in good faith telling us what they feel we should do VS some one that many feel are not working in earnest on behalf of the people. There's a difference between a servant and a treasonous governor. Although one can earnestly be a poor governor, there is obviously a difference between treason and poor shortlisted leadership. We've seen plenty of both it seems lately. Regardless, I feel we have no choice but to be concerned in lue of these most recent events and facts. Many realize that our nation is falling into being led by reprobate individuals not knowing right from wrong, that do not have the people 1st in their heart as they make decisions. They clearly lost their way in many cases. Therefore we must use Godly wisdom to wade through this new Era while living for God and leaving a good witness somehow in the process. God expects parents to protect the children and make prudent calculated decisions, not just take chanc
Should people on Earth think that they commit no sin in quarter to be with God because they read their Bible all day long and they go by what the Lord says
I have a lot going on in my life and I have one person that I go and I will try to talk to her and she always says you got to stop being negative you got to stop talking about your problems you got to do like Jesus says and leave them behind is is that right am I allowed to discuss my problems with anyone else I discuss them with God also of course
It is more of an observation/question actually. In Chapter 1 vv 8 and 11, we can see that the letters are in red. It's the same "Alpha and Omega" speaking on verse 6 above ( Rev 21:6), why is it not in red letter?
I am encouraged to do as others did in Your Name. I must not be weary nor disheartened when I am up against hardened hearts, because no one was as hardened as I was against Your love for my lost soul.
As difficult as our situation seem to be as at this moment, gas and food prices on the rise. Social, political, economic turmoil most every where we turn. My God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is in charge. He will soon return and crush all before Him as in Daniel's prophecy.
Thank You Father for the peace in, peace through, and peace because of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless all the brethren, seekers, and back sliders on this platform with the wisdom, comfort, and joy of the Lord. The Lord to shine His face on all especially the leadership in all facets of our lives.
June 18, 2022
[Comment Removed]
sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
I John 5:13 -14 kjv: These things have I written unto you that believe on the name
of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and
that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. And this is the
confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according
to his will, he heareth us.
Ephesians 6:24 kjv: Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in
sincerity. Amen.
"One of the most evil abortion bills we've ever seen - legalizing infanticide up to 28 days AFTER BIRTH - has just passed the full Assembly vote in California. Now, we face an uphill battle in the state Senate."
should be built instead of a church.
An atheist believes that deed must
be done instead of prayer said.
An atheist strives for involvement in life
and not escape into death.
He wants disease conquered,
poverty vanished, war eliminated."
I think that people misunderstand what people like yourself and I feel about Trump. I made it clear that I voted for him...TWICE.
That I 'loved' him. I trusted him. I believed in him. I don't hate him; I don't 'hate' ANY person. But I no longer LOOK TO THE ARM OF FLESH to do any great things for me; for our country or for the world. Again; God DOES use imperfect human beings; that's true. NONE of that is debatable. What IS debatable is Trump specifically; that he is 'anointed' by God. As you pointed out; God is HOLY; and He does NOT put His 'Okey-dokey', His approval; His Spirit; upon that which is profane and unholy. He may HELP people to do good things; but He does NOT ANOINT ungodly to do good things. There's a HUGE difference there.
It is sad that people LIKE ME; AT ONE TIME; were/are SO deceived by this belief that if we can only have 'this' specific person in office; things will go back to being wonderful again. Wrong. Babylon is falling; and will never rise up again. And no human being will make one bit of difference; and IF some person DOES seem to do colossal things; great things; wonderful things; will it be someone 'anointed of God', or the 'other' one, that beast system's leader(s) who will SEEM to have ALL of the ANSWERS for EVERYTHING? How DANGEROUS it is to put our trust in man.
Anyway Kay; thank you again for the insight and wisdom and Scripture you shared; it was all good; and very helpful. Take care, God bless.
I do when I miss some days
If not, why not?
Thank you,
Funnily, I feel there is a difference in a governor serving its community in good faith telling us what they feel we should do VS some one that many feel are not working in earnest on behalf of the people. There's a difference between a servant and a treasonous governor. Although one can earnestly be a poor governor, there is obviously a difference between treason and poor shortlisted leadership. We've seen plenty of both it seems lately. Regardless, I feel we have no choice but to be concerned in lue of these most recent events and facts. Many realize that our nation is falling into being led by reprobate individuals not knowing right from wrong, that do not have the people 1st in their heart as they make decisions. They clearly lost their way in many cases. Therefore we must use Godly wisdom to wade through this new Era while living for God and leaving a good witness somehow in the process. God expects parents to protect the children and make prudent calculated decisions, not just take chanc
1st Peter 2: 13-21
Clearly spoken