Another chapter where the verse numbers differ from the NRSV, thus KJV 6 is NRSV 6 7 KJV 7 is NRSV 8 9 KJV 8 10 is NRSV 10 12 KJV 11 is NRSV 13 16 no 14 15 in NRSV due to a dislocation in Greek manuscripts numbers unused but no words missing KJV 12 26 is NRSV 17 31
Thus and to cast away fear for you are children of light..within is your and all all good things blessed..are we know love.. fear has no love...but to cause darkness..and i am is light... you life... seeking out side yourself..takes longer than within.. but i a son a daughter a dog a tree the wind..the you is me.. perfect love.. is when the inside is out and the outside is in there are no differences.. the beast is darkness..and fear.. it lives..on apprehenion.. ..shine your light children... so you know.. i am..your center.. making you center of my attention.. as i am love. the i am.. closer than the thinest line. and love is giving.. light.
Hebrew gematria. 7 heads times 7 crowns equals 49. Ten horns one on each head, leaves 3. The first is Alaska. Most places do not follow American law, only the larger southern cities do. The other two are Canada and Mexico, soon to be the North American Union.
As i have read the chapter 1 of acts,now i have no any comment on the scriptures instead mine is arequest if possible,to send me the few chapters to my email account to have the words always.Thanks.
In the NRSV, verses 1 to 11 from here are 1 to 13, and 12 to 20 are 14 to 26. Verse 1 here is split into 1 and 2 there, shifting the rest down, likewise 2 here is 3 and 4 there. 12 here is 14 to 15 there, 15 here is 18 to 19 there, 17 here is 21 to 22a there, 18 here is 22b to 23 there, 19 here is 24 to 25 there. I have not compared this to the NEB yet as someone has borrowed that edition of the Apocrypha from me.
I believe that homosexual is sin and everybody who attend Church should know that without doubt and if some of us are not sure about it let read Romans 1 26 and 27 too if it still not sure read 1 timothy 1 10.Let us think deep why God did not create 2 Adam or 2 Eve? Why God did not tell Noah to collect few animals of same sex in the ark?can any honest farmer tell me if he she has seen 2 animals of same sex doing that? I think we are smart than animals let us not test the Lord.
In reference to Wanda 's comment 3 28 2014 Istrongly believe that God will never approve of the beginning or continuance of unholy alliances.Jesus told us to remove every hindrance to our heavenward journey,even if they were our eyes or feet.Some marriages can get so bad suicide,murder,frustration etc become very close possibilities.When an alliance becomes absolutely unworkable you can be sure it 's either God has left a long time before or the parties involved have left God behind.In both cases the union can be healed if both parties agree to invite God to do so.Definitely God will not approve of breaking a marital alliance just to go for someone else,which seems to be what Jesus was emphasizing. Mark 10 v 2 12 .A very important question to ask ourselves is whether God had a hand in many of the unions we call marriage in the first instance John 4 v16 18 There are many man .made marriages today,and what God has not joined together,what God does not approve of,HE will definitely not insist on man 's pretentiously and hypocritically Keeping it together for HIS sake.
To Mcmains remark Math, chapter 1 of 6 15 He was in Heaven with His Father, and the Holy Spirit. If you go to the gospel of John chapter 1 verse 1, you will see that He is called also the Word. He always existed. He created this world with Father God and Holy Spirit. That is why we say Holy Trinity.
To Jabu s comment of Amos chapter 8 of 6 15 As the Bible says in Matthew ch 24 verse 12 in latter days the love of many of many shall wax cold. Please don t let this happen to you. Pray and look for another church. If this is impossible, I am sure there are other people who feel thirsty like you.. Why don t you pray in someone house and ask guidance from the Lord? He will open a new door for you. May be you can do house meeting and praying and worshiping and studying the Bible. Dont just wait do something with the other thirsty people. Remember, Rapture is very near. God Bless You all.
Sheep are dumb and stupid. I Praise God that Jesus is the and my Good Shepherd of the sheep. I needed Him. Without His sacrificial death, burial resurrection I would be lost and undone . I was once a sinner but now I have been saved by Grace Jesus . I Praise God that Jesus came and loved the whole world that no one has to go to hell.
Demous loved the world 2 Tim 4 10 Jesus if you were of the world you would love it John 15 19 They are of the World 1 John 4 5 who are they everyone who does not except that Jesus is the son of God 1 John 4 3 live forever the will of the father John 6 40 Demous left paul because 1 John 2 19 he was not a christian lust does not refer to just sex he denied that Jesus was Gods son they let him go Paul remained
As of 2017 the United States will be issuing out implants, this is a staple point in history that I believe revelation is talking about. In the Obama care act page 1509 it states the exact date from the start of Obama care implementation being 36 months. It says you will not be able to buy nor sell unless you take the chip. It will be used to control and track anyone that has this device. It has been written into the law. The Bible is coming full circle with its prophecy. Please read it for yourself pages 1501 thru 1510 of the Obama care act.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strong holds, arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Make the thoughts, obedience to CHRIST. 2Cor.10 5,6
In daniel7.It give some numbers whic show two groups one group minister while the next are judge out of the books.witnesses say only 144,000 wil be in heaven
Acts 10 34 35 34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
When a person is born again,and becomes a new creature,these are the attributes that we receives that will eventually if we 2 Tim 1 3 take paul 's advice it will be expressed in our character.
I get the first part regardless of translation. The second part is unclear. Scorner mocker of what? In general? These behaviors ARE negative, but an abomination seems over the top in comparison to other abominations. I guess as it 's said, "sin is sin. ". Peace.
why we no that god is alive and we did not obey his law, he said man and woman should live as husband and wife, but now, animals sleep with human being, man and man is sleeping together, why