Christian Life Page 194

  • Joe L on Luke 16 - 10 years ago
    When a wife and husband have sex outside there marriage. They commited sin. The both of them still has that sin with them whem they go brfore God. However they should repent and pray to God in Jesus name to help with that sin. Nevertheless the both of them can still marry someone else. Enroll in a regular sunday and bible study classes. Have bless day.
  • Nontobeko shezi. on Genesis 1:28 - 10 years ago
    Hi everyone .iv been reading the bible and there is something that really confuses me.can anyone help! Iv read genesis 1and 2 verse 27 28 and it in a way says god said "be fruitful and multiply to one flesh which is adam " so is it true that adam was androgynous? If true was god telling that to one person? Or that verse is just a summary of what god said after creating 2 flesh?
  • Phil Bradley on Deuteronomy 1 - 10 years ago
    I lover every book of GODs word it is our road map and helper.
  • Halligan agade on Deuteronomy 6:4 - 10 years ago
    When you read the bible from Genesis to Revelation without referencing to Quran you will realize that Christ Jesus is God.It is that easy to understand
  • John on Psalms 1 - 10 years ago
    I promise God that I will not commit adultery but with three day I find myself doing the same sin. please my brothers and sisters help me with deliverance prayer.
  • Evang. bukola on 1 John 4 - 10 years ago
    You have not love your brothers and you are pledging everyday that you love God, but how come you are means the hatred of God is in you,never forget john 3 vs 16 for God so loved the world that he gave us his begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have and everlasting life, God shows his love for you but you refuse nd determine in your mind that its only you and your family that we enjoy the grace and your brothers and friend are outside there perishing in their foolishness,if you love them you tell and give them the truth which is everlasting life you have recieved through the love of God. go out and shows them the love that is in you, you in christ and christ in you..for christ is love.
  • Bukola moses on 1 John 4:5 - 10 years ago
    They are the servant of the devil called false prophets, devil found many ways to have covenant with people God created but its a mistake no way, that is why they try to enter some people like us even beliver 's to give them power,wisdom,nd understanding but the word od God says dis wisdom comes not from above but of the devil..i am from african, so they call their spirit names..listen it works for them..power of seven b oks of moses!
  • Tony on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    hmm 1corin 1414 when i speak in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth god is a spirit and they who worship him must worship him in ....
  • Kola Ojisua on Philemon 1:6 - 10 years ago
    That the sharing of our faith might quicken us alive as we show His rich dimensional attributes in us
  • Kazi Altaf on Numbers 23:19 - 10 years ago
    Jesus was born without a father so was Adam Jesus had a mother but Adam did not so does that mean Adam a greater than jesus the thing is in this quote God clearly indicates that he is not a creation nor a part of it that makes him unique and that God can never be in
  • Patricia on Proverbs 29:15 - 10 years ago
    Funny how fundamentalists don 't enforce Solomon 's proverbs about beating all fools on the back with a rod. What about preachers who commit adultery or see prostitutes? Why not spank them in front of the church? Adultery 's a far worse sin than scribbling on the walls. Solomon built child eating idols for his heathen wives. So why do Christians look up to him as a child REAR ing expert?
  • NELSON KAPURUA on Psalms 127:4 - 10 years ago
    When young people are given knowledge on Words of God,they will be able to preach and spread for in youth lies many things
  • MOMODU ALEYE JOSHUA on Job 13:15 - 10 years ago
    No matter what I pass through in life I will trust and serve my God with truth and integrity cause he will lift me up on thet situation
  • Q on Hebrews 11:1 - 10 years ago
    My faith is strong . God and I have a great relationship. I am going through something I already ask Him for help. I would like to ask this community to also help pray for me. Thank you.
  • Clare on Psalms 23 - 10 years ago
    I love You so much Big Guy upstairs. I long to bring You glory.
  • Franklin on Matthew 1 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 26 24 Read whole chapter See verse in context The Son of man goeth as it is written of him but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born
  • Ms.V. on 1 Esdras 1 - 10 years ago
    Where my I purchase a 1611 version? I am just beginning to explore these texts. Thank you. Ms.V.
  • Tyson on Proverbs 3:6 - 10 years ago
    Amen to everyone 's comments does anyone have a group descousion or maybe someone that send out the word of the day?
  • Paddy on Revelation 1 - 10 years ago
    September marks three and a half years of the Syria conflict, it also marks the half way point of the last 7 years mentioned in revelations, I pray for all of you, let the lord be magnified
  • Gregg on 1 Kings 9 - 10 years ago
    Today is July 4th 2014 and it is a hollow day. we have done as a nation what Soloman was told not to do. America has embraced so many other gods I wonder that God hasn 't brought down the hammer yet. Not much longer I would guess.
  • Udeme Nta on Jeremiah 25:3 - 10 years ago
    Truly truly, the Lord GOD hath spoken unto me that it is very imperative for us to wake up early and cry the gospel of repentance to the people. GOD give us grace in JESUS name. Amen
  • DW Kern on Revelation 22 - 10 years ago
    I cannot help but wonder that God is God and Satan but never at the same time. It is the only way He can be omnipotent. Nothing else makes much sense and it also stands to reason when He scripturally states that there are no Gods before Him and No Gods after. This has to mean He is both, which is why He cannot be fooled by false prophets, false Christians or even false people. Suddenly it makes sense why mankind uses technology and needs it desporately for creating the illusion that he is god. The American Space program is called the Apollo program. We have never been to the moon! All those space programmers using Christianity to sell space travel using the money in reality to dig underground cities to hide in when the ** hits the fan!
  • Nick cariello on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    Is god omniscient? If so, and the bible is the word of God, then he must have known that thousands upon thousands of so called witches would be put to death in horrible ways!
  • Patrick on Hebrews 4 - 10 years ago
    I think this website is a great tool for everyone. I like how they add the questions in the bottom of the page to test what you read earlier in the passage. I hope that they spend their time on those questions and keep asking those questions to help people everywhere.
  • Rachel brooks on Proverbs 1 - 10 years ago
    Need a lesson plan not understanding
  • Shirley on Ephesians 4:30 - 10 years ago
    I guess I grieved the holy spirit because of the example my grandmother gave me. I really didn 't know any better.
  • Nene on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
    Mr. Mike God bless you for sharing this gospel the only saving message whereby we must be saved, please for your own sakes just try it for yourselves and not lose out because you will be better safe than sorry. Please Listen to Mr. Mike if it do not work then you will prove us in the wrong. You will be HAPPY!!! In Jesus Name marching up to Zion.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 1 - 10 years ago
    I know catholics may have a tough time accepting the fact that Mary and Joseph came together in physical intimacy, to say they didnt is to go contrary to biblical scriptural truth, the bible says "He knew her not til she she brought forth her Firstborn Son, the word "til and firstborn are so clear as to show us that this couple did participate in the sex part of the marriage union at a future time after the birth of Jesus.
  • Tawonga Phiri on Exodus 22:28 - 10 years ago
    "Do not revile the gods " means you should not dishonor the persons through whom God speaks. These were not the cheap modern day self proclaimed preachers but were dead to the world people whose souls had been assessed by God and had been proved worthy. Even when Jesus came, he mentioned in John 10 34 that they were the ones through whom the Word was sent.
  • Jonathan Novak on Exodus 13 - 10 years ago
    For Bobbie Tunstall and others, The route of the Exodus for the first 8 days of passover is now certainly known because we have found those who pursued Moses and those with him. Moses went west across the Wadi Tumilat canal of the Pharaohs to Etham near Lake Timsah now part of the Suez Canal . Then they went down the Western side of what was then the Hero 'opolite Gulf, which extended to the Gulf of Suez past the Great and Little Bitter Lakes and camped in the then peninsula which faced east several miles above the Gulf of Suez. They camped east north east of the mountain, Jebel Ataka Migdol , between Migdol and the sea. I just found a great picture but I cannot share the link in this post. If you search on "redseabow " and or add a dot com you can find my write ups. Also searching "Exodusbow " as all one word should get you to another site with a more general writeup. I wish you God 's Love. JN

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