Christian Life Page 42

  • Coralee J Macdonald - 2 years ago
    Was wondering if anyone has heard of the book der messia the book I have is a first edition from 1749 by Carl Hermann.Im wondering if it has ever been translated more than once.Its in German( fraktur)?

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  • NOAH on Proverbs 15 - 2 years ago
    I want be saved
  • KLW - 2 years ago
    How can one increase faith
  • ALEX DAHN - 2 years ago
    How exactly was Satan able to say to Jesus that the world had been given to him?
  • Henry - 2 years ago
    , Colossians 1:27 I haven't noticed on this forum many sharings on the

    Subject of Christ in us the hope of Glory which is the spiritual power it's

    Available to walk in against the spiritual powers we deal with. We who are

    Born again Saints are viewed by God our Father as more than conquer sons

    And daughters and Jesus Christ our head Spiritual brother. Put on His armor

    God's Word Ephesians 6 and conquer in Love.
  • Nmekaraonye Ndubuisi on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    The gospel is inspiring and interesting. Thanks for your effort.
  • Elly Nsasirwe - 2 years ago
    What does John 15:6 mean. Does it mean that a person can lose their salvation?
  • Lilla - 2 years ago
    I am looking for a book about fasting and prayer. I have not found a book that only uses KJV scripture. Any recommendations will be highly appreciate.
  • Pamela Smiley - 2 years ago
    I don't understand a lot of things I'm 56 years old I lost my daughter in 2017 I was raised in a Baptist Church and the only thing the preacher did was screaming hard and I didn't understand how much of nothing about it okay and I don't know about dreams I don't know about that I haven't been baptized yet I do believe in God I do understand nobody knows when he's coming back and whatever I just had a dream that and it's hard to tell me I don't know I was just asking a simple question you know about you know your 2026 and when I googled it what happened to mankind in the year 2026 that was all kinds of stuff there that even shows you a timeline about 6,000 years 7,000 years you know and and and that came up in 2026 and so go figure I'm new to this I mean that's the reason why I was trying to ask somebody that does read the Bible all the time and might could explain why that you know 2026 even come up I know that she wouldn't have known when God comes back because it's left up just for him I did understand that when I was going to church in the ten commandments and all that but you know but always heard that you go to heaven when you die too but I got to reading on that and I found out different you know I was raised in a church that you don't mix the race well they don't say that in the Bible so you know in terms of the Bible a whole different kinds of ways you know and it's whatever you're talking and grow to and what other say you know my mama would run to Jehovah witnesses off it is no good as evil well I don't see anything wrong with them you know really but you know I just don't understand a few things and and I don't want to go to church around here because they don't do any of us screaming holler so there you go and I know I need to get baptized too I just wanted to learn more about God to make sure that I see my daughter again all right you know that just crushed me and thank you for your time anyway and have a blessed day
  • Pamela smiley - 2 years ago
    I have not been baptized yet. I am 56 years old I don't want to get baptized until I know everything about it and what I do afterwards I want to make sure that everything I post to do is done. I want to make sure that I get to see my daughter again so can you tell me what I need to do before when I get baptized what is getting baptized what does it do I need to know everything about it and what I do afterwards after I get baptized thank you and my other commit was about the year 2026 my daughter that had passed away to me in a dream that I would see her in the year 2026 what does this mean I went to church when I was a child Baptist Church the preacher there the only thing I could understand is he screamed a lot I did understand some things I understand the ten commandments and other stuff but I still want to learn more about Jesus and other things just bear with me I might have some stupid questions to ask but send things I do not understand and if you can guide me to a place where I can read more about Jesus that has better understanding than some man screaming about this and that and I just didn't make sense only thing I could hear was him screaming his face turning red okay so if there's something online where I can study more about Jesus and why things are the way they are then please send that information to me thank you
  • Angie on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    Who was the man God formed in GEN 1 when he formed Adam in chapter 2?

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  • Luke - 2 years ago
    Repent UnTo GOD, The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
  • Cesar on 2 Chronicles 22 - 2 years ago
    I was wondering how we reconcile 2 Kings 8:26 with 2 Chronicles 22:2. Both say Ahaziah's age was different at the time of the beginning of his reign.
  • Dave on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago
    Protecting children, why does this seem so hard or ambiguous

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  • Ryan Sheridan - 2 years ago
    Is God Always a good or Great God) made in his image
  • Sobha - 2 years ago
    Can you please explain the verses 1king 6:7
  • Albert joiner on 1 Timothy 1 - 2 years ago
    why did lots wife look back at sodom and gomorrah?
  • Eric - 2 years ago
    Is lack of faith a sin?
  • Sariah - 2 years ago
    Are there more men or women in the bible?
  • Peter - 2 years ago
    1 Peter 1:20. No prophecy that which is foretold or forth old is of any private

    Interpretation and yet it's mostly what I read in this biblical commentary. Many

    Times stated this is what it means five different interpretations, interesting

    To observe from one book from one God that mean't one way.
  • Darmin07 - 2 years ago
    Novice Believer is how many years of being saved?
  • Arjan on Daniel 9 - 2 years ago
    "The covenant with many" seems to be getting signed on September 26 2022 by the United Nations(the "many").

    It is a covenant refering to "agenda 2030" and it's so called "sustainability goals".

    First you might think; "oh i have heard about it and it is an nobel righteous thing this agenda 2030 sustainability agenda/goal...but it is evil...

    They wanna take over the earth under the camouflage of their so called "pro" life/earth/nature agenda..

    Don't get fooled by them...

    So Daniel chapter 9 vers 27 seems to be at the door...September 26th of 2022....

    Let's pray for each other to get saved in time!!
  • Renae on Ezekiel 1 - 2 years ago
    What are the end times versus?
  • Candle - 2 years ago
    Is there anything in the Bible that talks about what happens to you if you cause someone to turn away from God?
  • Anna Pierre on Malachi 4 - 2 years ago
    Thank you I needed a hard copy bible.
  • Bonnie Conran - 2 years ago
    How dose one go about putting the Ax to the root?
  • Bonney - 2 years ago
    Who has deeper revelation on Apostle Paul's submission on women in 1Timothy 2

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