Paul 's humility in all his sufferings snd revealations shows dedication to service,Loyalty and committment to God. A lot of ministers of the gospel today begin to glory more in the revealations,miracles and the sufferings they are going through bossting about it and making people focus on theeir achivements than God.Paul is an example of a sold out apostle he gave every glory to God very happy to suffer with Christ and dirrect us in everything to exalt God in it and not to take credit when we go through challanges or start performing miracles as many ministers have become tin God for worship may we humble ourselves and love God more entrusting everything in our lives to him Amen.
In the dark if you truly look you will see the light of day, i haven 't been to church in years but I 'm also a firm believer of the "where two or more are gathered i am there also " I need many prayers im going through a tough time and it feels like im slipping,and it worries me. So please pray for a former brother of christ. Thank you.
I think I see ghost. I have a friend that believes so too as well as her mother. They have spells they use. BUt only ones that help and protect others the reject those that harm. I looked into this to see if perhaps my religion would let me try too help in this way as well, but all i have found is shame in my religion. I believe all life god created is sacred I 'm even a vegetarian because of it, and here I am turning to my religion for answers and it says KILL, MURDER, STONE TO DEATH OR BURN AT THE STEAK! What 's next are we suppose to eat them?! If you want to take the bible so seriously then consider 'Thou shall not kill ' where it can be universally agreed that at least all humans fall under this category. Why take life from someone that wants to help, not kill?
Jesus died for our sins and only through him shall we enter heaven. Even this sin he has died for. So as long as you believe Jesus is the messiah ** or not you will go to heaven.
When an individual pursue a wrong course,sometimes the consequences are not felt right away.It might even become pleasureable for a time. As a result of that they continue doing what is bad . There fear of Judgement is lessen due to the that there is no immediate Consquences . They fool themselves into thinking everything is going to be alright . example smoking it can take years to see the negative effects of this unclean habit . As a result of that we have billions of smoker out there. Ask yourselve if the effect of smoking were expedious let say 2 years a person get lung cancer How many people would smoke ?
Our Lord during His earthly ministry has always been pushed against the wall for an inane doctrinal argumentation.... " xxx "for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. " 1 COR. 2 8 NKJV
I love Mark Chp.1, it lets us know that there are two baptisms The Water Baptism represents being dip three times in the name of The Father, The Son, and The HolyGhost. The other Baptism is to be baptized in the HolyGhost by our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, because the water doesn 't wash our sins away it just signifies that it is a means of salvation.The Baptism of the HolyGhost is an experience subsequent to conversion and sanctification and that tonguespeaking is the consequence of the Baptism in the HolyGhost with the manifestations of the fruit of the Spirit.
Crucifixion was a common practice by the Romans well before the time of Jesus. They were hung up on T shaped "crosses " with spikes through the wrists and spikes through the heels into the side of the upright beam.
Sometimes when I am in a bad situation this verse comes to me and become my strength. Am I listening to GOD? Am I giving too much attention to the situation? Am I giving the attention I should be giving GOD 'S word to the enemy. No good thing will he withhold from me. So this is the list I keep. Prosperity,Health, even as my Soul Prospers is what GOD says above all things he wishes for me to have. In first seeking the kingdom of GOD and all his righteousness and these things will be added. Seeking Praising, Worshipping, GOD gives me an on going relationship to expect all good things from GOD. BECAUSE GOD IS GOOD AND GOODLY TO BE PRAISED. WE CAN EXPECT GOD AND HIS GOODNESS. in good situations and in bad situations.
To bear your cross daily is to deny yourself of the lustful cravings of the world. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Whether it be something that you might thing its not a sin, masturbating, swearing, hanging with bad company that you knew since childhood, and constantly putting things in front of Christ. If you keep doing things like that then you can not be His followers,because as He is so are we in this world. For He is holy therefore you be holy. That is why the Lord says "come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. "
don 't think some people don 't deserve the kingdom of God armrobbers,wee smokers,murderers,fetish priest,maybe ur ancestors...prayer is the key..ask GOD for those answers... matthew 7 7..
I think the passage means that every island on Earth will disappear. Perhaps because of the great earthquake? Can we imagine maps of the world without islands? Now that would be some map!
when trouble comes your way look to heaven and remember Jesus Christ. keep your attention ,Your focus ,Your mind on what he went to go do for u. stay calm in a storm. he take u thru and make everything new. wen u not in a storm stil remember him and rest in him have joy and laughter.
This verse I believe has so much in it that most of us don 't grasp or apply very much at all. Such as only God can enlighten us to spiritual truth and how we are better off to do his will for our lives. As much as we want to do our selfish own most of the time. And realize all that God has for us throughout eternity in heaven if we only will sacrifice for him and be obedient he has more riches then anything down here we strive for to get for ourselves. As I have seen so much in my own life and how I have come so far short of what he has wanted out of my life. Oh, thank God for the times that I have followed him and the blesings I have received by what if I had and would only follow him with totally and with a whole heart. It will be so sad in eternity if we don 't now. So by Gods grace let us go for it born again believer. We shall inherit all things but the world and its sin will inherit nothing at all but eternity in the flames of hell and torment and misery. We though are laying up treasures in heaven or should be to be added to our eternal life to lay at the feet of the Lord Jesus to glorify him at our personal judgment seat of Christ with him. So let us press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in chrit jesus. Sincerely
I have written a song through the help of the holy spirit in prayer based on God 's word. This scripture is so powerful I 'm holding onto it knowing I have no fear of what is or maybe because my Lord is with me. Father says He knows the plans He has for you to prosper you to give you a expected end Amen
This is true, especially when the value of G d 's word has been made to appear lessen in value by the dominance and empowerment of the social climate, until people have a greater appetite for the vomit than being washed from it. If we don 't turn this around, then we are deserving of what comes next.