I haven't been on here in a while but use the mobile version to look up as I have been studying the Book of Revelation online with Senior Pastor Gary Hamrick (Cornerstone Chapel) all 22 chapters he teaches online on Youtube. It is not an easy subject to learn without a senior Bible Scholar assisting and interpreting each paragraph at a time. I'm starting it again for a 4th round (with my daughter) then will be able to understand many questions here with more confidence. My takeaway is this...we are in the end days and Jesus is coming soon. I believe we can stall that by turning our sins around, especially those elected officials, but it takes a nation of people to speak up, speak truth and don't be passive or silent. Get out and VOTE in overwhelming numbers. It's hard to cheat when everyone votes! I could read Revelation over and over again and never get bored! God Bless, Lisanne
I'm so glad I am a true Israelite because the Jews are of the synagogue of Satan and are the seed of the serpent and they are the Canaanites of old and are of the Cain blood line!
The site has some new features and changes recently added.
You may now save verses to a private and custom list in your account. This has been a commonly requested feature so we are happy to offer that now.
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This might sound a bit harsh and if so I am genuinely sorry to you all my Christian brothers and sisters , the only thing that really matters is , your personal relationship with your God , the Holy One of Israel , through Jesus Christ our Saviour . All the things of this life / world are going to pass away . Christ is coming back and God is going to make all things new . The signs of the times are coming thick and fast now folks , pay attention please , I am desperate for the Kingdom of God on earth , the most awesome days when all flesh will know the Truth and rejoice in it , the days when no flesh shall be hungry or thirsty or lonely or afraid or oppressed or feel unloved or uncared for , the days when all flesh shall know the love and purity and power of our God and our Saviour . We all have lives and loved ones on this earth , but first and foremost we must get our hearts and minds right with the Holy One of Israel . Christ is coming , but before he gets here there is going to be a time of tribulation that has never been before , for a large part of the earth . We will see a lot of this , be strong and don't be scared or weak in faith , God wants us with Him forever . Our world is going to be rocked but then....God will be all in all . How awesome is that ? ! ? I have friends and family that I care for and love , I have a life , but none of it matters as much to me as the thought of being close to my God and my Saviour . Please come soon Jesus , we need you and the Kingdom of God , soooo very much , the Kingdom of peace and truth and righteousness and justice and mercy and love and life and light and rejoicing for all and forever , days when no one shall live in fear of any other human . When it is Your Will Dear Heavenly Father .
This war has become a money maker, like usual, at the expense of lives!
Who will hold those responsible,?
Who is righteous enough to judge?
Another generation of fools, the same who marched us into the jungles of Viet Nam! Obvious as it is, someone will judge!
When it happens you will be the first to know!
There are more than a few souls who have experienced the past!
these who will shout and blow the trumpet !!
Can you hear Jesus say. weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and your children.
The beloved dragging His cross who came to save that which was lost!
Do not be deceived, those feelings and tears you shed now are for yourself and your children!
These tears your preacher produces are the tears for those who know not the truth, who soon will experience the real ones!
"My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
I want to know what the mark of the beast is ? And Who is the antichrist ? I have a idea of it and who it is so if you can tell me I would appreciate it so I can have Bible studies with friends and family ho wants to learn and grow in the Bible.
I have a sister who continually talks about how God is helping her and then she gets drunk, lies, does drugs, and many other bad things. I and my other sisters have tried to help her for years and she continues to lie to us and do bad things. Is it wrong of me to not want to help her anymore. The straw that broke me was when she was staying with my elderly mother. She appeared to have turned her life around and said she only wanted to help keep mother out of a nursing home. We all helped her but on the night my mother died, my sister picked up a drinking buddy and was partying and Mom died alone. My Sister then admitted she had been hiding her alcohol and drinking the whole time. My Mother left her the house for staying with her for seven months. I feel terrible because I don't want anything to do with her anymore. Is there scripture that can help me?
How do we get new questions to be added to the Q and A section?
Perry Sykes yes
Will the souls that have already went to heaven, will they come back and jump into the graves
The site has some new features and changes recently added.
You may now save verses to a private and custom list in your account. This has been a commonly requested feature so we are happy to offer that now.
Verses may be saved either through the (1) search results page, or (2) any verse-specific page like this... Link
The search itself has also undergone another round of improvements. Related words are suggested after you type a word or phrase to help someone find more word variations.
Most Discussions pages are now requiring accounts to leave a comment to help protect against those trying to leave spam or disrupt the community. Those who are logged into accounts when they leave comments may receive notifications via email and your account if others reply to your comment. Without an account, commenters won't receive any email reply notices.
Your suggestions for further improvements are always welcome.
May God bless you!
King James Bible Online
This war has become a money maker, like usual, at the expense of lives!
Who will hold those responsible,?
Who is righteous enough to judge?
Another generation of fools, the same who marched us into the jungles of Viet Nam! Obvious as it is, someone will judge!
When it happens you will be the first to know!
There are more than a few souls who have experienced the past!
these who will shout and blow the trumpet !!
Can you hear Jesus say. weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and your children.
The beloved dragging His cross who came to save that which was lost!
Do not be deceived, those feelings and tears you shed now are for yourself and your children!
These tears your preacher produces are the tears for those who know not the truth, who soon will experience the real ones!
"My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
Repent and be baptized
[Comment Removed]
1. laying on of hands when praying for someone's healing ?
2. what does God's word say about portals?