Mark Recognize See the perfect man Jesus , and Behold absorb take in the upright for the end of That Man Jesus is peace. This is how I read this passage.
If Noah was 500 years old when he had three kids, I wonder how old his wife was. For arguments sake, let 's say she was 337. Would people think he "robbed the cradle " ? I would guess she had to be over 400. People sure lived long in those days.
It seems to me that because of the Abrahamic Religions view on 'Original Sin '.. that Knowledge is a Sin.. Punishable. It seems Logical to me that in the Realm of Science which is the Pursuit of Knowledge , ALL Abrahamic Religions can not be held as a Basis of ANY Scientific 'Knowledge '. This would Include the Bible I believe. I point to the Abrahamic Religions obvious scorn of the Basic End result of Scientific Discovery, Namely KNOWLEDGE.. The Original Sin.
This present world is so comparative to that of the time of When Enoch chanok was selected by God to be delivered to heaven by minestry of His angels that I am amazed that continuence for many is allocated by God, good or evil more or less. Lodix l
I totally agree. God 's Holy Spirit is pure. He needs no gimmicks to do His Work. He is a Gentleman. Thank you so much for your very well written comment.
Joseph 's a king of Christ the Lord, as was appointed to take care of the prisioners, we can see also the Judgement aspect of Jesus on Joseph, when the chief baker heard that the interpretation of the butler had been favourable he also attempted to consult about his situation, and Joseph brought a Judgement to him.
I know the name of Jesus for He is my personal Lord Saviour. I trust his name that at the name of Jesus all my enemies are scattered and defeated. For the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel been there and bad. The tender mercies of the Lord are precious to me for without His mercy I would be consumed. I Trust in the mercy of God. To the best of my ability I seek the face of my Lord Jesus every day and I am thirsty to know Him more and more. I love Jesus Christ and God my Father !!!!
To be one 's friend... a true absolute Friend in its purest meaning....Both have to be Equal to each other!! This is always true. God seeks a friend....if we are being honest here? This is the main reason he created any of us in the first place. Friendship and conpanionship!! if one is inferior to his pal. he will resent him eventually and the superior one will get bored and grow tired of his pal.. And true. Friendship it is not! God desires the Created to be as He.... Perfect and as Wise as Himself.
In reading all this one translated word is left out WOOD which is also used all wood come from trees the real issue is what method did the romans use to cruxfiy Jesus
God is telling those who have been asleep and dead spiritually, it 's time to get up and to let the brightness of Chirst to spring forth in their lives. Jesus says "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. " Matt 5 14 Those who call on the name of Jesus will naturally let the goodness and mercy of the Lord shine through them. Those who surrender to God, He gives them a light that shines brightly. When Christ illuminates on the inside of the people of God, then it radiates on the outside. Jesus, who is the Light of the world, brings people out of darkness into His marvelous and holy light. This is only for those who take the free gift and accept God 's dear Son. When we do, God 's glory and His magnificence will surround us, teaching us and molding us into the likeness of Jesus.
Save yourself from this evil world by obeying the words Jesus spoke to Peter in Matthew 16 18 20 I really rather be safe than sorry cause if Jesus gave him the keys to heaven then seek it out and you will find that Peter used the keys when he replied to them that ask the question what must we do ? In acts 2 37 38 keep reading for yourself no one can stand before God but you when it comes to judgement read and be sincere hearted and he 'll see you thru and show you this great salvation!! God bless
Whosoever is born of GOD by the uncorruptable seed of the WORD overcome the world devils snares to rightousness this is victory that overcomes renders this snares impotent even our faith GOD 'S requirement for release of HIS power
Because I have been born again I have a craving for the things of God and not the things of the World. I can only receive the things of God by Faith and ignore the things of the world by standing on the Word of God
Everyone will be punished for breaking the Lord 's rule,even though forgiveness will be given. Sarai experienced the bitterness of being despised from a slave. Abraham is forced to throwaway his own child. It was really painful because regardless the conditions in which a child is born,his parents love him. Hagar for herself, has known the torture of life by having a newborn and a pot of water on her shoulders.Imagine how it is heavy for the young woman walking in the wilderness lonely with a baby,and heavy stuff. We have to be careful of being involved in disobedience of God ' rules whichever the way we sin, by our own,or under others ' influence, each of us will be held accountable. Only Ishmael was innocent in the case.Yes our great and good God has a salvation plan, but abundant tears will be dropped.
I think God is amazing! My summary of 1Peter 2 1 "Stop all this evil nonsense ". Ever thought of this..? What if the devil was God. We would have to do horrible, unspeakable things. How fortunate we are to have such a loving, kind, thoughtful, patient, forgiving Heavenly Father. He just wants us to LOVE. Love Him and love others. Yes, amazing He is.
VICARAVIS FILI DEI the pope 's official title using all the letters that represent a number in roman numerals total exactly 666. This IS THE NAME that is the number of the beast. In other words, the beast, I believe, is coming out of, or is associated with the catholic organization, also known as "the great whore that committed adultery with the nations of the world, " as it is called in REVELATION in the King James Bible.