Christian Life Page 40

  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    How can you join with what God is doing in your life? pertaining to purposeful
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    I have 4 questions pertaining to Amos 5 What does pursuing good and establishing justice look like in your Bible study group?

    What principles should guide your group as you seek God by seeking to do those things?

    Look for ways you may be seeking a substitute for God rather than seeking the Lord.

    How can you more fully seek the Lord in your life.
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    Why are loving good and upholding justice indicators that aperson is seeking God? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:14-15
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    I have two questions pertaining to Amos 5:12-13

    Why it is easy to remain silent in the midst of injustices around us ?

    Why is it difficult to remain silent when we are in the middle of God's discipline?
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    Why might a person believe that God would overlook the mistreatment of the poor and unethical gain because of that mistreatment? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:10-11
  • Camilla Moore - 2 years ago
    How does focusing on God's role over all things created impact a person's worship? this question is pertaining to Amos 5:8-9
  • Don - 2 years ago
    Why the KJV is the True Word of God: It has long been known that God's perfect History Book, the Word of God, has been the Catalyst in every age, period, phase, development, kingdom, migration, and religious movement of human history since creation. God's KJV History Book reveals seven ages, or dispensations, of human history, known in Christian ranks as the ages of innocence, conscience, government, promise, law, grace, and even a future age called millennial. These are but one-word names assigned to historic eras through which humanity at large has passed. We are now passing through the age of grace. All of those named eras of human activity are well known by professional Christian instructors, and even much of the laity. They are the clear teachings of the KJV Word of God. Sadly, some not only miss the truth in Biblical prophecy, but also that human intellectual genius too often saws off the limb on which it is perched. Allow me to explain: You see, God's people have a strange quirk called back-sliding. They simply fall out of touch with reality and stand on their heads instead of their feet. Then suddenly without notice, the blood runs to their noodle and they flip back on their feet again. It's called revival. The Scriptures record this common behavior. It is a historic commonality. God's pure truth never changes. What we do is like a yoyo, we fall out of touch with it for perhaps centuries or millenniums, but one day we rediscover it and treat it like it's new! Martin Luther only rediscovered the salvation by faith that existed over a millennium before he was born. The Ephesian church backslid, but Revelation 2:5 told them what to do about it. The Jewish officials said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" but their Christ was a Nazarene. There are those saying the awakening to Bible prophesy rose up in the 1800's, when in fact what was inscripturated thousands of years ago was simply rediscovered by God's people of faith in the KJV Word of God.
  • Don - 2 years ago
    The most egregious error made in opposition to the fact that the KJV is the perfect Word of God, is the dismissal of simple logic. You see, unless we finites believe in Divine Bible preservation, we deny ourselves the possession of a Divinely authoritative Bible. The simple reasoning goes this way: How can genuine logic believe that the infinite God would prompt his anointed kings, prophets, priests, and apostles to record His Holy Words, only to have them lost in a muddle of imperfect translations? As many have observed, the Holy (that is, perfect) Scriptures are Christianity's one and only infallible rule of faith and practice. Christians simply have no higher authority! Someone wisely said the Bible is self-attesting and self-authenticating.

    Christianity at large just simply knows what the surveys show, that the KJV is what they identify as THE Word of God. We should ask ourselves, "Is the Holy God we serve VOID of the power to preserve his Divine Word of truth?" No, of course he is not void of it! By his Divine power he has surmounted human intellect and ORDAINED the continuance of his Divine Word of Truth, and even identified it for us by the God-given enate witness he instilled within us! That witness has been faithfully operating before and since the close of the canon and, at this present time, and for the last 400 years, has been Divinely thrust forward as the King James Bible.

    The very day fallen human intellect manages to sideslip total human depravity and become God's advocates of perfect truth, that is the day subtle error tiptoes in to neutralize God's Truth. The whole of humanity, through sin, has fallen into total depravity, and finds it impossible to postulate a condition that supersedes itself. For imperfection to fully decipher itself is an impossibility. God's Word should be read with that truth in mind, for He has ordained that such an arrangement will never happen to His eternal Word of Truth--we will only hurt ourselves in the attempt.
  • Don - 2 years ago
    Why the KJV is God's Word: As this KJV site says of itself, "The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English translations in existence. A skilled committee of 54 translators worked for 7 years to carefully complete the King James translation project The book is cited as the most published book in world history with a significant influence on literature and culture. It is estimated that more than 1 billion copies of the King James Version have been published."

    Almost all readership charts show the KJV at 31%. The nearest to it is the NIV at only 13%. All the rest are near non-existent. The NKJV by its own description is not a new translation, but a language correction of the KJV. The KJV and the NKJV combined puts the preferred readership at 38%, far and away humanity's favored translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    We call the Bible the Holy Bible, or the Holy Scriptures. The word HOLY means perfect, without blemish, non-erroneous. Whatever declaration it makes, that is the truth of it. It may not direct itself to a specific subject such as science or logic, but whatever it touches, it is the truth of it by definition whether or not humanity agrees with it.

    Virtually 100% of fundamental Christian theologians agree that God reveals himself to fallen humanity in three ways: 1. The God-made outer witness of creation (Atheists almost never win debates with Christianity's scientists; in fact, one leading atheist scientist advised her chums to never debate Christianity's scientists because they always win). 2. The God-ordained written witness of God's perfect Word. (The perfect logic of God's omniscience demands Divine perpetuity of God's perfect message to lost humanity). 3. The God-prompted inner witness in mankind's soul and spirit, inspiring an inner hunger for perfect Truth. All three of these work in harmony with one another toward the salvation of fallen humanity.
  • Jtlb - 2 years ago
    Circle does not mean ball and fixed means fixed. NASA gives you Apollo, Dragon, Saturn rockets ect ......just read the names and open your eyes without listening to them. The truth is not hidden and never was if you read the word. Look for yourself and stop trusting the dragons mouth peice. They hide the truth about earth.
  • KJBO Admin - 2 years ago
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    All are encouraged to use an account going forward. This helps us in the administration of the website. If you encounter any technical difficulties, please Contact Us Link and we are happy to help. In the future, accounts may be required to leave all comments.

    Recently, the search engine has been upgraded as well as additional commentaries, a search by voice, and other improvements. More features will be added for account users soon.

    May God bless you!

    King James Bible Online
  • Gary - 2 years ago
    The verse which says shall be called Emmanuel about Jesus
  • Dale K. Van Buren on Proverbs 11 - 2 years ago
    What is the ultimate subverting comment you can make to win souls for "Christ"???
  • Jo - 2 years ago
    Please explain Ezekiel chapter 5 verse 10
  • Patrick on 2 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    If the idea of the rapture didn't come up until the 1830's in North America, what did the rest of the world believe would happen for Jesus' return? As far as how and when the church would be called up to be with the Lord? Is the rapture just a new world idea?
  • Marystewart9495 - 2 years ago
    thank you everyone for your prayers. If there is anything that I can pray for anyone please let me know
  • Frieda on Isaiah 45 - 2 years ago
    Yes I have a Bible

    I like to read the Bible and to attend a bible study
  • Cynthia on 2 Kings 2 - 2 years ago
    Why would Elisha curse the 42 children just because they made fun of his baldness. I don't understand.
  • Layla on Jeremiah 1 - 2 years ago
    I love this bible because it gives you the truth and it teaches you a lot of the things that happened back then thank you for having this online and especially with the apocryphal it's amazing! Thank you and have a good day
  • Bernadette - 2 years ago
    Hi guys!

    I always keep it that God has a beautiful plan for me. This is what keeps me moving on.
  • Juanita collier - 2 years ago
    Is it wrong for a woman to wear pants and cut her hair
  • Steve vick - 2 years ago
    The rapture has been assured to me that it is for the church age saints . Meaning ,The mystery of iniquity, satan buffets & abuses Gods ppl to a degree. But the rapture event ends the church age , we go straight to heaven ,then the 7 year retribution age starts , then Lord Jesus Christ sets his foot down in Jerusalem ending the 7 yr trib. Age & the 1000 yr millennial age starts , with The LION OF THE TRIB OF JUDAH ruling with a iron rod.

    But Ezekiel 13:20 is interesting .
  • Marilyn Mitchell on Isaiah 47 - 2 years ago
    Reading all the comments in the discussions section has me more confused than I was before reading them I love the Book Of Isaiah is everyone commenting a scholar ?
  • Angela on Psalms 10 - 2 years ago
    Today is the Blessed Virgin Mary's Birthday! Happy Birthday Sweet Mother of God! What could we ever give to you for all you have given to humanity? Thanksgiving ! Roses ! Rosaries! Prayers! A heart filled with gratitude and joy. she has saved all of Humanity and Creation from being doomed to a curse place over us. The Universe smiles today because of The Virgin's Yes! to The Lord God Almighty! Queen of all the Angels ! Now and Forever More. Thank you Mother for saving me from my sinful life I was leading. I am forever yours and my life is not my own. The slavery to Mary is unspeakable, once she calls you there is no turning back. The New life awaits to all who say Yes to Her. She will take your hand and walk you straight to Jesus. The Blessed Virgin asked to have Psalms 9 & 10 posted for Her.

    This is her song for her Birthday! As you read the history on these two special verses you will see there a waiting as to whom this belongs. It is the for The Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy Birthday Our Lady of Victory! Forever a surrendering slave to my Mother! All I have is yours. Father Chris said it best Happy Birthday Mom! so funny !
  • Donna G.Warren on Luke 12:10 - 2 years ago
    Well as we all continue to read ,study, our Bibles,pray ,live our lives with our respective families or by ourselves, today I also include prayers for the British Royal family & the entire British Commonwealth due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II . she had quite a full life,navigated alot,had the longest reign.
  • AServantofGod - 2 years ago
    How does God appoint Authority? Also how would you know it is being appointed by God? I want scripture to go with what is going to be an answer to this.
  • H Poley Bahr on James 5 - 2 years ago
    Was James Saved or still under the Law?
  • Delmarie crandall - 2 years ago
    Where in the scriptures does it explain accountability of both children and handicapped people? Someone has posed a challenge hat a 5 year old Downs Syndrome man can not enter heaven. I know this is not of God. I want to present scripture to prove this false idea.
  • David Stone - 2 years ago
    I am trying to help my daughter and son-in-law to decide on weather there marriage can be saved, the husband has a drinking problem and has committed adultery. They have a seven year old daughter and they live with me he is unemployed so she is supporting the family and he doesn't seem to want to even find a job. He has been very verbally abusive in there marriage he hasn't hit her but the words from his mouth is enough. Please help me.
  • Paul Harris on Isaiah 2 - 2 years ago
    Where is the verse Barack Obama spoke of during the 9/11 ceremony and he misspoke saying bough and bow?

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