Fallen angels and human women mated and created the giants before and after the flood some of them upto 100 feet tall type into utube giants u will see the skulls and bones of them this is called suppressed archeology. The reason is because satan and his 200 chief fallen angels knew of the biblical prophesies foretold in the preflood era by Enoch the 7th from Adam. It is called the book of Enoch it foretold the prophecies of the flood which was to come and the coming sone of man JESUS who would defeat satan who would be 100 human DNA so satans plan was to use the giants to take to them selves women and mate with them and eventually the human DNA would be contaminated by the giants. God saved Enoch 's grandson Noah and the DNA and the flood destroyed the giants. Then satan knew the messiah would be born in the land of Israel so they some how made giants to rule the lands of that area. God protected the DNA in Egypt for 400 years and satan had his army of giants waiting in the promised land then after the Hebrews exited Egypt it was Joshua 's army who was to kill every man woman and child and completely destroy the remnants of the giants then the messiah JESUS was born amen. The dead Giants Rephaim Nephilim that are half human half fallen angel are called Demond 's and evil spirits they have no place in heaven and will remain on earth. Human Ghosts don 't exist it 's these spirits that do.
why would the Lord choose the tribe of Levi to care for the tabernacle of testimony than the Israel tribe? where the Levi tribe more faithful to the Lord making them worthy to deserve that position or why?
The Lord is the light I too once was blind but now I see I pray in the name of Jesus that all my loved one awaken from the darkness that satan has cast upon them thank you Jesus for my salvation Amen
I AM THAT I AM! AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH! I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE! One of GOD 's names is basically saying that He is real. So, GOD said "I 'm legit ". "I 'm REAL ". IS REAL! ISRAEL!!!
Daniel ...the furnace ... The sun 7times stronger ... The sky is sprayed to create man made cloud to block the sun ... End timed are upon us ... Pray for all sinners
I need a blessing for my family u have two kids in single mother trying make it behind in bills in lost what am I to do I continue to prayer in know my father wouldn 't allow me come this far in let me fall plz send a power prayer I need it
James...if you will look at the bottom of the page where the list of bibles and other things this website offers you will find a link that says "contact us ". You can ask for the address there.
My fathernlaw got sick and we moved in to help. He has now passed away but my husband wil not leave! We only live within seconds of his mom! I have told him how I feel but he is afraid of leaving his mom.
I think of my life how God had to clear the forest "everything that hindered me and kept me in bondage ", but he kept me and my children safe in his arms. Now I am so grateful and compelled to live by faith. God is allowing me to focus on His perfect will. My oldest soon returned safely from afganistan, my middle son is blossoming in his anointing and my daughter, a young mother is blessed to have a father for my granddaughter who is a man of God who loves them very much. And to add the chocolate to the cake, after all of my willful sinning and deliverance my granddaughter was born on my birthday, my first grand child. My children and I are launching a family buisess with all the hospitality of New Orleans to really let "the good times roll " in His name.
i think God show his power to us and the things that seems impossible to us but in God is possible and we need to trust our God all the time of our life
Serving God is a comittement that someone need to be dedicatted to it, in all totallity of life. If you know the intemercy of serving God you must be joyfull because he is the author and finisher of your faith and what ever you decide take it to him he will answer you! But with total submission and identifeing yourself with the body of christ.
Other Christians I know feel so confident in God. However, I oft times have great fear of being rejected. I have certainly accepted God 's greatest gift ever a gift so great it 's totally hard to express gratefulness from a devil 's hell into eternal life to be with Jesus! Oh how blessed we are! I have sickness that wears my body down. As a young Christian, I thought surely at this time I would "feel " God 's prescence. Sometimes I do in melodious song, but mostly despair and fear of losing Him. I believe God desires true faith and trust in HIm even when we are at death 's door. I truly love HIm and He is precious to me. The Word says this is a mark of a Christian. He also first loved me, that is why I love HIm. Praise the LORD at all times!
I agree with most, if not all of what you say about Moses being king. For one, the subject of verse 4 is Moses, and it is logical to assume that he continues to be the subject of the context in verse five. Another reason I believe this is because the Jews were to establish a theocracy in the land. The theme of the Bible is kingdoms. The redemption of man is a major part of that, but the main theme of the Bible is "Kingdoms. " The Bile starts and ends with a throne and two forces warring for crown.
Considering that Muhammad prophesied his own death by saying that if he was not a true prophet then he would die with the heat of noon in his chest. On his death bead he died with the heat of noon . He did not die of natural causes, btw. He was poisoned.
The word of GOD is truth that cannot be modified, added to or taken away from. It originates from GOD and must be delivered by the Spirit so that it cannot corrupted by the flesh. Satan hunts the people who are desperately searching for GOD and sets countless webs of lies and deception disguised as the GOD 's Word. GOD will speak to us all if we seek and listen for HIS voice. We must have that direct communication with GOD so that we aren 't "carried away by every wind of doctrine " Ephesians 4 14 . Otherwise, the peril is you wind up believing the voice of a man deceit instead of the voice of GOD TRUTH . The problem is too many people don 't have faith that GOD actually talks directly to and with them and rely on others to deliver a message.