God is giving America a warning that if we do not repent and change our course we will pay a severe price for not listening to God. Israel did not listen and look what happened to them.
One thing is certain 2 things are sure we are not to argue about the word of God,pray to the Lord sincerely,He will ledlead us to the true meaning and give us clear understanding
concerning this verse,its an authority word...i remember powerful word dat says,for dis reason the son of man manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Since the bible says it is not flesh or blood we wrestle with but its over principalities and power....ephesian6 12.... so its next to you for during delivearnce in your ministry or even in you,where did you wnt the demons to go,actually some demons may ask you where did you wnt me to go?..May i tell you now "command "
Proverbs 31 teaches us many things such as a woman 's place in the home. We should love God with all our heart and it will show in our home because our hearts will be on our families and their needs. I personally love to freeze and can foods for our family and others. I use coupons for everything that I can, and I try my best not purchase items that are not on sale. Most all of our clothing comes from yard sales or Thrift Stores. I know the less money I have to spend the more I can do for my Lord Jesus Christ.
The world is in darkness, lies, vain talking, killing with the tongue or weapon, cheating stealing, disobedient, hate, hard heartiness and stiffneckedness. Then he is walking in darkness. And the Lord is not in a relationship with him.
I strongly believe the time is ripe for the manifestation of the word of God.We just have to believe it.Our focus must be on doing God 's will, guided by the Holy Ghost and everything He promised will come to pass.No scepter of the wicked will remain over the land allotted to the righteous psalm 125 3.
some things r not 4 us to figure out or understand if ur inner connection with ur higher power, spiritualality and religion are two entirely different things! be very careful of the line u walk in ur spiritulaly and religiously. GOD TRINITY CHRISTIAN Jahovah.. JESUS JUDY ISM CATHOLISISM these are all very simplistic titles that GOD 1GOD shouldn 't in my opinion be attached to these titles that JESUS CHRISTthe 1 and only GOD ' SON should be labled no other idols should be bowed to or u also will suffer the LORDS vengeance will be cast upon thee!!! no weapons shall prosper against the LORD of LORD 'S are watching us while we think when no1 is around is when doing the right thing when u believe no1 can see u !! transgressers beware. put ur trust and love truely on GOD an its impossible to fail
this what GOD gave me to tell the people years ago, 2 chronicles 7 14 says if my people which are called by my name shall humble them self pray seek my face and turn from their wicket way then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land.we seek we pray but are we turning from our wicket ways. all that I can say is Lord help me to turn form my wicket way, David ask GOD in psalms 51 to create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit in him and not to take HIS spirit from him, this is what I am praying to GOD for it is a continual thing to pray and to seek GOD.
I just want to THANK YOU THANK YOU and THANK YOU for this WONDERFUL WEBSITE, THIS website helps me find the verses that i need according to a situation . GOD BLESS YOU Please pray for my family , for my son Serge that he accepts Jesus in his life and all will change, please pray so that Jesus will guide me find the best job as receptionist in Paris please forward my prayer request to those who would pray for me THANK YOU
I find a very moving song him. we sing it every Sunday while the ushers are collecting pray cards. I am going to see if we can sing this at the church I go to back home foe the summer. Snowbird from NH to winter in AZ, Have a good and safe day. God Bless, Ted
Generations clearly refers to genealogy which in itself means the history and origin of a people, concept or thing. For this word to be used in the context of creation shows the writer is trying to tell us or show us that all the heavens and the Earth Planets, stars, etc originate from that which God first created in a genealogical order with one gotten or being formed from another in an ordered sequence. This genealogy must either have been omitted by the writer becsuse it may be too long or the translators saw no use in putting it there for it is clear that verse is not meant to be in the vacuum it currently is for the generations are not listed.