I have been on social disability effective 1 1 2001. My husband allows me to pay my expenses with disab funds. I think he should help me since I go into arrears monthly. His checks are retirement and social sec, He refuses to help me.
Nasa has confirmed the 4 blood moons which the last of them will be a super blood moon which occurs after a full and part solar eclipse this all starts and finishes between April 2014 and September 2015. 4 blood moons is known as a tetrad these blood moons and eclipses all happen on the Jewish high holidays sakes as the tetrads in the past as god works off the Hebrew Callander which is a lunar Callander hence moon hence blood moons hence tetrad. In 1492 the Jews got killed n expelled from Spain and funded Christopher Columbus to find them lands in America that was the first tetrad the second was when they got their land back in 1949 the 3rd tetrad in 1967 they got back the holly City Jerusalem now the 4th set of 4 blood moons they should get the holy temple back from the Muslims, dome of the rock. Possibly starting the tribulation. All tetrad blood moons in the past Israel ends up in war. Keep watch
I asked a brother in Christ about the whole women keeping silent thing and this was his response i remember back in the old testament time, women weren 't allowed to teach and since jesus christ came to fiulfill the law everything changed, so i believed what Paul is saying about women being silent in the church i don 't think he was directly pointing the fact about teaching....he more focused on them having the holy spirit there were women at that time who didn 't have the holy spirit to teach because of confused mixed doctrines that were being taught
I thank God for the wonderful menaing of his word. We should all be thank full. I feel sorry for so many people to not accept God. There day will come, then it will be too late. The way things are going in our society, it will not be long before Jesus Christ returns. Praise the good Lord. Amen.
I am a Christian so don 't be offended if I ask something I am very curious of. I do believe that God gave us the ability to reason, through deductibility, to be curious and look for answers, and simply think. As a result, I have to ask where did God come from, how long has he been around I imagine for ever , and why doesn 't the Bible emphasize more about this subject with concreteness?
John 1 is confusing to me. So did God divide the work Jesus had done? Why does it show God first, holy spirit 2nd and if Jesus is the word of God, why is he third. Do we worship Jesus? If we ask in our prayers to the father, then why in Jesus name when we end them, Is the new testement real?
to Shelia Pinkney...You ask what are the even spirits of God? We find in verses in the Bible,1The Holy spirit,2 Wisdom 3Understanding, 4Counsel, 5Might,6Knowledge,7Fear of the Lord.
The law of the spirit or the law of liberty is above the jewish written code. This is the law that works in the heart by faith. The transgressing of this law requires greater punishment than the old testament law as far as Hebrews 10 is concerned.
"Be prepared " IF u have been doing good all youR life and just before rapture you are caught doing evil Death, but if you have been a sinner and just before rapRure you ask for forgiveness and repent of your sins, the Blood of Jesus has washed you clean Saved, Life. In other words let us be alert and live pure and holy asking for God 's strength for without HIM we can do NOTHING. God bless you
AAAh thank you Lord and new friends, I couldn 't find my bible today in my messy little place so thought to look it up online, He always knows what we need to fill the vessle. Lamar, I am going through the kiss of judas test right now myself, n yes it hurts, u r not alone in the shared feelings. I 'm overlooked in my hard work and have another peer lying about me , not the first time for this to happen, it won 't b the last, God will help me rise above and draw strength from Him, and the possiblities that will come of it who knows. His works astonish me everyday n i 'm thankful that He is like that or life would be boring eh? Keep your chin up, i 'm praying for u.
To Lyndon s Proverb ch.24.vs 15 comment. I am sorry through what you have been going through and specially for your children s reaction to the whole situation. Continue to read verse 16, For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again but the wicked shall fall into mischief. I know how lonely and rejected you may feel now but don t give up hope. Jesus loves you, and He loves you more now. Don t keep any grudge towards your wife and specially towards your children. Bless them every morning . In time you heart will heal. Read the Bible more and more and why don t you speak to a Pastor? If you don t go to Church start going to one now. Make new friends . Jesus died for your present spiritual wounds , remember so you may be healed . Trust Him, pray and praise and thank Him . Always have Christian music in your new home and in your car. God Bless you and Heal you heart soon
How can Easter be the day of Christ 's resurrection? It falls on a different day every year. Instead of keeping Easter, we should try to keep Jesus Christ 's saying by the grace of God