Christian Life Page 203

  • Scott thorson on Romans 8:28 - 10 years ago
    i didnt fully understan this concept till much later in life. My mother was murdered when i was a kid. I spent much of my life angry bitter and empty. I asked Jesus into my heart 2.5 years ago and last year as i looked thru some of my mothers things i found a letter addressed to my uncles. It read thank you so much for allowing your sisters kidneys to be used. one went to a 21 year old male with a loving family and the other went to a 40 year old female who was on dialysis for seven years. i lost my mom but two lives were saved and there is no telling just how many people those two mite have shared the Gospel of Jesus with.
  • MockingBird on Isaiah 41:10 - 10 years ago
    Through out the years I have been with my Lord this scripture has been a stronghold I depend on God 's word I cannot go on without Him No not a day I have just recently been through a first tornado experience God was with me my man friend. We are alive and well I can see where God took care of everything. Out of this I will be stronger in My Lord and I hope to have a newer outlook on the things of God. Out of this also I will be getting a new home front room f bedroom furniture and some new clothes God is so good to me . I get to stay with my man friend he has a 3 story house Plenty of room. While I am there we will walk in the way of the Lordto keep on perservering to do the will of God. God Bless !!!!!
  • Samantha on Romans 11:29 - 10 years ago
    I don 't understand the misspelled word. Mark Titus 's comment Jesus new. knew
  • Evodia on Hebrews 2 - 10 years ago
    De Lord Jesus has paralised de devil and his power of death, meaning death has no dominion over every child of Christ.
  • Andrew Ian Murphy on Revelation 6:8 - 10 years ago
    I think that the horse and the rider may be seperate personages...but either way, the people refered to here were granted the authority by God to destroy a quarter of the earth trough war and it 's resulting factors... I also think that God hides the identities of this individual s until the matter has past...but of important note for all students of religion, including those who have searched for the great figures of revelations and with succss found some, I think it 's pretty clear the rider is not the Anti Christ, but a sanctioned being belonging to the army of the Lord.
  • Katrece fowler on 2 Corinthians 4 - 10 years ago
    GOD is Good!!!! Amen
  • Deborah holiday on 2 Kings 6 - 10 years ago
    Relax, God 's got this!
  • Patrick on Jeremiah 3:23 - 10 years ago
    Although in Psalms 121 1 David said he will left up his eyes unto the hills...his help comes from God. This hills refers to the heaven 's, the throne of God. Yet in Jeremiah 3 23 the Israelite ascertianed hope comes from the mountain where Jacob digged the well John 4 20. Indeed they worship there but the worship place could not grant hope. In John 4 21 24 Jesus defined the true way of worshipping God. He stated worship will not be conducted on the mountain or in Jerusalem to make it acceptable to God, or bring hope to the worshiper. Remember Israel had divorced God in Jereiah 3, is described as harlot, so also the woman in John 4 was a harlot. If God is not worshipped in spirit and in truth then there will be no hope for us despite the place of Worship. If salvation is surely of God and not from the mountains or any other. Let 's worship God in truth and in spirit, by this what we hope will come from Him. amen
  • Helen L.Hain on Philippians 3 - 10 years ago
    I love the Lord with all that is in me.He is the breath that I breath.He is always helping me.It sure helps m e.I lov e thed Lord with all that is in me.Thanks Helen
  • Chidinma Eziyi on Ephesians 3 - 10 years ago
    Apostle Paul was not repeating what he heard from anyone but the power of the revelation that is hidden from the sons of men to God 's prophets and Apostles. He was revealing to us the richess of his glory in strengthening the inner spirit. When we are adopted into God 's family we are suppose to feed on the word and seek his un searchable glory which reveal the power and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ which is beyound the human knowleadge and the power in this world for us to enjoy the manifestation of his glory we decern his power that can do abudantly,exceedinly more than we can ever dream nor think. When we work in this understanding in our inner spirit then tribulation,problems in this world will become nothing in our eyes and we beggining to see our victory in the spirit through the power of his might and beyond our thinking and our imaginations.Our God is a great God above the heavens and the earth who is able to deliver us from death not to imagine problemsof life so brethern no natter what we are going through stand in his word and faithfulness and you will glory and testify of his goodness as you withness his living word come to life for you grow your spirit in his love so true and deep that was paul 's strength Amen.
  • Sherry on Exodus 5 - 10 years ago
    Why did God allow pharaoh to rule the people in the first place?
  • !an on Judges 11 - 10 years ago
    As I look at this reunion with the children of Israel even after being evicted from not only his mothers family but also his rightful place through the seed of his father, he was still wilin to return and becoming head after being made less than the tail. A trype of the forgiveness of Jesus on the croos as He said Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
  • Larry Bishop on Mark 4 - 10 years ago
    even when Jesus is on board stan will try you.But will lose I say peace you be still.Jesus will always win in every test .
  • Tim George on Psalms 19:12 - 10 years ago
    When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for all our sin debt, past, present, and future tense. We must confess our sins to God so that we stay in fellowship with the Father, and the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. Therefore do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as do some, but as you see the Day of Christ approaching provoke one another to love and good works.
  • Blessed on Psalms 84 - 10 years ago
    I am blessed I am is blessed
  • A.Siphesihle Sikota on Matthew 4 - 10 years ago
    Im verry ignorant when comes to the word of god but as i was reading this chapter i just want to come closer to mJesus christ, the lord my saviour
  • Guy on Proverbs 4 - 10 years ago
    Johnson, That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. 1 admit you 're a sinner, Romans 3 10. 2 be willing to repent, acts 17 30. Do things for God instead of yourself. 3 Believe that Jesus Christ died for you come was buried and rose from the dead. Romans 10 9 10 4 Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become your personal Savior. Romans 10 13 You could pray this prayer to be born again. Dear God, I am A sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sins. I am willing to turn from my sin. I know invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
  • Wayne Vaughan on Ephesians 4:32 - 10 years ago
    Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Jesus suffered more on the Cross than anyone .
  • Pastor john mathew saudi arabia on Genesis 19:20 - 10 years ago
    If God tell to you go to Mountian, do not worry, He will give you the strength. Here LOT chooses the way his own, it is very near, so that I can. But the way he chooses was became the worst. Please choose the way according to HIS will and let us obey HIS commentments.
  • Alan on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    We are Born as the image of God according to Genesis !, but I believe we Die as the image of our self Progression. Genesis portrays an image of helping us to understand our existence here, what is there to help us understand our Death !.
  • Aaron Maina on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Jesus knows our future because he is Lord.View Matthew 10 16 18 en compare to Acts 16 16 continue.Afterwards read Luke 6 27.Be blessed!
  • Harry Alleyne on Psalms 84:10 - 10 years ago
    I Immediately after I asked the holy spirit if I am to work today or go to church I see this I belive the holy spirit is saying go to church.
  • Evans on Matthew 14 - 10 years ago
    How much the presence of God do u have?
  • Thani on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Amen God is good in all the times
  • Sandy Taylor on Genesis 1:7 - 10 years ago
    God is.... who he say he is awsom he 's our potter he has kind he 's love joy peace he 's ontime. He 's all n all he 's our personal savior he has all........ power can move moutain he 's able Just trust him he has showed us in Genesis he 's our creator God changes situations and perform miracles I will obey his word in Jesus Name
  • Michael on Acts 2:31 - 10 years ago
    Would like to know the truth and maybe more elaborated scriptures.
  • Pastor Nabboth Arodi on 1 Chronicles 16:12 - 10 years ago
    Our God Is Asupernatural Being Him His Miracles, Signs And Wonders
  • JOSHUA KAMAU IRUNGU on Matthew 26:28 - 10 years ago
    blood of jesus was more than golden prize.
  • Milton ogony on Revelation 5:1 - 10 years ago
    This is avery inspiring book it shows how powerful jesus is,christ is the way
  • John O.Akinnibosun on 1 Kings 18:8 - 10 years ago
    Elijah is here means that solution is here,the final answer has come.

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