Please pray for the invasion today that the illegal Biden administration is allowing to happen at the southern border. He wants to destroy the country and is actually doing a good job of that. He might just be a puppet of Obama who was born in Kenya according to his grandmother, a biography article before he got into politics, and based on his fake certificate. The democrat leaders probably hate God and loves his worldly woke cult religion and enjoys murdering babies through abortion. This is very wrong and is sick that Christians could even vote for that. I think its a sin to vote for killing an innocent baby that God created, let alone the millions that have already been killed. I think God will punish the USA soon and it may soon cease to exist- as China and Russia could absolutely obliterate this country no problem. USA meanwhile is grooming innocent kids to be trans and commit sodomy and other sins and that is evil. USA is evil and the leaders have no moral compass. They are atheists who have no clue what they are doing. That is why they contradict themselves so much. Pray for this country.
Several years ago, a coworker invited me to attend his church on Sunday. This brother and I often talked about the Lord and His word. As he was inviting me, and before I had a chance to respond, he told me to bring my Bible with me and to make sure it was a KJB. He said that they probably wouldn't let me in if I showed up with any other Bible.
I didn't commit. The only Bible I owned was a King James and that was the Bible I would have brought with me had I have gone. I chose not to show up. Had he not have said what he did, I probably would have gone.
I believe the Lord put it on my heart not to go there. That was many years ago.
I share this story because I am reminded of that time by the things I have been reading here over these past few months.
I would say that the church this brother invited me to fit the category of extremism. Does God really care what Bible version we read? Are we going to stand before God one day and be denied because we chose the wrong translation?
Before barking at me, please know that I read and study from the KJB. It is my Bible of choice. It is not important to me what translation others use. What's important to me is have you been born of God's Spirit.
The KJB is a very good translation, but I cannot say that it is a perfect one, and even though it is the Bible I study from, I do not believe it is superior to all others.
I do not adhere to KJB Onlyism. There are many of us here who choose the KJB, but we should be sensitive to the fact that there are brothers and sisters in Christ who come here that read other versions of the Bible. Should we view them any differently?
I wonder how they would have viewed me had I have shown up to the invite carrying an NIV/NASB/ASV, or any other English translation? Would they have let me in?
The Lord is going to receive all those who have surrendered their life to Him, and it's not going to matter which Bible you chose to read!
My prayer request is I hope that everybody had a good day at church that would be May 7th by the time you get to it'll be a couple days afterwards proverbs 30:30
I'm pretty close not asking anymore questions on this app this app is done really good God's giving me some people on this app that helped me out a lot I know you have to work and I know you have to sleep from the time you wake up in the morning from the time you go to bed at night I know you're safe through grace through faith and I know you're not saved by your works but Jesus Christ gives us a free will it's up to us from the time we wake up in the morning and the time we go to bed at night how much we serve him is that right I know there's a lot of scriptures says a lot of things about this thank you
I've said this comment once before but nobody respond I'll try one more time on YouTube they have this thing called line of Judas I would like to for somebody to tell me if it's good or not they talk about a lot of things that I've never learned in church and yes the King James Bible is mentioned a lot it would be appreciated somebody could tell me it's a good feed the spirit thing thank you
When they were water baptised it was just a sign that there was a greater baptism coming...which is baptism of the H.G...thats y Jesus told them if i wash thee not you will have no part with me....He tells his own disciples that had been water baptised if i wash thee not you will have no with me...The water that i shall give them shall be a well of water springing up unto everlasting life...Thats H.G. BAPTISM...The only baptism of PROMISE....Water baptism was neva refered to as the baptism of Promise.... Luke 24:49 Jesus said behold i send the Promise of my father upon you...Which is the baptism of PROMISE...The seed of Promise was the living word that multiplies Christ in us that hears his voice...Today if you will hear his voice harden not you hearts...That was the great Promise that God wanted to multiply Christ in humanity...Making humaniity perfect...Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect...Thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptible SEED...The reason we refer to the H.G. as the Promise is b/c the an exact spiritual REPLICATED being as Jesus was in the flesh....A granson just like Jacob was the granson in the heavenly trinity....the H.G....There cannot be an Israel of Gd without a Granson....The 3 rd person was Jacob in the ABRAHAMIC TRINITY...And it was his name that was changed to Israel....Thus the H.G.the 3 rd person is the Israel of God that heavenly Jacob....Which will result in an Israel of God...ok lemme go....Read Isaiah 49 kjv....Another Jacob is coming which is the H.G....
the Lord says to pray for those who hurt you .my question is does the person that is hurting you have to ask for forgiveness to you for you to forgive them? can someone help me understand this please?
April 12, 2023. After reading several of the comments posted, and many a couple years old it appears that there are many in this forum who are pushing racism. Please help me understand why skin color matters? Especially after God has said again and again that what matters is what's in a person's' heart. This whole skin color should be a non issue, as the real issue is where our hearts are.
We are living in troubled times where good is called evil and evil is called good. I really feel that those who are fixed on skin color have been deceived to believe their own lies. I pray God gives us all eyes that see and ears that hear all of what He wants, rather than what self wants.
Please help me fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. A fellow Christian told me that anyone who had a covid test has been given the mark of the beast. He tried to support his claim with evidence through videos etc. that I did not view. However, he kept on and on, and was adamant that he was correct, that this was part of the deception. I was not deceived at all, I was trying to prove to others that it was all a lie.
I'm shaken up by this, but I know that we have not been given a Spirit of fear. That makes it even worse, wondering why has this given me extreme anxiety about feeling that I'm "unredeemable" and my soul is lost. Thank you for your help. God bless you all.
Gio Rod.. Today is April 9, 2023. After reading your post that refers to the New Testament as a product of Masonry I was in sorrow for your deceived comment. Please allow God to open your eyes and heart in order you receive His Word and His truth, because without Jesus you are LOST!!!
In today's inflated costs of burial it appears that cremation would be the most financially responsible course to choose. I had struggled with this issue for years, as we are supposed to be followers of Christ, and His example. Jesus went to the grave, which makes sense that we should do as He did, yet for a good percentage of Christians the cost of a traditional burial is cost prohibitive and/or puts a financial burden upon families that could be avoided somewhat, if the less expensive cremation were chosen.
Above all else, God knows our hearts, and He will resurrect us no matter how we die or how we're buried. The important thing is that we are His and NOT the world's. Again, what I had just shared were my own thoughts.
Good morning everyone Today is March 30,2023. Yesterday marks a crucial day in the United States, as the present administration has allowed a former President to be indicted on fabricated charges. This action could very well mark the end of our free nation, and usher in Marxism. Please pray that God will show us favor, and stop this evil before it destroys everything good about our nation. Thank you.
The gene editing serum "vaxx" with Crspr cas9 technology is changing DNA from 2 strand helix right twist into 3 strand twist helix that is removing God's signature from Y H W H 10,5,6,5
into 10,5,6,6,6,5.
That's the best I can explain it but you can find this information on Bitchute and Rumble using Crispr cas9 as search phrases.
Just wanted to put this information out hoping it will help someone.
The Holy Trinity is in reference at Matt. 24:36. As to the time of the fulfillment of this prophecy by Jesus, he clearly says the one and only person who knows the exact time of fulfillment of these things is "my Father only." The three Persons of the Holy Trinity in Biblical order are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We must not ignore the word "only" in this verse. Modern preachers and teachers of doctrinal prophecy should give this serious thought. Neither the Son nor the Holy Spirit Himself know this Divine secret. We may observe the times and seasons, but we must be extremely careful in date setting, or seasonal dogmatism. Jesus' point in these verses is preparation, not self-seeking pragmatism. Anytime our teaching goes beyond the Divine offices of the Son and Spirit, we are into self aggrandizement, not sound doctrine.
They shall not need a man to sit on the throne for Jesus shall be on the throne. No more sacrifice of animals for jesus will be our sacrifice. In conclusion the chapter is a all about the finished work of jesus for new church.
Apparently , Rolls Royce are touting for investment in order to build a nuclear power plant on the moon ! Now that sounds like a great idea doesn't it ? We humans really do think that we own this world don't we ? Please come back soon Jesus , save us from ourselves and each other ever so soon please.
Several years ago, a coworker invited me to attend his church on Sunday. This brother and I often talked about the Lord and His word. As he was inviting me, and before I had a chance to respond, he told me to bring my Bible with me and to make sure it was a KJB. He said that they probably wouldn't let me in if I showed up with any other Bible.
I didn't commit. The only Bible I owned was a King James and that was the Bible I would have brought with me had I have gone. I chose not to show up. Had he not have said what he did, I probably would have gone.
I believe the Lord put it on my heart not to go there. That was many years ago.
I share this story because I am reminded of that time by the things I have been reading here over these past few months.
I would say that the church this brother invited me to fit the category of extremism. Does God really care what Bible version we read? Are we going to stand before God one day and be denied because we chose the wrong translation?
Before barking at me, please know that I read and study from the KJB. It is my Bible of choice. It is not important to me what translation others use. What's important to me is have you been born of God's Spirit.
The KJB is a very good translation, but I cannot say that it is a perfect one, and even though it is the Bible I study from, I do not believe it is superior to all others.
I do not adhere to KJB Onlyism. There are many of us here who choose the KJB, but we should be sensitive to the fact that there are brothers and sisters in Christ who come here that read other versions of the Bible. Should we view them any differently?
I wonder how they would have viewed me had I have shown up to the invite carrying an NIV/NASB/ASV, or any other English translation? Would they have let me in?
The Lord is going to receive all those who have surrendered their life to Him, and it's not going to matter which Bible you chose to read!
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[Comment Removed]
We are living in troubled times where good is called evil and evil is called good. I really feel that those who are fixed on skin color have been deceived to believe their own lies. I pray God gives us all eyes that see and ears that hear all of what He wants, rather than what self wants.
Wake up America!!!
I'm shaken up by this, but I know that we have not been given a Spirit of fear. That makes it even worse, wondering why has this given me extreme anxiety about feeling that I'm "unredeemable" and my soul is lost. Thank you for your help. God bless you all.
Above all else, God knows our hearts, and He will resurrect us no matter how we die or how we're buried. The important thing is that we are His and NOT the world's. Again, what I had just shared were my own thoughts.
What is TITHING ? Are we suppose to tithe to a church we belong to each month ?
The gene editing serum "vaxx" with Crspr cas9 technology is changing DNA from 2 strand helix right twist into 3 strand twist helix that is removing God's signature from Y H W H 10,5,6,5
into 10,5,6,6,6,5.
That's the best I can explain it but you can find this information on Bitchute and Rumble using Crispr cas9 as search phrases.
Just wanted to put this information out hoping it will help someone.
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