Christian Life Page 33

  • Tyler Hill on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    Why can I not enjoy anything I cant even read the bible or anything is there scripture that relates to me.
  • Jeff tary on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    Study everyone Jesus is coming back soon
  • Karleen on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    Why do people chants specific men's
  • Michael faison on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago
    how many book are in the bible
  • Ann Unz on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    What is the most asked Question? What is the most go to Book?
  • Gerald - 2 years ago
    The Bride of Christ :

    There is I think a general misconception that once your are BORN again you are automatically in the Bride of Christ .

    Let me make it quite clear every true born child of God is called to that high calling .

    But it is not automatic . To run a race in the Olympics you have to be qualified to do so . To be BORN again qualifies us to so "run the race " but to win the prize you must run it! And run it correctly or lawfully .

    Putting aside those things that will hinder you from running .

    For they seek a temporal prize that passeth away .

    The Bride is a body taken from a body .

    As eve was created from the body of the first Adam . So the Bride of Christ is taken from His own body .

    As ALL the tribes of Isreal had an inheritance. Levi had no inheritance for God was their inheritance .

    A body taken from a body .

    We have twelve Apostles yet from that body we have " Peter James and John" who saw and heard things the others did not . For they walked closer with the Lord .

    Yet even out of these three you have John who alone said " who is it Lord" for he knew it was not him.

    Who leaned upon the chest of the Lord at the last supper .

    A body out of a body .A double selection .

  • Gerald - 2 years ago
    The milk of the word .

    Using the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle ,the milk of the Word is the four corners pieces and the side pieces .

    For no matter how big the puzzle those pieces are the most easily recognisable out of all the pieces and the simplest to put together . Every true born child of God shouid comevto a place where they can teach others the same basic tenets of THE Christian faith .

    Once these are in place we understand there is nothing outside that framework and we need no further ' revelations' or other ' books' of dubious origin . For everything we need is onside it.

    To put it another way Jesus said " The Word is the seed" . A seed has this property while it is not the fruit ,it does have everything that is needed and nothing that is not needed to reproduce the fruit .

    Some approach the scriptures differently . Systematically or perhaps clumps by clumps which ever way it will produce the same result .

    A puzzle is often subdivided between earth and heaven and it is often the earthly parts that are the easiest to do first . Perhaps because they are more recognisable . And the sky the more difilcukt because they look much the same .

    So the more we grow in grace and in the knowledge of God the heavenly becomes easier .

    But let us not stay with the milk of the Word for while it is very satisfying to get thus far . It is not the end but rather the end of the beginning .

  • Davidmikal - 2 years ago

    thank you for updating us about "Bible Discussion". Author: lesson plans
  • Zenobia mcken on Acts 23 - 2 years ago
  • Carol Forest Ann Stirgus on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    I want to read the king James book plsam91 every morning at 7:00 am before I go to work and bedtime
  • HERB on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    The number of a man is 666, who is this man?
  • Tony James on Matthew 8 - 2 years ago
    I need a Bible now!
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    I need your encouragement please . I am tempted to become angry and greedy and to allow worldly desires and vain things to get to me . I need to be reminded that this world is nothing to do with me . Some years ago my dad died and his brother swindled my siblings and I out of our inheritance from our dad . My dad's brother was wealthy and owned his own business , he died recently and left his wealth to his fourth wife and her family , nothing to his own kids or any of his biological family . So my dad's money went to his brothers step children by his fourth wife . I got over that pretty quickly . Now it seems that my millionaire cousin has swindled my siblings and I out of our moms money / property . I just don't get it . Why would she do that when she's already a millionaire ? She seemed quite nice . I'm not too upset for myself but I feel I've let my family down , I think they were hoping I would be able to help them out a bit after my mom died . I'm tempted to get angry and bitter about all this . Please help me to keep my heart with Jesus .
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    With the new year approaching, what are your new year's resolutions? Do you have an actual working plan to hold yourself accountable to those set resolutions? Are there different approaches/tools you would like to try out this coming year for the study of the bible?
  • Brian Hewitt on 1 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    Friends at KJVonline, About this trivia question: Who did David select to carry the ark? Verse 2 says it was the Lord who selected the Levites.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Leah leonetti

    Prayer outwits the enemy
  • Bud on Revelation 21 - 2 years ago
    What's your most viewed bible channel
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    I 'think' I know this, yet we see it in more churches & the super rich tv evangelist then not, so I ask: If something is against the bible and we promote or support it in any way, are we accountable or still going to heaven?
  • Adam - 2 years ago
    Just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas!

    Even though Jesus probably wasn't born on Dec 25th there are many good things about the world celebrating His birth. Jesus is in Christmas carols and Christmas has Christ in it.

    Even though the message gets distorted, corrupt, commercialized, watered down, exploited, I think God is powerful enough to reach people through it. I think through God's power people can even receive the gospel through showy, fake looking, money hungry false teachers on TV. 1 Cor 1:21. God can use anyone he wants. He used Paul who didn't consider himself wise or eloquent and previously killed Christians. 1 Cor 1:17. He used Moses who likely had a speech issue and felt self-conscious or maybe even embarassed. Ex 4:10. The disciples had various issues. God loves us, with all our imperfections and shortcomings. God bless and merry Christmas!
  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Acts 2:38-39

    "Then Peter said unto them, Repent (born again), and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye (then) shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

    The promise is for all children of God. We are the "afar off". Have you received the gift?
  • Charlene Taylor on Psalms 1 - 2 years ago

    I looking for the Book Psalms to put tpgether a list of 365 Verses that I can email out one

    each day to my Prayer Partners to Share and to Memorize on Verse A Day added to our

    regular daily Study and at the end of the year we would have added 365 Scriptures of

    Wisdom to our memory. Do yo already have something like that or do I have to create

    an APP and do it manually ?

    God Bless this Ministry


  • [Comment Removed]
  • Ruben Marquez - 2 years ago
    Hello im impressed with your website, Im speaking on behalf Of "Joseph the step father of Jesus of Nazerth the inspiration of the Director of Cambridge". I he asked me to write as if I was him so I also have shared a part of my life with him is what i believe. So we just wanted say hi! Him as Joseph and I as Ruben Marquez!

  • Arianna on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    its good i love it
  • Kile Goodman on Proverbs 1 - 2 years ago
    Could I get insite on the book of John 1-3
  • Chiefrobby - 2 years ago
    Exodus 20:12

    My wife asks this question all the time: Why did my son die so young? His entire life he was obedient and respectful with his parents; so why did he die as a young, born-again, man?
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    I always sneered at KJV Only Christians until yesterday. Utilizing over 12 bible translations and dozens of historical books proves the authenticity of the KJV. I am NOW a KJV Only Christian.
  • Charles Fredrick Roberts on John 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello, my name is Charles Roberts III and I was hoping you could help me by explaining

    how i cite the Bible,

    how to cite Matthew Henry commentaries,

    as well as how to cite Strong's concordance off of your website.

    Thank you, Charles Roberts III
  • Precious Chomo on Acts 23 - 2 years ago
    I love this (app) easy to learn Bible and I love the audio it's really helpful keep it up.
  • Gmb on Galatians 3 - 2 years ago
    Why are some verses in larger font than other verses?

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