I am really becoming more aware of the antichrist and the situation the United States of America. I am attempting to research the correlation with all of the Godlessness I have never in my life been so aware of and Barack Hussein Obama's mysterious life history... is it possible that we could all be so wrong, is it possible that he is, if not the antichrist, a precursor at the very least. I certainly do not believe that America should, could or would ever turn away from Israel, and here we have practically a dictator, much like Hitler, in America representing so many people who seeming have no voice in our government affairs, I see small grandchildren being indoctrinated with GLOBAL this and that, most definitely and specifically islam as a peaceful religion... it is in fact the opposite, and our president I believe is under the conviction of that same belief system, I frankly can't bring myself to call islam true religion... it's unfolding as I've never witnessed, could this be possible, ALTHOUGH BHO did not fool me, I hear evil from his mouth, and I saw evil in his face, and I'm seeing more of that with each passing day. How is it that over such a relatively short period of time American has fallen slave to such a man as this?
I like the fact that the direction of north is not listed. north is where the Father sits high and looks low. north is the place where we look for our source and where we find him lifting up those who release their faith for it.
How does Ioudaios become "jews"; it`s Judeaens=someone living in Judaea, could be an Benjamite, Judahite, edomite. Edomites (after Esau-Edom; means red) were converted by force by John Hyrcanus to the religion of Judaea about 130 BC, so ALL became Judaeans. Herod was an edomite."....the blasphemy of them that say they are Judaeans, and are not, but are the Synagogue (or congregation) of Satan" The edomites had taken over before Jesus Christ came. Sadducees were edomites
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, directly partnering with verses following, as well as those prior, reinforces the imminence of the reality that sin in fact, causes death, and Jesus, is the ONLY way to life. And as you see God, in your life, outworking through the Holy Spirit, revelation comes of what life was like, and how life ends for many daily, who choose to live without Him, knowing that indeed, God is good, gracious, and a giver of the type of mercy which endures forever. What else but tears can come from the blessed reunion between FATHER and sons/daughters?
shabbat shalom to all of you, i will like to get some posts about keep my commandments, if I can get it from you I will be very grateful with you, shalom ubrajot!!!!
Lovers of Jesus be wide-hearted to my interpretation of 'Christ on the cross-
My imagination is fused with devotion and love in non-traditional way. I feel that it will be better expression if I write them in �direct-speech�, in Christ�s words _
�I had served my Lord and �prepared meal� for humanity as a whole �with love and care.� The time was not ripe, therefore men refused to accept it. Why should I blame Judas and Harold in particular? Without disillusionment and despair and with �calm of mind and all passions spent�, I offered the meal to my beloved Lord with supreme certitude. By offering, I became free from entire burden of responsibility and �the heavy and weary weight of all unintelligible world.� � (wordsworth�s phrase). The weight of the body and the cross was also lightened. So I mounted the Calvary with ease. I deeply realized while dying�
�My Task Master�s State is kingly
Thousands at His bidding speed,
And posted over land and ocean without rest.� - Milton
If my presence on the earth is needed,
My father may call me back. His Wisdom excels,
The total wisdom of the world.��
It librates me and I am a child again,
Smiling in the lap of my beloved Father.
I would like to put it in a simpler way or form.i have kids if i want my son not to throw stuff at people and i explain to him ..why..and the consequense if him does.dat mean by explainning to him i have given him the power to choose wat he is going to do, not to throw stuff at people and mummy will be happy and maybe because he has listen..he could get a compliment from mummy for being a good boy of choose to throw stuff at people and get a timeout which could lead to.... more..or spending more dan excepted time at de timeout hook.without mummy's mercies. To listen to God laws is taking steps ahead of situation, dat will i call acting smartly.this is my own understand.
God is such a loving and awesome Father to us and, me is words is only showing me when I give my all to Him,seek Him daily,do and live the way The Holy Spirit ,direct me and show me how to then I don"t have to worry about no part of my life.He got it all u imagine He fights my enemies as I obey Him.His words show me who I serve and who"s I am.If we Christians get to realize the power we have in Christ Jesus Resurrected life when we got save,we have all His power Hallulejah thank u Jesus.People of God we have God's power.
God was talking to can be found in Job 38:7 and Proverbs 8 around 30-31. He was speaking to you. Born from above. We were all born from above. John 3:3
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,(#509) he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Note. Jesus is saying, Truly, truly, Except a man be born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Born again, another {an'-o-then} Strong's {509}
from (507) (alnw); from above; by analogy from the first; by implication anew: � from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top.
Note. In other words born from above. You were and now you born again from the first time of the beginning. Just keep going to the 13 verse and you will understand.
When I read the scriptures it let me know that God help us in and out of danger he be right there for us and we send you some help if you believe in the Lord our God togetherness we can be very strong in Christ Jesus because Jesus is stronger for us at the cross,Amen.
(Verse 1) "This letter is from Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus Christ." Let's explain.
This verse is an explanation of Genesis 1:26 where God said "let us make man." It works this way. God is one entity, but He has three distinct personalities or self identities. Humans have similar capacities, that is, we can be known as several different persons to several different people. So in this way, we are made in the "image of God." This means that the "us" in Genesis 1:26 is a reference to God's three distinct personalities.
Paul knew and understood this when he said that he was chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus Christ; that is, God is the entity and Jesus is the personality or self identity through whom God chose him. Then Paul said in verse 3 that the Father has blessed us by sending Jesus to die for us. In other words, the Father is the personality through whom God made the decision that He would come to us as the Son.
Let's say it like this. Paul is simply explaining that great eternal truth that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in His dealings with us. And that the way God speaks and interacts with us humans is through his personality Jesus, all under the direction of His personality the Father.
My imagination is fused with devotion and love in non-traditional way. I feel that it will be better expression if I write them in �direct-speech�, in Christ�s words _
�I had served my Lord and �prepared meal� for humanity as a whole �with love and care.� The time was not ripe, therefore men refused to accept it. Why should I blame Judas and Harold in particular? Without disillusionment and despair and with �calm of mind and all passions spent�, I offered the meal to my beloved Lord with supreme certitude. By offering, I became free from entire burden of responsibility and �the heavy and weary weight of all unintelligible world.� � (wordsworth�s phrase). The weight of the body and the cross was also lightened. So I mounted the Calvary with ease. I deeply realized while dying�
�My Task Master�s State is kingly
Thousands at His bidding speed,
And posted over land and ocean without rest.� - Milton
If my presence on the earth is needed,
My father may call me back. His Wisdom excels,
The total wisdom of the world.��
It librates me and I am a child again,
Smiling in the lap of my beloved Father.
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,(#509) he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Note. Jesus is saying, Truly, truly, Except a man be born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Born again, another {an'-o-then} Strong's {509}
from (507) (alnw); from above; by analogy from the first; by implication anew: � from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top.
Note. In other words born from above. You were and now you born again from the first time of the beginning. Just keep going to the 13 verse and you will understand.
This verse is an explanation of Genesis 1:26 where God said "let us make man." It works this way. God is one entity, but He has three distinct personalities or self identities. Humans have similar capacities, that is, we can be known as several different persons to several different people. So in this way, we are made in the "image of God." This means that the "us" in Genesis 1:26 is a reference to God's three distinct personalities.
Paul knew and understood this when he said that he was chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus Christ; that is, God is the entity and Jesus is the personality or self identity through whom God chose him. Then Paul said in verse 3 that the Father has blessed us by sending Jesus to die for us. In other words, the Father is the personality through whom God made the decision that He would come to us as the Son.
Let's say it like this. Paul is simply explaining that great eternal truth that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in His dealings with us. And that the way God speaks and interacts with us humans is through his personality Jesus, all under the direction of His personality the Father.
God bless you!