Other than those Jews who were obedient, and submitted to Babylonian exile, later to return to Palestine, all others were persecuted as pronounce here - happened in WWII, and is still now.
God gives you what you need, when you need it. I was delivered from letting other peoples motions and actions effect my life. For 2 years I have resented my sister for not coming to my wedding, although I thought I had forgive her, but it still weighed heavy on my heart and this will help me going forward with the relationship. I will do everything in Love moving forward.
Begotten son of father Son of holy kingdom body of Holy Ghost the one who fulfill law of truth City He is Begotten son of his kingdom of truth And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John (1:14)
Antoinette rosa ganim on Matthew 5:5 - 11 years ago
How can we posess the earth when we are going to die? Do we come back? Will there be a time when Christians will live here and not die? This is very confussing to me.
God is saying to us to keep the Sabbath, it is a sign between him and his people. God also states that if he had changed wouldn't he have spoken of it. If you offend in one point you are guilty of them all.
Yes,Father, as David says, you are my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. Hear my cry and hold my hand until my last breath . My enemies are in my family and I cry to you to visit them and save them. I know and I trust you that you re already working on this issue so I praise and thank you from now for everything you have done, for everything you are doing an will do for them.Amen.
i can asure u mary had nothing to do with our salvation other than being the mother of our lord there is no other namr given under heaven wher by we must be saved acts 2 38 peter gives us the anwse of what it takes to be saved if we try to come any other way we will be consider as athief and a robber
D bible truly reveals God's mind,faithfulness,love,kindness & mercy to us.Well,we children of God are so much concerned abt d new heaven & d new earth that God who cannot lie has promised 2 create.Pls read Isaiah 66 & John 14.
"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" to the laying of the foundation. The morning stars denote the two Cherubs on the Arc of the Covenant & the Sons of God in heaven- the Elohim. For the Joy is standing in the presence of the Lord.
Thank you Jesus, for taking my shame and sins from me and opening my heart to the LORD. Please help me find my calling, and proclaim my faith from the rooftops.
Adam was not the one that was Cast out of the garden.. !!No where did our fathers words say that adam was the man .. the man was cast out of the garden!!...The field is the earth..!!! That's why Kane steel nude the Lord and the Lord new Kane...Cain was the first man cast out of the garden...!!
John (1:14)