these virgins did not mean they were natural virgins they were virgins pertaining to the law this means theY serve the law to the letter and followed it according to GODS LAW
A little child Trusts so easily A child also has no pride Yes adult ego does hinder true greatness I am always praying that I walk so as to please my Lord One thing about it though I don t have to go it alone God sent Holy spirit within me to help Praise God
the woed of god is for instruction it teaches us how we should behave it transforms us from the old man to the new creature i am not a theologen but if we are not transformed we will not go to heaven
This eternal fire God creates is for the unrighteous those not willing to abide in his laws of love It is a fire that will devour consume all the unrighteous Satan and his angels will also be cast there but seeing they are immortal will not be consumed and when the need for this fire as fulfilled it purpose will not be needed Image beening out in the wilderness in need of a fire Once you have started a fire you need fuel to keep it going or it will go out so you keep putting fuel or sticks the unrighteous in it to keep it burning consuming what you put in it for fuel If you stop putting sticks into the fire no fuel no fire When all the unrighteous have been consumed there is no need for this fire Satan and his angels will then be left in utter darkness Matt 25 30 being tormented forever living with the stupidity of his pride forever God is merciful and doesn t believein punishing but punishment as well as he doesn t believe in torch Man has twisted the word of God into creating a imaginary place were sinners cast into a place of hell fire to create a fear of a God that doesn t exist but rather a fear to control those to come into a false religious concept
A friend of mine asked me this question When did man become God When did man and woman become Gods is the exact question to ask I replied first quoting Genesis 1 26 27 which describes it all accurate with careful minor details 26 And God said Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth 27 So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them My observation is At the moment when They Gods decided about theirs gods existence in creation When I read the Bible or any other sacred texts or scriptures I express my personal observations saying it with awaken confidence and enlightenment I have read it I read it with my own eyes I understand it I knew it and here I AM With the gospel of peace from the Universal Christ Marek
Thank the Lord we don t have to endure to the end during the Church age 1 Cor 1 7 8 So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Who shall also CONFIRM YOU UNTO THE END that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ Praise the Lord You will however have to endure to the end if you don t get saved and have to go through the tribulation Look at the context and you will see that when it says that it is speaking of the tribulation period The Christians in the body of Christ are leaving outta here 1 Cor 15 and 1 Thess 4 WOOOOOOO Weee
I am trusting God to fix all my problems and take away the evil spirit that is keeping me from fulfilling my dreams Getting my fiance here so we can finally marry and fixing all the financial woes It is to God that PapaBear and I give all the glory in Jesus name Amen and Amen Also Psalm 70 is very good
our fathers have inherited lies and the things that have no profit this boils down to the things children of families villages communities received from their fathers i mean their founding fathers such as idolatry witchcraft native doctors etc which God hate and is thereby working against them etc
I think Jesus Christ means what he says and says what he means and he was being prophetic to the last generations I think he was talking about flights airplanes etc Jesus Christ Knows all and there is nothing new under the sun I think that verse went over the disciples heads and was meant for us in these times JMO
jesus is clearly warning us that many false christ would come that means HE is coming again in new name which we should know and that is given in Matthew 1 23 for further details you may log on to www emperoremmanuelchurch net
Gary You seemed to place your education above all It is a good thing to study but when you think that the opinion of others are low grade and yours is better you are really taking a sad position Yes we have to study to show our selves approved unto God But you want to note that Jesus assembled unlearned men to follow him I am glad that you have studied but do not put others down
How does this connect to Cluster of grapes not to be touch for there is a blessing in What does this verse have to do with Rev grape harvast Jesue were are the branches of His vine how does this connect to cluster of grapes
lsaiah sixty four verse six says that we are all infected and impure with sin when we display our righteous deeds they are nothing but filthy rags Like autumn leaves we wither and fall and our sins sweep us away like the wind With this there is no how one can be free and cleansed from sin or iniquities except through the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross of calvary lJohnl verse seven and lPeterl verse two
Dear Sir I read in your portal some time back as God s name as Jehovah and now it has been replaced with LORD Can you pls let me what is correct Can I get the old version of yours pls Thanks John
the word of God is spiritual reptiles can t talk I believe that was a natural terms expressing the mind and thoughts of Adam her husband as he used his free will to become free from God and bring death upon all men
I m a little bit confused about the sword part is not the word of God is the sword Was He telling them if they did not have the word than they were to sell their worldly goods and buy the word which is the sword Ephesians 6 10 18
Mildred I want you read psalms139 Really read it Written in a time when the golden age of Israel had faded and life was bleak for the faithful of Israel who worshiped in his presence under David It is a good reminder that The Lord will never leave you or forsake you and you could never leave him if you tried Also try the book of Ephesians And really come to know how deep how wide is his love for you
Timothy Wayne George to elaborate on what you already said the passage that says knock and the door shall be opened doesn t just mean knock once but to knock continuously until the door opens I think you are on the right train of thought
Cynthia I do hope you remember that we war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and dark rulers People are victims of spirits they don t understand and lies from the enemy If we war with each other how could we ever be one as Christ and the father are one
I feel like I m on some sort of crusade I m very passionate about Bible Truth This scripture helps readers to appreciate that God is one alone and has no equal The Trinity is not a Bible teaching To learn this is eye OPENING Also I greatly appreciate the unrevised American Standard version They rightfully put God s name where it belongs Jehovah is God s name and to see it in other Bibles is really eye opening for me
I Praise God that my Lord Jesus was not weary in well doing He endured the cross Fromm time to time well doing puts a dent in my flesh but when I keep on keeping on that dent is very well straightened out Due season is God s timing not mine God is so Goooooood
John 4 20 24 We are the temple of God now Jesus has taken the place of the temple where they sacrificed Satan knows that God is not intereseted in some building made by mans hands satan wants to set himself up as God in the temple of the believers in Christ everyone is watching and waiting for the temple to be rebuilt Jeruselum because they have been told that that s where satan will set himself up as god Satan decieves the non believers quite easily it s like taking candy from a baby but his main concern are the believers in Christ Jesus kept on saying don t let anyone decieve you satan is in our churches and many are being decieved Jesus also said there will be many false prophets that will lead many astray as in the believers Remember satan is not after the non believers
I was Born Again Baptised before going to Viet Nam I memorized Psalms 91 and recited it everyday and I would say almost every mission I flew In 10 1 2 months I flew 1050 missions I was a Helicopter pilot flew during the Encursion of Cambodia May 1 1970 There are sometimes in your Life when you live hourly by Faith People ask you why God has never revealed himself to them or hasn t spoken to them I say you must have devoted Faith with no exceptions I do not question God but only ask for wisdom to understand His will then thank Him for His daily Grace If you want to see my pictures look up www 229thavbn com jimwilson Stick to your convictions don t be embarrased Angels have turned my head to see something important If you are a Veteran who believes in Jesus Christ and his gift of Everlasting Life don t let your pride and I did this image seperate you from the gift of Peace the Holy Spirit will give to you War had an effect on me but now it is my witness