World of sport all sport, world of fish all fish, Jesus died for the world man all men everywhere , like all fish or sport everywhere tresponse to Raysons interpretation of John 3 16
If you haven 't read the whole book The Levite sends his concubine sex slave out to be raped by a crowd of men They rape her to death. He never tried to stop it, he commanded his slave to be raped to death. Apologists try to hide this example the photo on this page says "a Levite finds the corpse of a concubine " when in the story it 's the corpse of his concubine that he sent to her death Others will say that this was an act of self defense However, in the previous chapter it clearly states that the Levite and his companions sat in the town square for a long time and that only one person noticed them If the town was swarming with homosexual rape murder mobs, I 'm pretty sure they would have all been raped to death while waiting for hours in the center of town This is horrifying
What I got out of this is we must trust God now and that we do not have to do all the things they had to go threw then so we are a bless generation and many people today still turn there face to Jesus after he came and died for us all thank The lord Jesus for dying for me and now its up to me to live for Jesus because he gave us free will Amend
i just think this is an example of unforgiveness. and i see that i 'm not the only one who thinks, knows, that there are people who really do devilish, punishable things to us. just glad i stumbled across this.
No I disagee. The Lord God would never refer to mere men as gods. This must be somewhat parallel to Jude, when he was saying that even Michael said "The LORD rebuke you satan ". Maybe we are to free with the way we address spiritual powers and this gives them cause to attack us? That is my take....
I love god is my father only and he wachted over me cause he love. He love sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????! I hope god love me more ............ God if you are there talk to me please !!!!!!!!!!!love
I agree with James about this passage. If after doesn 't mean after in this passage then what else in the bible isn 't correct, Rom. 3 4 says let God be true and every man a liar. Don 't alter the WORD to try proving what you believe..
Dear David, you made an excellent observation. Remember at the time of the flood, Noah and his family went into the ark,the LORD shut the door and immediately the rains came...also as soon as Lot and his daughters went out of Sodom and Gomorrah it began to rain fire and brimstone. It seems LORD is showing us a pattern.
according to the scripture is clear and obvious that if we were once abandoned. He LORD GOD will one day call us again, in these current economic crises we in the LORD has one thing that it will be well with us our marriage, work and in all things, am sure all will rebirth again. amen
revelation 21 tells behold I make all this things new .God Went through giving more blessing after judgement giving mine life that does not end on earth.
The wisdom of man shall be made foolishness in 1611 they translate thou shalt not kill! Yet everything else they translate said thou shalt not murder because murderers should be put to death or killed. So we live in world full of prisons that the walls can t always contain what s inside and good Christians believe that God said thou shalt not kill and murderers go free and when they kill again we say why does God let these things happen? In 1611 everything else said thou shalt not murder because murderers should be killed.
Acts is a transitional book. They didn 't have all the Pauline revelation see Galatians chapter 1. Thats one reason why you see the differences in receiving of the Holy Spirit. But if you want an excuse to go to hell on the Lord will let you have it. Read Ezekiel 14 1 thru 9. Now the apostle Paul was already saved before Acts 22 16 otherwise he was not BROTHER Saul in verse 13. Verse 12 says Ananias was a devout man according to the LAW so he associated water baptism with the O.T. lasw of purification see Num 19 7 thru 22, John 11 55, then read Acts 21 verses 24 thru 25. Please read those verses. We dont sing we have heard the joyful sound water saves, water saves. We sing Jesus saves Jesus saves!!!! Wash away thy sins, CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD. What can wash away my sins? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD!!!