Christian Life Page 218

  • Shay on 2 Chronicles 6 - 11 years ago
    To be in the proper position to reflect God�s glory, we must honestly recognize our sinful nature. We need to acknowledge our sinful inclinations and work to control them so that we can progress to the point of glorifying Jehovah God. Although we are not perfect, we can and should stive to follow the example of Jesus.
  • Boy Scout on Ezekiel 4:9 - 11 years ago
    Mary, I to was a little lost on what 'fitches' are. However I did find the answer, it's:NIGELLA SATIVA. Also known as black cummin. Now here's where this becomes good news, when eaten frequently this can help fix respiratory issues (like asthma), diabetes, and skin conditions (like eczema). It sounds like you might want to try to make this bread.
    I Know personally I just bought a grain grinder and plan to start tinkering with this recipe asap. The only real question is what kinda 'beans' was the Bible referring to....
  • Joseph on Psalms 84 - 11 years ago
    Jehovah help your children this day to have higher minds towards your will, make the through your grace, love to be where you're. Amen...
  • Nezhat on Psalms 110:7 - 11 years ago
    Islam is an offshoot (brook) of Christianity and it beheads people for not believing in the false prophet causing bloodshed. He will drink blood from this brook after heaping heads. Number 4 is the # of Islam and green with a very small tinge of yellow is its color. It is the green or pale horse of the apocalips .After this comes death(the Day of the Lord).It is in connection with "Who is this one coming from Bozrah , his garment is dipped in blood."!! This is in agreement with what John the Baptist said about Jesus Christ that he baptizes in Spirit and fire. The Spirit is the Holy Spirit and the fire is the fires of lake of fire. If you do not receive the fullness of Spirit ,you will receive at his hand the fullness of fires of hell. Pay attention to the verse before:"That he has his winnowing hook and will fully purge his threshing floor, saving the wheat in the Shiloh or garner and burning the chaff with everlasting fire in Gehhenah . "Bozrah " means the way of the (wild ) goats in Persians and it is a reference to the Edomites who took residence on the high mountains to avoid floods brought to them by God. �Therefore he lifts up his head � is close to the way people with Gideon had to drink water to be able to be registered in the army of God.
  • Sarpong Raphael on Psalms 104 - 11 years ago
    Repent and you shall not perish.
  • Gd on Ecclesiastes 3:16 - 11 years ago
    Wesley hit the spot
  • Donald John on Genesis 18 - 11 years ago
    Harold- you do not. For we are under the grace and not the law of moses. jeremiah 9:25 speaks of circumcise.
  • Jonathan on John 3:5 - 11 years ago
    I am not a religious man. Whilst I was Baptized a Christian by my parents, I find religion baffling! Those words, written so long ago, are taken in so many different contexts. Surely it is right over wrong that matters, not semantics? Act like a Christian, help your fellow man. Or maybe is it easier to blog?
  • Anjalee on Hebrews 13:17 - 11 years ago
    How can u submit to someone that don't like u n is not concern about u nor ur family. It's all about money. Go and ask them to pray for a situation n it was like u better get out of my face. How can I submit to this. I want the blessings of God in my life, but God got to help me.
  • Owusu ansah kennedy on Ecclesiastes 10:19 - 11 years ago
    yes our lord JESUS said in matt.6v31-33''the gentile seek all these and heavenly father knows that we need their material things(money,houses,food,clothing)but first seek the kingdom and it righteousness and all shall be added from our HEAVEN FATHER YEWAH
  • Pal on Galatians 1:10 - 11 years ago
    i believe in god i trust christ to trinity in this as well Jesus to be my keeper of the heart in mind with all potential energy focused on the time spent where i keep them and how they may help me i fall forever powerless as all my trappings and belongings of will need to survive the humble attempt of misplacing them. i now see from this writing that i may find the right is with the poor humble servant that chooses over him self then pleases god in helping man when it is all god wanted in the place of common digressions.
  • Jehoshaphat on Lamentations 4:8 - 11 years ago
    Yall just will not admit that this is saying that Israels face is black as in NEGRO,BLACK.They HAVE hair like the pure WOOL TOO. And their feet and arms are like in colour to fine brass as if burned in an oven or furnace Negro Black. All the Israelites were Black,the bible proves it.
  • Freddie spinka on 1 Kings 12 - 11 years ago
    how could I have the bible read to me.
  • Grant on Genesis 3:22 - 11 years ago
    Sorry trinitarians, the phrase God the Son or God the Spirit is not found in original translation of Gods word.
  • Lashaunda Mitchell on John 16:12 - 11 years ago
    I think god don't want to tell us the many things because it will run us away from him.
  • Sheree on Isaiah 1 - 11 years ago
    Before God create us and the world he is a father to Jesus.. Being a parent you want your child to love and respect you. Why bite the hand that provides and feeds you?
  • William E. Robinson, Jr on 2 Timothy 2:10 - 11 years ago
    Sir, This would conclude that predestination and election is a true doctrine. For example there have many women that sought my affections; but, I would only chose a rare few. So it is with the creator- You may want him; but, he may not want you!
  • Kenneth Lovette on Job 38 - 11 years ago
    I feel very fortunate and lucky to have been given understanding of some of the secrets, I still await for God to declare unto me how my right arm might save me. So I shall continue praying for understanding which NO amount of money can buy! TRULY KL
  • Mike on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 11 years ago
    Suffer means to tolerate. Tolerate means allow or accept. Usurp means to take power or control without the right to. @Jon's comment YES Huldah was a woman! But in 2Kings22:12-14 they went looking for Jeremiah, but he was not in Jerusalem. In Jeremiahs absence, the Kings messengers went to Prophetess Huldah which THEN Gave her the RIGHT to speak. Without the RIGHT to speak from the Kings messengers she would have been Usurped.
  • DIRIBA BULGU on 1 Chronicles 5:3 - 11 years ago
    Continiu your quitions
  • Sheree on Song of Solomon 7 - 11 years ago
    In a marriage/relationship, it is important to complement each other..It can be work like getting a pedicure,and other things of maintenance..we can't just let ourselves go after marriage..
  • DIRIBA BULGU on Genesis 1:29 - 11 years ago
    Next time I want to stady Bible support me Thank you
  • JESSE IWEANYA on Genesis 1:1 - 11 years ago
  • Tab on Ecclesiastes 12:13 - 11 years ago
    Too many Christians try to say that keeping the commandments is not possible; well, yes it is or God would not have told us to do it so many times. Some preachers just can't do it so they attempt to diminish the importance of keeping them so they don't look so bad breaking them. I commend Christians including preachers who stress the importance of keeping the commandments even if they have a hard time doing it themselves!
  • Pg on Job 30 - 11 years ago
    @calvin job is saying his skin has turned black because of his suffering may be disease. Israelites had a wheatish or dusky complexion as was natural to middle eastern people. Modern day jewish are largely cross between caucasian tribes and middle eastern people when jewish migrated they mixed amongst caucasian . And oeing to the powrrful western media largely hollywood and news outlets repeated reinforcing of whites as true jewish people's color plus some afrucan mainly ethiopian people owing to illegitimate relations between solomon and sheba led to a line of descendants that were black but not the majority of jewish race.
  • Betty Asantewaa Arthur on 2 Peter 2 - 11 years ago
  • Don Holz on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    I believe God has chosen Obama so our Nation will be brought down because we as a nation have turned our backs on God.
  • Roger on 1 Corinthians 12 - 11 years ago
    You can never know truly what is in a Man's heart. I once searched seven years for this verse. It was hidden until I truly needed to share it. I was taught early on was to be satisfied with my lot in life also to pray for greater spiritual awareness. This prayer has allowed me to have my part in the body of Christ wherever I am. I try to keep him foremost in my mind in my dealings with others as myself.
  • Anonymous on Deuteronomy 5:19 - 11 years ago
    i have been given something and the person who gave me is not suppose to because when i received that gift a had to take it and hide from the authority are not suppose to see the gift cause its nt allowed to betaken or given away. is rhat stealing?
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 20 - 11 years ago
    (Verse 6)"Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed King."

    Again, this is Jesus talking about himself. God as Jesus, is saying that when he dies in our place on the cross, he will raise himself from the dead. That Jesus has the power to do this is seen in what he said about himself in Matthew 28:18: "All power in heaven and earth has been given unto me." We can translate this, "I have all power because I am God.

    Please people, if you want salvation you must pray to Jesus as God. Do not be confused because Jesus mentions the Father. He is simply revealing to us that there is another personality in God besides himself. And that this personality is the Father, the way God makes his decisions. But Jesus is always the way God speaks to us and saves us.

    That Jesus is God is the most important thing a person can know. How else can you know what name to call on to save you. That is, if you pray to someone less than God you will never be saved. As all people should, only God can save us.

    God bless you for reading!

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