Christian Life Page 211

  • Bonny on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    I lost my job because of witches in my department almost 90 were practicng witchcraft and the person who was giving them instructions claim to be a christian and he is very close to many church leaders They were doing horrible things thank to him I was an outcast I prayed without ceasing God blessed me with wisdom to see evil around me we are living in the end times it is hard to trust even your family The spirit of witchcraft see no boundaries when they want blood the sacrifice even their loved ones The best is to keep a distance pray for them leave it in Gods hands The are like lost sheep deceived to follow lucifer Day time they pray and go to churches night time they worship lucifer and make plan or take actions to kill or recruit more into the kingdom of lucifer Thou shall not kiill
  • Shalem challapalli on Ruth 2 - 10 years ago
    it is very use full for me
  • SOLOMON WISE on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
  • Blessed on Lamentations 3:22 - 10 years ago
    Thank you FAther GOD in heaven because I know your compassion and mercy Thank you for the love FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN
  • NELLIE KELDO on 2 Peter 2 - 10 years ago
  • MockingBird on 2 Peter 3:10 - 10 years ago
    Luke 12 40 Says that the Son of man comes at at hour when you think not I call that a specific time I am always checking my heart to the best of my ability to make sure I am in the right condition to be able to meet my Lord in the air if I am still here when He returns If I am not in my appointed position when the Lord returns I believe I will be left behind to go through the tribulation Very Very scary to me
  • Ikechukwu Onyia on 2 Peter 3:10 - 10 years ago
    Thou art inexcusible oh man
  • Davie on Ezekiel 1 - 10 years ago
    to Paul Hai hi m8 i think i can safely have faith that the chapters u commented on Ezekiel contain knowwhere the events of such biulding My only guess is you picked the theory up from the new generation of Egyptoligists new age masonic twinkies wouldnt it be great though if thats what the chapter speaks of Nay theres far much more going on in these first chapters in Ezekiel than your worldly revelation claims
  • Rena kesner on Psalms 127:17 - 10 years ago
    send me thought thanks
  • MockingBird on Psalms 19:14 - 10 years ago
    I pray this so often I must needs to watch my words so closely for what you say is what you get For out of the heart man speaks What I put in comes out As long as I stay in the word Believe God s word and do God s word then the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be acceptable unto my Lord who is my strength and redeemer The Joy of the Lord is my strength When I have Joy in the Lord then the Lord will have Joy in being with me
  • Ronald l. collins on Philippians 1:15 - 10 years ago
    it has been said there s no place to hid except behind a bloody cross the one that our precious Lord died on its been a long time since I ve heard the expression the sacred desk the pulpit a place where God s word is preached by the pastor are spoken by a bible teacher Deacon are elder the word of God can be used to build up are for correction but the motive for our service in this life is every thing those who use God s word in the wrong manner will have no reward at the be ma seat where Christ will judge our service as Christians the Apostle Paul was hated and there preaching was done to bring harm to him but God word does not return void the envy strife and contention was a form of evil but there was those who preached in good will faithful to God s word and there calling envy is a sin that Solomon said is as cruel as hell King Saul eyed David after his victory over Goliath and Pontius Pilate said of Jesus they have delivered him up for envy as true Christians we must guard against this form of worldliness James 4 5 11 if we get in the flesh the Holy Spirit will convict our hearts the seat of our affections 1John was written to Christians and it says 1john ch 1 8 10 I m thankful for this truth God Bless
  • Yshari on Deuteronomy 20 - 10 years ago
    praise the lord i am very much thankful to you kjv online bible and its commentary this Deuteronomy 20 is very use full to me I too face so many difficulties like the same no problem he is our savior to take care through all difficulties amen yours in his service Rev YSHARI IMMANUEL SIUM MINISTRIES ANDHRA PRADESH INDIA
  • Hamisi haruna on Psalms 127 - 10 years ago
  • Carolyn on John 5 - 10 years ago
    I don t believe Moses condemned his people He loved God our Heavenly Father so much that he followed our Heavenly Father s commandments to the letter I believe that God condemned the Israelites when any of God s laws epwere broken for one example the time Moses came down from Mt Airroate with the Ten Commandments well you know the rest of the story God was so sndry when He saw his people dancing doing lude thugs that He swallowed up the earth and the ones who would not follow Moses God opened up the earth and those nonfollers fell into it Went into the deth of Next
  • Meril on Luke 1 - 10 years ago
    We are having a competition of who will finish reading the bible 1rst And Luke is very interesting
  • Roel galman on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    i want to know more about the bible
  • Evalena Latham on Acts 3 - 10 years ago
    Jesus Christ is alive and we trust in his word His word is truth
  • Joy Miller on Joshua 7 - 10 years ago
    Godliness with contentment is great gain Lets be content with what we have and what God has given to us at every point in time to avoid offending God
  • William on Numbers 1 - 10 years ago
    This is wonserful
  • Leviticus on Nehemiah 2 - 10 years ago
    This is a chapter of he bible that god reveled to me
  • Charlotte Agbakla on Jeremiah 17 - 10 years ago
    Vers 5says course be to a man that put his trust in man We have to trust him with all our heart sprit body and soul Because he created heaven and earth with everything in it What can a man do unto us
  • David Robinson on Psalms 127 - 10 years ago
    If i whatnt for the bible and the lord snd psalms i wouldnt mske though my days psalms 150 and the lords teaching an praise my life would nt be nutheing so thank you lord for psalms 150 as i will everyday praise the one an only tru living god Amen
  • Tomica Anderson on Psalms 23 - 10 years ago
  • Blessed on Isaiah 54 - 10 years ago
    GOD is not stagnant When he say no longer he means no longer No longer is he angry at me If I sin he gave me an advocate JESUS CHRIST IF I not feeling 100 percent I got a hope weeping with not last always Joy is in the morning 1John say beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and in health even as your soul prospereth Praise GOD
  • Toni on Isaiah 54:17 - 10 years ago
    Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Psalm 105 15 When people attempt to work against the people of God to do them harm either with word or deed God is going to step in and work all things out for the good of His people People are not going to get by This is God talking The righteous will witness against and prove to the evil doers and speakers their wrong doing by the power of God The hypocrites themselves will be judged by God and the instruments they try to use to destroy godly people will fail The same ditch they dig for the righteous is the same one they will fall in It pays to serve the true and living God His people s inheritance is having the assurance God Himself is with them and will bring them out of all their afflictions Psalms 34 19
  • Howard on Genesis 4 - 10 years ago
    In response to other ppl it is my belief though it is not clear that The Lord placed other ppl on earth after creating Adam and Eve Although it seems like a very short time because it is only two chapters that they were in the garden it very well could have been years that they spent there before the fall Therefore it could have been during that time The Lord placed other ppl on earth or even after the fall because it also then does not tell us how much time passed before she concieved or even how old cain and able were when they gave their offerings Cain could have been 100 yrs old at that time which would have given God a long time to place others on earth
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 54:17 - 10 years ago
    No tongue that is formed against me shall prosper Noah condemned the words that were coming against him when God told him to build an Ark the people of that day were laughing and mocking and ridiculing at him for what he was doing To condemn something you are to be going on ahead doing what God told you to do in spite of what is coming against you Praise God Even when I go through difficult times of the people of unbelief of this day I AM IN GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN ME THAN he THAT IS IN THE WORLD I will keep on doing what I am told of my Lord anyway No imp in hell will stop me of my boasting in the Lord
  • Peter on Matthew 18:3 - 10 years ago
    Are preachers pumped up with pride if they call themselves Doctors when they have honorary Doctorates Is that being like a child Some preachers demand that their sheep call their preacher Doctor Is that like becoming a child
  • Searchwayorg on Exodus 21:5 - 10 years ago
    When you love the people around you you do not want to leave
  • Bill on Revelation 13 - 11 years ago
    There are so many ideas and whatever books written by scholars etc but the question remains are we saved by the blood of the crucified ONE have we been born again further along we ll no all about it now we see through a glass darkly

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