I really appreciate the fact that you offer the apocrypha on your site. I have read the Bible 5times from cover to cover so for me it is kind of a treat to have something more of the Holy word.
Other than praying for my daughter, is there something I haven't done that I can begin to do in order to witness to her about Jesus. She doesn't believe there is a Jesus, and doesn't want me to mention Him to her.
The incidence of cutting behaviors in teens & young adults has only risen . There are a multitude of reasons why. Treatment or @ least discussion s needs to happen before anything else happens.Teens in need,need our help,support. I have seen this unfortunately time & again in the ER as a health care professional as well as other actions indicating cries for help along with other actions such as overdoses,more severe physical actions such as slitting their wrists, hanging themselves, shooting themselves. It isn't just about teens who are marginalyzed,it can also be a popular teen who is dealing with something. Kids are under alot of stress & pressure,even Christians & this was before covid. Its a huge issue!The resource previously mentioned in comments is a good one .
So I have this close relative that grew up in a Christian house hold yet still unsure of living a Christian life because he still vapes. He has the mentality that it's okay because God put that on earth. How cap I approach that types of behavior which I know it
Leviticus 26:26 And when I have broken in pieces the staff of your bread, then ten women shall bake your bread in one oven,and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.
If we should unknowingly miss a calling from God, do we receive another at any time in our lives. What are the best bible verses to read when we feel we have disappointed god.
I would like to say that I read John 3:16 today. Adonijah and the Kings of Israel worship the one true and living God, The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. We are never defeat and we reign throughout all creation forever and ever. Eternal life is no secret. The plan to rule at the United Kingdom Throne is happening in 15 years once I reach the palace. Queen Elizabeth greeted me in Miami, the time in spirit and on the street was royal and perfect honor. I am concerned for Prince Anthony as he is most dear to my heart. I don't want anything foul to happen.
Maybe this is apparent, but I don't understand: In verse 2, as the chariots were being described, "...the first chariot were red horses; the second...etc"; later in the description of where the chariots went, all were dispersed but the red horses.
Question: Where did the chariot with red horses go?
The lord my God has pricked me and said to tell all people that he is displeased with their idol worship of their political parties(they have attempted to seize power for their own purposes)in which i says the Lord Jesus have not,and certainly not granted them permission!
In Revelation Chapter 3:5 ""All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the book of Life....." I thought once your name was written in the book of Life then you are guaranteed a seat in heaven. This scripture implies that your name can be erased based on how you live your life. I would love to hear what other think about this scripture.
I don't understand this passage; "Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow"? I mean, I understand the hire of a whore, but what is the reference to concerning the price of a dog? And are we to assume this is intended for more than a vow?
s wrong.
19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.
One Version: "be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."
The King James Version: "Wait in the Lord. Be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart. WAIT I say on the LORD!"I can see Jesus in it!!!!!
Question: Where did the chariot with red horses go?